The palate or cleft lip or also known as cleft lip may still appear in utero but do you know why the cleft lip happens? Funny how nature is wise, two tiny cells give birth to a baby in a few weeks and more precisely around the 40th week a baby is born full of vitality. As much as this formation is minimally perfect, sometimes errors and malformations can happen, including the incomplete closure of the lip giving rise to the cleft lip.
Around the 16th week, there is a closure, a meeting of the two parts of the face, and where before there was a dividing formation gap (right and left side of the face) and the groove below the nose now exists. If this groove does not close completely , the cleft lip appears either on an ultrasound or even at the time of delivery. The cleft lip is nothing more than the non-joining of both sides of the face vertically, the roof of the mouth and even the palate or both sides, right and left in some rare cases. A case of cleft lip can happen 1 out of 1000 children so it is a totally common case of it happening.
The causes of the cleft lip are not certain, it is known that some factors at the time of formation can be taken into account and measures such as the use of folic acid can help prevent this “malformation”, however, the reason for the face does not join, giving rise to the cleft lip at the time of fetal formation. A hypothesis of the causes of the cleft lip is genetics, that is, if a family member has the cleft lip gene, this can happen in the fetus, but it is also a hypothesis.
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How to diagnose and treat cleft lip?
The diagnosis of cleft lip can be made even before birth by means of routine ultrasounds such as morphology, although it is actually detected after birth. The good news is that the cleft lip has a very simple, easy and effective treatment. Most of the time the treatment for cleft lip is just plastic surgery.
The care for a baby with a cleft lip is almost the same as for a baby without this cleft formation. If the cleft lip is only external there will be no major problems, however, the doctor and the baby’s parents should be aware if the cleft is also in the roof of the mouth and palate. The teeth can have problems when growing, and rarely the child can have speech problems if the cleft is severe or untreated in how much baby. Treatment of cleft lip can happen even before the first month of life. It is up to the doctor to decide when to start the procedures to revert the condition and also check the seriousness of the case. Do you know what it’s like to be the mother of a beautiful boy who was born with a cleft lip? The reader Helymara tells a little of her experience with her beautiful baby named Dominic, Leonardo, full of health and life to accompany.
Changing Diapers: When did you discover that Baby had a cleft lip?
Helymara: I found out when my baby was born but I could find out on the morphological ultrasound
Changing Diapers: What was the initial feeling? and then, what it was like to deal with this “difference”.
Well I felt guilty at the time, I was afraid because I thought I had done that with my baby’s mouth. Well, dealing with this was very easy because in the maternity ward I had help from the psychologist and the nurses and at home it was normal for family members not to be moved as much as I was.
Changing Diapers: Were you aware of this “malformation”? Did you have information that cleft lip existed?
Helymara: I never heard about anything.
Changing Diapers: How was the way to the baby’s surgery?
Helymara: Just as soon as he was born in the maternity hospital, they even made the referral to the bauru center. And there I learned what the cleft lip was and they will inform me about the surgery. And when my baby was 4 months old then he had the surgery and it was perfect.
Changing Diapers: A message for pregnant women who received news of the baby with cleft lip …
Helymara: Well don’t be scared because this is not a fight without a victory, it has a cure and it is perfect. I have my baby who was born with a cleft lip and today she has had the surgery and she is very good, eats, breast, plays, very good.
Blogger’s note: Cleft lip is not a serious case, the doctor will know how to guide as it happened with Helymara. In fact, appearances do not matter to mothers, love is greater than all the adversities that may appear. I think it is very important that needy populations have the support of plastic surgeons. There are even several actions by groups of doctors who dedicate themselves once a year to cleft lip surgery in poorer places, are you a plastic surgeon? why not help to make a smile more beautiful?
See also: What is Craniostenosis and What is the Treatment?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.