The human body works like a powerful machine, and for everything to work as expected, each gear is important for everything to happen in alignment. With some changes in its functions, some signs can happen, showing that something is out of the expected, as is the case with yellow discharge.
Not always, the presence of a yellow discharge affirms that the woman has a health problem or even an infection. To reach this conclusion, the yellow discharge needs to be accompanied by other symptoms , which must be analyzed in detail.
Can yellow discharge indicate what?
Yellow discharge or yellow mucus is not always an indication that a problem is occurring. In some cases it may simply be signs that ovulation is about to happen, some physiological change in vaginal pH or even some hormonal uncontrolled.
This, if the presence of this yellow discharge is not accompanied by symptoms such as intense itching in the vagina, strong odor and discomfort at the time of sexual intercourse and when urinating, which are signs of the presence of a possible infection.
Usually, the presence of yellow discharge along with the other symptoms described above indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis or more precisely the presence of an infection caused by trichomoniasis .
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis occurs due to an agglomeration of bacteria in the vaginal canal . This bacterial agglomeration alters the functioning of the vaginal flora, and reduces the amount of local lactobacilli, allowing bacteria to proliferate quickly.
This proliferation causes characteristic symptoms such as yellow discharge, itching, and vaginal burning. Even causing very uncomfortable signs, it is easy to control, and a fast and effective treatment is necessary.
Bacterial vaginosis is not on the list of STDs and is considered very common, due to its ease of proliferation. The preventive way is to always have sex with a condom, avoid vaginal douche and control the number of sexual partners.
Risks of Bacterial Vaginosis
Even though it is a relatively common and easy to treat problem, the presence of yellow discharge or better, the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, if not carried out in the necessary way, can present some risks to women’s health.
It is not very common to have complications, but an infestation of bacteria in the uterus and fallopian tubes can occur if not treated, causing DIP (pelvic inflammatory disease).
Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
The treatment for bacterial vaginosis, and to end the presence of yellow discharge, is through antibiotics and some specific care . The gynecologist may recommend the use of oral medicine or in the form of an ointment.
The treatment lasts for 7 days and should not be interrupted to ensure proper treatment. During treatment days, it is recommended that sexual intercourse is avoided or a condom is used.
Trichomoniasis is an infection in the vaginal canal caused by a protozoan called trichomonas vaginalis. Even if it is a vaginal infection, the protozoan can be lodged in the male urinary tract for long periods , without showing symptoms, so it can be transmitted during sexual intercourse.
IMPORTANT: Trichomoniasis may be accompanied by other STD diseases, such as gonorrhea.
The form of transmission is from one infected person to another, during sexual intercourse . In women, the affected areas are: vagina, vulva, cervix and urethra . In men, the affected part is in the internal area of the penis, in the urethra.
As it is an asymptomatic disease, both men and women can go weeks without noticing symptoms. Over time, trichomoniasis presents symptoms such as yellow discharge with a strong odor, vaginal itching, redness in the affected area and discomfort when urinating or during sexual intercourse.
Risks of Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis can be cured if the treatment is carried out properly. But if not done, it can pose great risks to women’s health, including irreversible damage. The inflammation caused by the protozoan increases the chances of the woman contracting the HIV virus , if exposed.
Treatment of Trichomoniasis
The treatment of trichomoniasis is based on antibiotics, which can be oral or in the form of vaginal creams and ointments . However, the most effective to fight the disease is in oral form, which offers more agile results.
Treatment should be carried out not only with the infected person, but also with their sexual partner. As a guarantee, within 7 days of treatment durability, sexual intercourse or keeping the sexual act protected with a condom should be avoided .
The best way to prevent the onset of trichomoniasis is to avoid having multiple sexual partners, always use a condom and whenever you notice a different sign, do sexual abstinence and see a doctor for evaluation.
Can Yellow Discharge Indicate Pregnancy?
It can seem a little confusing when we make this information, since the presence of yellow discharge indicates the presence of some vaginal infection. But yes, the presence of yellow discharge can also indicate a possible pregnancy , as long as it is not accompanied by obvious signs of infection, such as itching and a bad smell.
The yellow discharge may indicate pregnancy, because at this stage of a woman’s life, hormone levels are totally altered , in addition to the increased blood flow in the vagina area, which causes the yellowish discharge to occur.
Diagnosis of Yellow Discharge
When detecting the presence of discharge, especially if accompanied by other symptoms that point to a possible infection, the gynecologist should be sought for diagnosis and treatment.
The diagnosis will be made through visual analysis and other factors will be evaluated , such as aspect of the vagina and vulva. If the gynecologist has any doubts, he can collect a small sample of the yellow discharge and send it to the laboratory for evaluation.
Yellow discharge treatment
The treatment of yellow discharge will depend on the medical diagnosis, as the occurrence may be characteristic of more than one factor. Each cause will have a different treatment prescription from the other.
In general, the treatment of yellow discharge is based on antibiotics or medication in the form of a cream, gel, ointment or even vaginal pills. Usually, treatment is indicated not only for the woman who presents with the discharge, but also for her sexual partner, especially if the existence of STDs is confirmed.
During treatment, some precautions to minimize discomfort and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment are necessary, such as:
- Use neutral soap to do intimate hygiene;
- Avoid having sex;
- Do not use tampons;
- Make a sitz bath with warm water to relieve the burning and itching.
How to avoid yellow discharge?
Some health care and especially intimate hygiene are essential to ensure vaginal health and the complications that may arise. Good eating habits ensure balanced health and a stronger organism to fight the invasion of some infectious bacteria.
Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco, avoid wearing too tight clothes and try not to use public restrooms, and when necessary, ensure that you do not have contact with the seat. At bedtime, try to sleep without panties or opt for those made of cotton, which allows “breathing” of the vagina.
ALWAYS use condoms, don’t do vaginal showers and avoid using deodorants and perfumes in the vagina area. And the main thing, visit your gynecologist regularly and whenever you notice something strange in your body and have a pap test every year or whenever requested by your gynecologist.
Having some simple care and living a ruled life will guarantee you a healthy body and away from such troublesome and dangerous diseases. When you notice the slightest sign of change in your body, see your doctor immediately for evaluation.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.