Menstruating for many women is a painful and terrible event. In addition to experiencing immense discomfort with cramping and abdominal pain, monthly bleeding may not be the most comfortable of situations. That is why several doctors have indicated with increasing frequency the use of continuous contraceptives. The continuous contraceptive is a relief for many women, but not all of them know how it works in the body and neither the pros and cons it offers. So let’s unravel the mystery, what this drug benefits women in addition to the absence of menstruation and what harm it can cause in prolonged use.
Most of the contraceptives for continuous use work with estrogen , while others with progesterone as well as Cerazette. Like the other contraceptive pills , only with the difference in dosage, as the continuous contraceptive is much more intense than the AC that asks for a break at the end of a 21 or 24 day cycle. Contrary to what was thought some time ago, the body that does not menstruate is much healthier from a reproductive point of view. A woman who protects herself from menstruation and ovulation would be much more likely to conceive naturally even at an older age, as her ovaries would be in perfect condition when released from the contraceptive method . Fertility will not be achieved for the prolonged use of this type of contraception.
Benefits of Continuous Contraceptives
In addition to the benefit of not menstruating, continuous contraception also helps women with other important issues such as menstrual problems:
- Prevents endometriosis
- Eliminates or reduces cramps
- Prevents ovarian and endometrial cancer
- Reduces PMS in 80% of cases
- Eliminates the risk of ovarian cysts
- Avoid anemia
Women with intense cycles that get to be uncomfortable due to the volume of menstrual bleeding benefit and a lot from the use of the pill continues. It should be indicated by the doctor , because each case is different and you need to use the right pill for your type of problem or simply because you want to stop menstruating.
The cons of continuous contraceptives are recurring problems in this type of medication. Some women have frequent escapes of brown lees and even bright red bleeding if the dose is not adequate. If the body does not adapt to the method, there may be swelling and weight gain for the woman.
The most common way to use continuous contraceptives is the pill, but there are other ways like the IUD, the contraceptive injection and the implant so that the woman no longer needs to menstruate. The quarterly injection is a good example, if taken correctly it can prevent menstruation from coming, this being the basis of progesterone. The hormonal IUD also stops the woman’s menstruation efficiently, his problem is the price, it costs around R $ 600 to R $ 800 to put it in the doctor’s office. The investment in the IUD lasts around 3 years. The implant is also a way to inhibit menstruation. The implant can be inserted subcutaneously and costs around R $ 1,200.00and lasts about 5 years. The most used contraceptive for continuous use is the base of synthetic or natural progesterone, it is the most accessible of all and costs around R $ 25.00 , however you must have a gynecologist’s indication for its use. Combined estrogen is also a continuous contraceptive, and costs around R $ 40.00.
You should always remember that the only person indicated to advise you on using contraceptives is your gynecologist. Never take a pill at the recommendation of friends or relatives, as each person’s body and body needs a different type of pill and each body reacts in a different way to continuous contraception. Be very careful in choosing the contraceptive and any problems you have during use, report to the doctor responsible for the treatment.
Taking advantage of the space, I want to tell a news to our mommy readers and who are thinking about having another baby in the future, or even if they have a friend who is trying to get pregnant. In partnership with Famivita, we have developed a line of specialized products for health and fertility. Among them are FamiFerti fertility vitamins, ViriFerti fertility vitamins, ovulation tests and the FamiGel fertility-friendly lubricating gel, which plays the role of mucus, increasing sperm mobility as well as increasing pleasure. You can find each of these products, as well as the tempting kit here in our online store.
See also: Injectable Contraceptives – More Benefits or Disadvantages?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.