Starting today we will receive tips from the Maternity Coach girls! A team specialized in the well-being of babies and dads too, valuable tips that will pay off and help many families! Welcome girls!
The truth is that we only know what it is like to be without sleep after the birth of a child … even the ballads in adolescence were followed by a few hours of peace and a good breakfast. Unfortunately that ends one day! Worry, breastfeeding on demand and a pacifier that falls from the mouth are just some of the many reasons that prevent parents from having peaceful and restorative nights (so necessary for those who have a baby!)
From the 4th month of life on, most babies start to sleep from 8 to 10 hours a night, allowing their parents’ well-deserved rest to happen. But what if it doesn’t? For many families that do sleep training, the biggest discomfort of motherhood is not sleeping at night. In this post I will talk about some of the reasons that can cause the baby to wake up, and some attitudes that parents can have to prevent this from happening.
Hunger: If your baby’s age is less than 9 months and he is breastfed, an overnight feeding is considered completely normal. However, if he is gaining adequate weight and developing normally, try to eliminate this (s) feed (s) gradually, providing the necessary amount of milk according to your child’s age during daytime feeds.
Your baby may be cold or hot: depending on the climate, some changes such as heaters or changing the blankets are necessary to maintain the baby’s well-being. Always remember that babies are extremely sensitive to cold or heat.
Teeth: teeth can start to hurt up to 3 months before they appear! With this pain, your baby may have difficulty falling asleep after each sleep cycle. Talk to your baby’s pediatrician about ways to alleviate this discomfort.
Wrong sleep associations: if your baby only sleeps while breastfeeding, it will be difficult to go back to sleep after the sleep cycle is over. Remember that sleeping is a learning experience, and if your baby learns that he needs to breastfeed to sleep, he probably won’t be able to go back to sleep alone. This goes for any attitude that parents take to get their baby to sleep. The ideal is for the baby to learn to sleep alone, because only then will he know what to do when he wakes up at night – go back to sleep.
Excessive tiredness: all children (babies or not) need to sleep as soon as they show signs of tiredness. Many parents think that keeping the baby awake will make him sleep through the night and often the opposite happens: the child takes too long to sleep, wakes up several times during the night or wakes up very early. Many of these signs are particular to each child and are not always eye rubbing or irritation. Usually the parents say that the baby “fights against sleep” . Unfortunately, he is asking to sleep earlier and it is up to the parents to identify and respect the baby’s signals.
Always remember that the key word for a good night’s sleep is ROUTINE . Children feel safe when they know “what will happen next”. A structured and constant routine ensures peace and tranquility for many families and to finish, I leave here two two many benefits of sleep in the lives of children:
- Sleep plays a key role in the neurological system
- Sleeping prevents attention deficit and hyperactivity
- Babies who sleep well learn better and have good memories
- The immune system works best when sleep is up to date
- Sleep problems can cause depression in adolescence
We will soon talk about other reasons that may cause your child to wake up during the night . Stay tuned to Maternity Coach posts for Changing Diapers!
Good dreams,
Michele Melão is a specialist in infant sleep training and baby planner at the Maternity Coach ( ) certified by the International Academy of Baby Planner Professionals (IABPP) and International Maternity Institute (IMI). In addition to the sleep consultancy, the Maternity Coach offers a series of services for pregnant women and babies such as shantala, breastfeeding, aromatherapy and photography of pregnant women and newborns.
Taking advantage of the space, I want to tell a news to our mommy readers and who are thinking about having another baby in the future, or even if they have a friend who is trying to get pregnant. In partnership with Famivita, we have developed a line of specialized products for health and fertility. Among them are FamiFerti fertility vitamins, ViriFerti fertility vitamins, ovulation tests and the FamiGel fertility-friendly lubricating gel , which plays the role of mucus, increasing sperm mobility as well as increasing pleasure. You can find each of these products here in our online store .
See also: How to Care for a Baby with Colic
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.