The Inversion of Modern Times Values ​​- Two Points of View


Inversion of values ​​a while ago was when someone changed the price tag by mistake … I honestly think we are living in a time when everything seems upside down. Children from the 40s, 50s or even 80s know well how it was the strict treatment of adults with minors. I remember very well when I was a child, one look from my parents or teachers was enough to feel that I was doing something wrong. The values ​​at that time, the 80s were dictated by family members who taught us to respect the elders in every way. These people rigorously educated and taught what is right and wrong but still lovingly, without distortion of facts, child was child. Before fathers were respected blindly, when a NO was said, he who prevailed even if upset, children respected this maximum authority, father and mother.

Time passed and with it came the era of parents who work full time, even on weekends . The inversion of values ​​ended up conquering space in modern families and each day more allowing small dictators to manifest themselves. The permissiveness that used to be isolated cases gave rise to an epidemic of children who were dictators of their wills, owners of their homes. A generation of little people who obtained almost absolute control of the authority of the house taking the place of father, mother and now at school want to override the authority of teachers who teach for love. We see in useful programs like Super Nany and others similar to the difficulty that some parents have to regain control of the home and education of their children.

But what caused such a reversal of values? What is the reason for the behavioral change in just two decades? In my opinion, the guilt that parents feel when they are away from home and outsource their children’s education to caregivers and eventually to full-time schools. With guilt comes the unconscious act of allowing to make up for your absence. Today in the cable TV era, children are allowed to stay up until the time they want, choose what they want to see on TV and even what the family should eat for dinner. A theory also for inversion of values ​​is the intervention of laws and more unreasonable laws regarding how each parent should educate their children. Of course, there are efficient and necessary laws as in the child and adolescent defense code, these must ensure the rights of each one.

In other times, the teacher was the highest law in the school, today due to various laws and prohibitions it has become inappropriate to attract the attention of a student , because parents voracious for justice attack the professionals who help and teach their children. Those parents who are guilty of overworking hours, who blame the red score on teachers, exempting themselves from the responsibility of watching lessons and learning at home. The inversion of values ​​reached such a point that the great part of society started to think that it would be right for a minor to commit crimes and get away with it simply because he was considered a child without responsibilities under his actions.

So how do we counter this inversion of society’s values ​​where everything has become allowed? What affects the acts of blind parents due to the need or convenience of simply delegating their children’s education to others? I have noticed that more and more people are realizing that this generation of people in which they are totally supported in their will is harmful to themselves. Parents of this new generation, education is something you learn at home and not at school. The values ​​must be passed on from father to children and opening time on the daily schedule is not a waste of time, it is investing in education and planting good seeds in those who will take care of future generations.

To educate is not to beat, it is to teach what is right and what is harmful. Drugs, bad company and sex should be addressed when parents decide the time has come. Talking, talking is always the best option and certainly adopting the imposition of limits for the little ones. A child who listens is also not happy, he only understands earlier and learns more naturally than not everything we want is a priority in life. We must help and let them be citizens aware of the limitations they may have in the future.

Saying NO too and proof of love!

By: Patricia Amorim

The Inversion of Modern Times Values ​​- Second Point of View

We heard from our parents and grandparents about the treatment they had with their parents, respect was evident, with the look they already knew if they were doing something wrong or if they should behave better. Today we see children bossing around, giving orders to their parents, making decisions that only a mother or father would have to make and then the whole problem starts. The wings are given to those who should still be learning to fly, and no one will be able to stop.

In the past, respect for the elderly was automatic, it happened naturally, to call an older person a man and a woman was already taught from birth and today we see more and more disrespect for the elderly. In ancient times experience was valued, the oldest were the bearers of wisdom , they were the ones consulted to resolve all issues. Today the rest are considered, the vast majority are discarded as if they have no value, even without sentimental value. Today the youngest are the most intelligent, owners of reason or we can even risk saying owners of the world, grow without limits and find that everything can.

But is this the fault of the current generation? In my view, no, the big culprit is parents who do not teach values ​​to their children , believing in a different education and not recognizing that they are generating disrespectful people and that they will give them the same treatment in the future. People without limits, who think they are the owners of the world and still to help, we received the super support of the government that instead of helping and offering a good education, still place limits on the education that we should give to our children, imposing limits and rules to educate.

I am not in favor of spanking and much less of beating, but since when does a spanking hurt someone? How many of us took a correction from our mothers when we made art and today we are here full of gratitude for the good education we had? Knowing how to differentiate aggression from correction is necessary, and from the moment that children learned that they cannot be corrected by their parents , that they have limits for that, they are becoming more and more limitless, because they can call the police, right? Search for your rights?

In my day, my parents dictated my rights and rules, and they were obeyed with great respect. Nowadays, the fact that they own all the rights provided by the laws that defend them, do what they want and who is going to insure them? Unfortunately, many parents give up on giving their children a good education or simply prefer to take responsibility for others. We see parents who blame their children’s bad education on teachers , in the bad teaching of schools and forget the old phrase “what education comes from birth”. Schools serve to teach literacy, give historical teachings and increase your child’s knowledge and not teach values ​​and educate them.

Schools have become deposits for children of absent parents, for parents who have no interest in what happens to their children and what they will become in the future. It is sad to see a child growing up without rules, without limits and thinking that they own their own nose, after all, what do they know about life? We parents must advise, teach values, set limits and educate our children not only for us, but for the world. For it is not always that they will listen in life and will have to learn to deal with these situations, and rather learn with love than with the world through pain. We will make our adult children aware and well educated, this is how we will have a better world for everyone.

Being a parent is not simply generating and placing in the world, and letting them learn and know the world in a natural way, we have a duty to be side by side, teaching and directing where to go. Since you have made the decision to have children, be prepared for this strong mission and stop delegating and pushing your obligations to those who have no obligation to your children . Create good habits, educate, have time for your children mainly for a good conversation and to teach them how to act and go through life, know how to be a true father and mother teaching and giving good values, that way you will have by your side and leave to the world people who really add value and make a difference.

By: Rosane Gonzalez

See also:  Profession? Full Time Mother Yes Sir!

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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