Normal birth has returned as the main birth option for babies with increasing strength, both for healthier indication and for the choice of women. It has gained a new name, humanized childbirth, where all respect for the woman and her body is given priority, giving the woman the chance to experience every second of working on her body and feeling all the sensations until the moment of taking her well. precious in the arms.
With that, a new type of work was born at DOULA. But is doula a midwife or just an escort? What does she do during labor and pregnancy? After all, what does a doula do?
What is a Doula?
The name doula has a Greek origin and means “woman who serves” and knowing the real work of these women we see that their origin fits exactly to their work.
Formerly the most common when a young woman became pregnant, it was normal to be assisted and advised during the whole gestational process by more experienced women in her family , as well as companions at the time of delivery that often occurred in their own homes as well as care for the baby. baby in the early days.
Over the years, births migrated to maternity wards and these follow-ups were left out, occurring only after the baby was born until the mother’s recovery.
Aiming at this lack of welcome that women today face during motherhood, the doulas came to fill this void and offer pregnant women the support, information, attention and all the patience that a woman needs at this stage.
What Does It Take To Be A Doula?
However, to be a doula it is not enough just to want, because it is necessary knowledge about the subject so that you can pass security and correct information to the couple even during pregnancy. In fact, your work starts as soon as you are looking for during pregnancy and you should guide and advise to prepare the future parents physically and emotionally for each step of labor and delivery.
The doula must be aware of each evolution of the pregnancy, monitor each step and be advised when labor begins. Her role will be to bring tranquility to the moment, prepare the environment, as well as help to relax and find more comfortable positions for labor and delivery itself.
Due to its preparation, it can provide options and forms of relaxation in order to relieve pain such as warm baths, massage and ways of breathing.
After birth, the connection between doula and family continues, where baby care as well as breastfeeding are matters of monitoring and counseling. A very common doubt in relation to doulas is in relation to childbirth.
Many people believe that it is the doula responsible for giving birth and this is untrue! Doulas cannot perform any medical procedures or exams, let alone take care of the newborn ‘s health and first visits. The presence of a doula does not exempt the accompaniment of a doctor, nurse or appropriate team to deliver a baby.
The doula does not know and should not discuss procedures and much less decide what to do during childbirth, responsibility is only for a midwife or doctor specializing in obstetrics.
For you to find your doula, talk to your friends who have recently had a birth and had a doula accompaniment, she can refer you. If you don’t know any, there are some sites that target teams in each region of each state, it is worthwhile to chat with them, see the benefits and discuss in terms of values.
How to be Doula? Is There Any Course?
Yes, for you to be and work as a doula you need to prepare and take a course. Of course, the desire and love for motherhood and birth will make all the difference in your journey .
Many women know and wake up on a side that they never knew before, discover the essence of life and are able to see far beyond the work of the body for the birth of a new life.
There are groups around the world to prepare and train new doulas. The course consists of theoretical and practical classes with practical demonstrations and reinforcement and explanation of the importance of natural childbirth.
It also points out the dangers and problems of unnecessary cesarean section as well as the excess of medications used during the procedures. Doulas receive awareness through the recommendations of the World Health Organization, that childbirth without interventions is the best option for practically all cases.
How to Become a Doula?
To become a doula, it is necessary to be over 18 years old, you do not need to work in the health field, much less be a mother, you may have undergone a cesarean section or have no experience with motherhood. It is enough to have love for the subject, interest and vocation to be able to dedicate and experience this moment .
The work of a doula is far from the work of dreams, as it is tiring, with difficulties, they face unforeseen circumstances and without scheduled times that can occur even in the middle of the night.
There are training institutions for doulas, but work is not recognized as a profession. The work consists of volunteering or private doulas that charge the service / attendance at differentiated costs. One of the most well-known and recommended institutions in this area is GAMA, which offers courses in several locations in Brazil and some locations abroad.
The presence of the doula is not always authorized in all maternity hospitals and the companion must be chosen between the father and the doula, as a result of which the number of home births is increasing.
However, a law is currently being processed so that the doulas can enter the maternity wards without any major problems, as long as they are duly certified and enrolled in mandatory health institutions. The law was called the “doulas law”, where some states have already passed the law and here in São Paulo it is still in the process of being processed.
See also: Natural Childbirth – The Strength and Beauty of Being a Woman
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.