The human being is moved by instincts, emotions and reactions that occur as the day goes on. The body reacts to natural impulses in the face of occurrences and this is essential for the survival of man, to react and present feelings in situations. But what about when those feelings overflow and end up becoming something frequent and uncontrolled, like anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling considered common and is part of the life of all human beings, in the face of everyday situations. Related to fear, expectation or insecurity of something unknown or out of our control, anxiety is natural, when it does not affect the person’s life. But how do you know that what is going on is just a natural anxiety or is overdoing it? In this article we will talk about anxiety disorder, the main symptoms to identify it and the appropriate treatments.
What is Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder recognized by the acronym TAG is a mental disorder characterized by excessive worry or persistent uncontrolled expectations. It can last for a few weeks and in most cases, months, accompanied by very uncomfortable and characteristic symptoms.
The lack of feeling control ends up being totally disproportionate to the event, causing great suffering and even interfering in the relationship with other people, affecting family, social and especially professional life. Situations that were once so simple to resolve, become complicated and often impossible, due to the difficulty in concentration caused by anxiety levels.
Anxiety disorder can affect men and women of all ages, even in childhood. However, the largest number of occurrences of the disorder is related to females and is believed to be linked to hormonal factors and also to the accumulation of functions that women carry in their daily lives.
Main Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
The symptoms of anxiety disorder can vary from person to person, as well as the level of anxiety you are experiencing. But one symptom that is certain is that of the permanent presence of concerns , even in situations that are not necessary. The insecurity and constant tension, thoughts in a thousand and a head that does not turn off and passes from one concern to another, which seems to have no end. For people who accompany a person who suffers from anxiety disorder, it seems to be “making a storm out of the glass of water”. At the time of great stress and anxiety the person has some characteristic symptoms of the disorder, which are called anxiety attacks, among the main ones are:
- Palpitations;
- Lack of air;
- Increase in Blood Pressure;
- Sickness;
- Diarrhea;
- Severe chest pain
- Excessive sweat
With the lack of control, the individual will show greater irritability, difficulty concentrating on things that were so simple to do, constant muscle tension, headaches and fatigue.
Through all the studies and research that surround the subject, because it is reaching more and more people every day, it is not very difficult to identify a person with anxiety disorder. With conviviality it is possible to observe signs in behavior even before the disorder worsens, stay tuned!
Fear of Everything
People who are suffering from anxiety disorder often overestimate risks and dangers much of the time. They end up avoiding situations due to fear, which has a huge impact on social life. There are cases of refusing to do tests requested by the doctor, for having projected a diagnosis on the head or even canceling a trip because you are afraid of having an accident.
Eat More Than Normal
Eating compulsively, without hunger and often without even chewing properly, as a way to “relieve” your problems are strong signs of anxiety. People with anxiety disorder tend to lose control with their food or to be more specific, see food as an escape valve and open the refrigerator and cupboards every time they are anxious. In this case, redoubled alert is necessary so that the problem does not worsen further and becomes a binge eating.
Feeling Without Irrational Fears
Feeling afraid of failure, feeling incapable, self-criticizing and thinking that people don’t like it, are constant feelings of a person with anxiety syndrome. That famous “chase mania”, in fact, can be a strong indication that you or your friend is going through a difficult time and within an anxiety crisis.
Obsessive Thinking
Constantly thinking about a certain issue to be resolved, not being able to focus on other things and not having control of thoughts in an agonizing way is one of the signs that an individual with anxiety disorder shows. Obsessive thinking can also be linked to other neurological factors such as depression , bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Being perfectionist
Being a perfectionist can be a quality, as long as you have some control of the situation. But when this characteristic becomes something insistent and tireless to meet standards and reach tall objects, it can generate a picture of intense dissatisfaction. The fear of making mistakes, makes the individual with anxiety disorder not accept to fail, lose or fail to reach their objects, causing aggressive reactions when it happens.
Treatment For Anxiety Disorder
A set of precautions are indicated for the treatment of anxiety disorder, which, if followed correctly, provide a faster and more satisfactory result. The first step is to seek help from a specialist, who will be able to carefully evaluate you and together find the best options, look for a psychologist.
Psychotherapy Sessions
Therapy sessions are very suitable for patients suffering from anxiety disorder or any other mental disorder . In the sessions, a relationship of trust is developed between the patient and the psychologist, where an environment of total support and openness to speak freely is provided , guided by a neutral and non-judgmental person.
Treatment is based on dialogue and as a partnership, patient and psychologist work together to align thoughts and behaviors that have affected the patient’s life and health. The focus is to seek self-knowledge and control, especially in situations that are out of control.
One method that has had many positive results for anxiety disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. That, through the therapist’s approaches, it is possible to interpret the events through the way the patient sees the events and not the ones that occurred. Method to work the ways that the patient sees, thinks, feels and acts in situations of discomfort or sadness or any other opposite feeling.
Physical Activity Practice
The practice of physical activity is not only indicated for the care of the body, but also and especially the care for the mind. The practice of physical exercises helps in strengthening the immune system, in combating cardiovascular diseases, controls weight gain, provides a sense of well-being, increases mood and improves work productivity.
It is also a great method for fighting insomnia and improving mental health. During the practice of physical exercises the body releases endorphins, causing a feeling of well-being for the patient , naturally controlling the levels of stress and anxiety.
Use of Medications
Treatment for anxiety disorder may include the use of some medications such as antidepressants or anxiolytics that must be strictly followed under the guidance of a psychiatrist, after referral from your psychologist.
Drug-based treatment should normally be continued for a period of at least six months to twelve months, always receiving monitoring from the doctor to analyze the symptoms. With the disappearance of symptoms, the doctor will request a dose reduction in a decreasing way, which is called the “weaning” of the medication. Ensuring that the patient’s body reacts more smoothly with the withdrawal of medication.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.