The female body secretes several types of mucus throughout a woman’s life. In fact, the menstrual cycle can have its phases identified through these mucus. The types of secretion that a woman expels through her intimate region during her life, varies a lot! You can even detect some types of diseases through these types of mucus and rest assured that they do not bring any problem to your woman’s health.
What is mucus?
Mucus is nothing more than a secretion manufactured by the glands of the intimate region (bartholin) and by the cervix that protects the vagina from bacteria and diseases that can happen by external agents. Fungal bacteria and even possible diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse.
The types of secretion can vary according to the period of the cycle the woman is in, such as before, during and after the fertile period . Mucus is usually composed of body water and also hormones produced by the body, progesterone and estrogen.
Types of Cervical Mucus and Its Consistencies
The mucus varies greatly from phase to phase of the cycle. The cycle begins on the first day of the woman’s menstruation . After the period of expulsion of the endometrium, that is, menstruation, the woman begins to produce pasty mucus based on progesterone , it is a white mucus type moisturizer and will appear for a few days on the toilet paper when the woman does the hygiene after peeing, even in panties in small or large quantities.
This type of mucus is cause for many doubts, as some women do not notice it until they start trying to conceive or have a high production for a few days, causing suspicion of a problem in the intimate region.
White Mucus Type Moisturizing Cream
Moisturizer-type mucus is a mucus that indicates that there has been an increase in progesterone in the woman’s body. It does not offer any danger, on the contrary, it is a sign of health, but for that it must not be accompanied by pain or itching.
It usually comes in relatively low quantities, however, if it appears after the fertile period in large volumes, it may indicate that the woman has ovulated and that there may be pregnancy, if she has had sex during the fertile period. This is because the corpus luteum helps in the stimulation and secretion of hydrating mucus.
Transparent Thick Mucus (h3)
Also known as phlegm-type mucus, thick mucus is stimulated at the gates of a woman’s fertile period by the high production of estrogens secreted by the ovaries. It is compared to phlegm-type mucus because it looks like a thick phlegm at the end of the flu. More consistently, it is not yet the appropriate mucus for sperm , but it is already the beginning of the fertile period, where the follicles (eggs) are growing so that the woman can become pregnant. There are some women who keep this mucus throughout the fertile period, and if you want to become pregnant, you may have difficulties, as this mucus traps the sperm and does not let it flow inside the body as would be ideal.
Therefore, it is recommended to use lubricating gels to help conception. These gels are specific because, unlike many common lubricants on the market, they do not interfere with the smooth running of sperm within the body and make pregnancy easier by having the consistency and composition very similar to the elastic mucus of the fertile period.
Elastic Mucus
One of the types of cervical mucus that women can identify is elastic. This is appropriate for those who want to get pregnant and if placed between two fingers, it will stretch about 1 to 2 cm without breaking.
The presence of this mucus indicates that the woman is in a fertile period and if she has intercourse, she may become pregnant . However, sometimes you can see it in small quantities, just a day or two during the ovulatory period.
In these cases it is also advisable to use the appropriate gel to aid conception. The indicated gel is very similar to the one produced naturally by the body, so it does not harm or make it difficult for the pregnancy to happen.
Watery Mucus
The watery mucus promotes the sensation of humidity for the woman, and unlike the white mucus type moisturizing cream that can leave the feeling of dryness, the type of watery mucus lubricates the intimate region a lot .
One of the types of cervical mucus that women secrete and, they may not see the elastic mucus, however, they are still ovulating. The watery mucus must not smell or promote any type of itching or malaise. Otherwise, it should be reported to the doctor, as it may be a sign of minor inflammation of the vagina or cervical canal.
Whitish Mucus (With Pieces)
This mucus with pieces, can be confused with some types of secretion such as candidiasis. The whitish mucus is not of the mucus type moisturizing cream, but rather, it appears a thick white mucus with also white lumps.
If this mucus is not accompanied by itching and burning, it is very normal. Many women have it soon after ovulation due to the sudden and considerably increased increase in body progesterone stimulated and produced by the corpus luteum.
Difference Between Mucus and Secretion Types
There is a very considerable difference between types of mucus and types of secretion. Mucus is usually natural fluids produced healthily by the female organism. Whether white, elastic, lumpy, etc.
These mucus come from hormonal changes , naturally and without any risk to the woman. The types of secretion, on the other hand, may come from some intimate problem such as:
The secretion caused by this problem, can resemble mucus with lumps that the body can produce after ovulation. However, the difference between them is that the candidiasis mucus itches, burns and has a strong smell of bleach.
Candidiasis is the disorganized proliferation of a natural bacterium in the woman’s vaginal flora and can happen at any time, but mainly in cases of low immunity, pregnancy etc.
Vaginal Infection
The presence of vaginal infection can be observed through the moisturizing mucus, but with a more brownish aspect . If this mucus causes itching, burning or a strong smell, it is recommended to see a doctor to check what is going on.
Moisturizing Mucus During All Period
The ovulation-free cycle is characterized by several symptoms, one of which is the constant hydrating mucus. Without the adequate hormonal variation during the cycle (FSH, Lh and estrogen), the body will maintain itself with hydrating mucus during the entire period, and can also often cause huge cycles, with 60, 70 days, even more .
This is because progesterone is not alternating with other hormones , and remains high. In these cases, ovulation does not happen because there is no ovulatory stimulation. For the body to start ovulating again, it is necessary for the woman to look for a doctor to help induce menstruation, and observe if the anovulatory cycle will happen again.
Types of Cervical Mucus in Pregnancy
Doubts 9 out of 10 pregnant women: what types of cervical mucus will I have during pregnancy? During pregnancy, moisturizing mucus is common. In fact, this one comes in abundance and this is a great sign!
The more white hydrant-type mucus, the better for pregnancy. Signal that the organism is well supported hormonally and the chances of a miscarriage due to low hormone is reduced.
One type of cervical mucus that is also possible in pregnancy is phlegm-type mucus. This in low quantity, but that the woman perceives when cleaning herself with the toilet paper after peeing.
This mucus is caused by an increase in estrogen and will be seen at any stage of pregnancy. This does not mean that it is the tampon, in fact the tampon will be in enormous quantities and sometimes, accompanied by bleeding. Bearing in mind that any doubts about cervical mucus during pregnancy, one should talk to the obstetrician who is accompanying the pregnancy.
See Also: How Do I Know I’m Ovulating Without Seeing Mucus?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.