Linda, expressive and charismatic eyes, so is Lu Ferreira, Chata de Galocha, from the site of the same name, who is now Mia da Bia and Léo’s wife. She tells us a little about what it’s like to be a mother and how the adventure of motherhood started in her life. Get to know a little more about Lu and her beautiful family. Welcome Lu!
Changing Diapers: Talk a little more about you and Bia (you can talk about the baby’s temperament, your profession, etc.)
Lu: I am a designer but I work since 2010 exclusively with online content creation, in Chata de Galocha and social networks. Leo is a photographer and has an agency specialized in weddings, Agencia Uai. Bia was born in November 2015 =)
Changing Diapers: How did you and Léo meet?
Lu: I was an intern with him, who is a publicist by training, when I was at the end of college.
Changing Diapers: Did you plan to get pregnant? Was there any difficulty in achieving this?
Lu: Yes, we did. We had no difficulty =)
Changing Diapers: How was the positive?
Lu: It was a very intense moment! I thought of doing some fun to tell him, but I couldn’t help it, heheh!
Changing Diapers: How was it to receive the news of the pregnancy
Lu: It was something very intense – it was not a surprise, because we were trying, but when it comes for real we give a freak out right? It is a little hard to believe, the plug took a long time to fall.
Changing Diapers: Was the pregnancy peaceful? Did you have any against time? Was Léo a Lu a good pregnancy or was she very demanding? Did you have any crazy desires?
Lu: The pregnancy was very peaceful, I had nothing out of the ordinary, thank goodness! I was a boring and complaining pregnant woman, but when you are known as Chata de Galocha you don’t have much to escape, right? Heheh! The hormones moved me a lot.
Changing Diapers: How was Bia’s birth? How does it feel to see the baby for the first time?
Lu: There is a complete report there on the blog, but natural childbirth was the best experience of my life. It was a very intense and very happy moment, exactly as we planned. In fact, better than we planned.
Bia, Leo and Lu
Changing Diapers: Léo diapers? Do you bathe, food? Lu, is he a participative father? How do you feel about being a first-time parent?
Lu: Leo shares absolutely all the responsibilities and care for me. Everything we do is trying to get it right, but as we’ve never done that before, we’ve got a few squeezes, heheh!
Changing Diapers: Lu which event after Bia’s birth marked you the most? What would you do differently?
Lu: The day of her first smile was very emotional. In fact, every day is exciting, because every day she learns something new, it is really cool to be able to follow a life beginning.
Changing Diapers: Do you have a funny story about changing diapers or an “accident” with the baby?
Lu: I don’t remember …
Changing Diapers: What expectation did they have that was not at all a reality in the maternity ward?
Lu: I thought having a newborn was fine, HAHA! Like “she is going to sleep and I am going to work, easy!”. The first few months were hard, mainly because we are self-employed and we didn’t have a license…
Changing Diapers: How did the idea for the YouTube channel come about? Tell us a little more about the site and what the readers can find there.
Lu: The videos were a natural development of the blog. I find the video format more dynamic and it turns out that I feel closer to those who follow me too. In the channel we post our trips, videos related to fashion and beauty, delicious recipes and our experiences as first-time parents.
Changing Diapers: A piece of advice for dads and first-time moms who would have liked to have had it before delivery.
Lu: I think there is no lack of advice at this stage, right? But one thing I tell my pregnant friends is that we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. A baby demands a lot from us and the worst thing is to try to do everything on our own and end up exhausted.
See also: Fernando Vem Aí! Lia Camargo
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.