When it comes to the thyroid, everything gets more confusing and complicated. Who has never heard about the lack of control of the thyroid that brings discomfort such as swelling, difficulty losing weight and even sweating. There are two types of changes: Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The basic difference between them is that hypo causes a reduction in hormonal production while hyper causes an increase in hormonal function.
However, if the lack of control of thyroid hormones is already a concern for non-pregnant women, hypothyroidism in pregnancy becomes even more complicated. Did you know that the gland problem can bring problems with serious consequences? So doctors advise: If you have a problem with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, better treat it before trying to get pregnant.
But what is the thyroid, what does it do and why is it so dangerous to get pregnant with uncontrolled problems? The thyroid is a gland located in the neck . It is responsible for the production of 2 fundamental hormones for metabolism, T3 (triodothyronine) and T4 (tetraiodothyronine). As the cells use energy and for each part of the body via most hormones, they are decided by these two hormones. Therefore, the woman who wants to become pregnant has to keep the thyroid under constant surveillance. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can cause:
- Weight loss gain or difficulty
- Loss of hair
- Dryness of the skin
- Loss of muscle tone and muscle stiffness
- Increase in cholesterol
- Swelling
- Change in heart rate
The most evident signs are the ones mentioned above, but others such as depression, edema on the face, hands, legs and feet, changes in cholesterol , cold intolerance, tingling and skin with a different texture and color, yellow and dry are symptoms of the hypothyroid also. Obviously, all of these symptoms can occur due to other health problems, but by checking the signs and carrying out the requested tests, the thyroid disorder can be seen. The doctor responsible for diagnosis and treatment is the endocrinologist.
Hypothyroidism can be a case of autoimmune diseases, meaning the body starts attacking the thyroid, possibly causing problems such as Hashimoto’s thyroid. Hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism, which is an increase in hormones. It can directly affect the fertility of women and men as well. The woman who wants to get pregnant may have her fertility compromised by the increase in all the functions of the hormones T3 and T4, this is because the TSH, which is important for the proper functioning of all the other hormones in the body, can undergo changes and modify the body hormones, including fertility. It is very common to find cases of women with hyperthyroidism who cannot get pregnant for simply not ovulating due to these hormone increases.
Blocking or drastically reducing fertility hormones will delay ovulation, or in some cases, prevent it from happening. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of the problem is fundamental. If you have been trying to conceive for a long time and have not been successful yet, it is worth talking to your doctor to check your hormonal indexes with a simple blood test. In fact, the diagnosis of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is very simple. A laboratory exam is enough to measure TSH, T3 and T4 levels.
The treatment of the hypothyroidism problem is simple, just make hormonal replacement in the form of medications. However, the dosage changes for each case and only a doctor can guide the use. Self-medication will cause problems, and perhaps unwanted effects. In the case of hyperthyroidism, the treatment is different, to control the disease through antithyroid drugs such as levothyroxine for example. The highest incidence of thyroid problems is hypothyroidism, which then requires controlled replacement of drugs that are not indicated in the case of pregnancy, as they may pass through the placental barrier. For those who intend to become pregnant, controlling the disease, the menstrual cycle will return to its normal functionality and on average 3 months will be able to become pregnant.
What about Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy?
Hypothyroidism and pregnancy should be monitored very closely by the doctor. As soon as a woman with hypothyroidism becomes pregnant, she should adjust the dose of the medication to more. In fact, the ideal is to treat the problem before you even get pregnant . If the pregnancy happens during treatment, the doctor will guide you how to proceed with the continuation of hormone replacement in the body. It is important to treat it to avoid fetal problems.
We must remember that hypothyroidism in pregnancy can cause malformation problems in the baby in very advanced cases of uncontrolled gland. It is also possible that the untreated problem causes heart problems in the baby, a neurological and emotional development problem. Premature birth is also a possibility in women with problems of hypothyroidism, also an acceleration of fetal heartbeat.
IMPORTANT: Did you know that thyroid problems can be transmitted from mother to baby? When the mother has high levels of antiperoxidase antibodies, the baby has a high chance of inheriting the thyroid disease. Through the enlarged heel test performed shortly after birth, it is possible to observe the levels of thyroid hormone and already diagnose it.
Most gynecologists are not exactly aware of the importance of controlling thyroid hormone levels in pregnancy. The correct thing would be to monitor the hormones of the pregnant woman at least every 2 months to make sure that everything is going well. In fact, a woman who does not have hypothyroidism before becoming pregnant, can start having it after pregnancy! So it is important to have a well-informed doctor on the subject. Don’t be afraid, hypothyroidism in pregnancy is a manageable problem. To be calm it is good that it is in the hands of a good endocrinologist in partnership with your obstetrician. Working together helps a lot in controlling the disease and using the right medication.
In addition to medication to control the hypothyroid, a healthy diet combined with exercises recommended for pregnancy such as water aerobics, hiking, yoga, swimming and exercise bike also help to keep the pregnancy more peaceful. But no exercise without the assistance of a specialist and without the release of your doctor. It is also worth noting that specialization of teachers is necessary to accompany pregnant women.
See also: What is Prolactin – Hormones and Pregnancy
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.