For those trying to conceive, the fertile period is the most important time in the cycle. That is why ovulation symptoms are so important to be identified. It becomes much easier to know when to date to finally get pregnant. But what are the symptoms of ovulation really? Sometimes in the cycle they are not so clear and the best way to identify the symptoms of ovulation is to know the body and its cycle well.
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First, let’s better understand how ovulation happens. The woman menstruates living blood and this should be considered the first day of the cycle. We usually say that ovulation can happen 14 days before the next menstruation , but this is not always the average to follow, it can be 11 to 14 days before menstruation starts, but it can also be at any time of the cycle for women with problems constancy of menstruation dates.
During the cycle the woman has hormonal changes with estrogen in the first phase and LH which are both responsible for the maturation of the eggs to fertilize. The estrogen and FSH is who grows the follicle and the endometrium and is also responsible for the large amount of elastic mucus that shows the fertile period , but also helps the sperm up the uterus off to meet the egg. For women who do not have a large amount of mucus, lubricating gels can be used that play this role and help conception to occur faster, as in the case of FamiGel. That in addition to playing the role of fertile mucus, balances the vaginal pH increasing the survival of the sperm and also helps them reach the egg, not to mention the vaginal lubrication that will provide much more pleasure in the sexual act. You can buy the FamiGel lubricating gel here in our online store.
IMPORTANT: Women who know their body and their menstrual cycle well, can easily identify the symptoms of ovulation. Writing down and monitoring at least 2 months the information collected during the period, will help to better understand the functioning of your cycle.
When the egg is mature enough to be released, the LH rises and prepares the ground for ovulation to happen itself, and then 24 to 48 hours from the peak of the LH the egg is expelled from the follicle , hence the ovulation itself. But how to identify that moment?
How to Identify Ovulation?
Do we assume that not all women have regular cycles with 28, 30 or 32 days and then calculate the fertile period if each month the cycle has a different duration of days? Well, let’s learn to identify the fertile period, symptoms that ovulation is about to occur. In addition to clear elastic mucus, but as not all women have elastic mucus apparent in the fertile period, it is worth mentioning the other ovulation symptoms.
- Elastic or slippery mucus with the appearance of molten stone soap
- Abdominal pain only on one side or both
- Hooks at the height of the navel
- Lower body temperature
- Increased libido
- Extreme vaginal moisture
- Bleeding or minimal leakage of brownish blood or mucus
- Positive ovulation test
So if we add two or more of these symptoms together with the period of the probable cycle in which you would ovulate, you would know exactly on which days to have sex to get pregnant. To facilitate confirmation of this period, you can use ovulation tests, choose reliable brands like Famivita. You can purchase them here in our online store .
In addition to these symptoms, some women experience mood swings due to hormonal fluctuation. Very common to look like PMS and some also feel the nipple itch. Ovulation symptoms may also be similar to pregnancy symptoms , but they are early and less intense. In addition, some women may also experience headaches from falling estrogen.
Ovulation Bleeding Is There?
Yes, ovulation bleeding can occur! This can happen because with the release of the egg there may be bleeding from the follicle in the rupture . This type of sign is more unusual, but it can happen in one or the other ovulatory cycle, with bleeding occurring in the fertile period .
The aspect of ovulation bleeding is similar to that of nesting bleeding . It can be reddish and with brown mucus at times, of course not all bleeding in the middle of the cycle is ovulatory but it does happen and it is detectable! Women who take inducers may experience these more severe pains and are also more likely to bleed.
Temperatura Basal
Has not adhered to the basal temperature yet ? so learn how to measure and get to know your body better to detect ovulation even with an unregulated cycle. Since estrogen causes a drop in temperature, anyone who practices this method of basal temperature can identify ovulation much faster .
These are ovulation symptoms that can be subtle but that make a difference in the life of those trying to conceive. Keep an eye on the mucus and the more elastic and thin they are the closer to ovulation you are! Date every other day, no problem. Follow the tips for ovulation symptoms and good luck!
Ovulation Test and When to Do It
We assume that not all women have a straight 28-day cycle. In fact, the vast majority of women have cycles of 30 to 38 days, but not always with regulated menstruation, in which every cycle comes on the same day. That is why we raised the possibility of ovulation to happen at any time during that cycle , within the fertile period that will change from cycle to cycle and from organism to organism.
Therefore, we need to realize that several conditions of ovulation, which your body will show are essential, and the ovulation test will help a lot in this phase of attempts. It is recommended to start the ovulation test as soon as the first signs of a fertile period appear. For some women the test can start to be done on the 10th day of the cycle, for others on the 20th day of the cycle, and there is no problem, each organism is unique and this is the reality of the human being. Buy your ovulation test here in our online store.
Questions from Readers:
Is there ovulation without mucus?
Yes, some women may not have mucus or be so minimal that they go unnoticed, but they do not stop ovulating. In this case, women tend to get wetter than normal and are able to recognize their fertile period due to other signs of the period. But if you are the type of woman who has difficulty identifying your mucus or is suffering from vaginal dryness, fertility-friendly lubricating gels can be used as is the case with FamiGel. The FamiGel lubricating gel, in addition to faithfully playing the role of fertile mucus, balances vaginal PH by increasing the survival of sperm and also facilitates their arrival at the egg, not to mention that with increased vaginal lubrication, pleasure also increases. You can buy your FamiGelhere in our online store.
Is ovulation without mucus an indication of a problem?
Not necessarily, in some cases the lack of mucus can indicate low estrogen, but it is usually a common factor among women. If in doubt, talk to your gynecologist who will analyze your case.
What is the difference between fertile period and ovulation?
The fertile period is a few days that are estimated to occur, while ovulation occurs in a single day.
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See also: Billings method knowing the cervical mucus. and fertile period calculator
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.