Because being a mother is incredible, whatever the season of life is! And when you have children with ages as different as an age difference of 13, 15, 20 or 30? What will it be like to have such different ages at home? A pregnancy with considerable time difference between them can happen either by planning, option, or even in some cases by circumstances . Or it may be that the couple decided to experience this world of babies again after their older adult or adolescent children to enjoy it more, with a more stabilized life or more time to dedicate themselves to the new baby. Sometimes other times can happen without being foreseen as it happened with Flávia who gave a testimony and we will see soon below.
However, there are some difficulties with this age difference. Sometimes the eldest son feels bad about losing his place as the youngest or only child , or other times he did not imagine that the mother could get pregnant again and ends up feeling ashamed of the situation. A complicated situation that can be resolved with the time or birth of the baby and of course, a lot of dialogue. Of course, a very young baby rewards a lot and all the difficulties and he alone can win the love of his big brother without much effort. In my grandmothers’ time it was very common to have children when I was already earning grandchildren for the older children, nowadays that reality has changed, but it still happens.
Some women may have their children too young and decide to wait a little longer to have their next child, an example is a friend who had her daughter at 16 and now at 35 has decided to become pregnant again. She accompanied her daughter exclusively until she was 3 years old and after that period, finished her studies, college and devoted herself totally to her professional life. Now married for 19 years, and also with an 18-year-old daughter, she decided to get pregnant again to complete her happiness. The other day watching videos of childbirth, I came across a woman whose birth was happening to her eldest daughter filming! I thought it was just beautiful this moment and you can check it out below =).
Whatever the decision to wait a little longer, motherhood is always a magical moment . Motherhood after a few years can be like the first time, all symptoms and desires can be new and feeling it all again can be magnificent. Some moms struggle to have more children after age 40, as is the case with some famous actresses who had their children over 40 or even 50 years old. Solange Couto, had her youngest son in her early 30s, and her daughter Morena was 24 when she gave birth to Benjamin.
Here at home it is no different, although the age difference is not so big, only 9 years from the oldest to the youngest, I feel that the biggest one has the little one very close , she is the baby, her doll. Cares, loves and protects a lot as if it were her own. But what is it like in practice to have children at different ages, with so much difference and completely different phases? See the testimony of 2 readers about the age difference of their children, Flávia Ferreira and Anne Strapasson, see how the relationship of children of different ages is .
Flávia Ferreira
“I have 2 children, Kamila, 18 and Arthur, 5 . The difficulty was adapting, I had a jealous teenager who lost her lap and was rebellious going through everything that adolescence provides. Arthur was not planned and I got pregnant in a silly way, I took the pill the next day after 20 minutes of the act and it didn’t help. Starting all over again was very stressful for me, as I was not prepared to have another baby, as my daughter was enough for me. Nowadays she loves him very much, they can’t live without one another but they fight a lot. ”
Anne Strapasson
“There are 2 children. A boy of 11 and a girl of 1 . The difficulty is that they are totally different worlds. I watch little chicken while playing call of duty. The good part is that there is no jealousy between them. The eldest is in love with the baby and she with him. The wait was not purposeful. I lost 4 babies before I had Julia . Starting all over again was wonderful. I was able to do things for the baby that I couldn’t do for the eldest. My mind is different, patience, and the financial situation too. In short…. I have 2 only children. ”
Whatever the distance, age difference and what problem you may have with your teenagers or adults about the new baby everything will be solved. I’ve followed very complicated cases and learned that the best thing to do is to talk and let the situation calm down. Nothing better than the time to solve everything. Now, if the pregnancy is celebrated, then really enjoy it! Being an older brother is wonderful, it gives you the opportunity to see what it will be like to become a mom or dad and then the practice and experience in the subject will be the greatest and best possible.
See also: Breastfeeding Initial Difficulties and Solutions
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.