On 04/30/2014 I started to feel not very strong contractions and would complete 40 weeks on 05/02/2014. I went to the hospital and the doctor on duty said that I had no dilation and that it would still take a few days to be born, gave me an injection for pain and sent me away. The next day I went back to the hospital because I still felt the contractions, it was another doctor and I had two dilation fingers, made the map and everything was fine, then he told me that I was supposed to go home and control the contractions and come back when I was every 3 minutes or so.
I came back that morning on 01/05/2014 it was still the same dr (by the way very dear and attentive), the nurse did not find my daughter’s heartbeat and called the dr who also did not find it, I had only 3 dilation fingers . I was referred to an urgent caesarean section and nervousness washed over me, the nurses were all nervous (some crying) and nothing from my Isabella giving the signal. And when the dr took her out and I didn’t hear the cry my world collapsed. My little flower was beautiful, weighed 3,965 kg had done meconium and aspirated. Well this is not a story with a happy ending, but something that will be forever marked in my life. Today, after 6 months have passed I’m here only 1 month pregnant and believing that this time the end will be different, or better, it will not be the end but a new beginning !! Thank you, Sabrina
Birth Report – Wanderleia
During my pregnancy there were many doubts, I would very much like to have had my prince in normal birth, but it was not so simple, I had 7 consultations with prenatal doctors, and the first delivery was scheduled for 08/03/2014 the date which one was super, hyper, mega anxious, more at the last consultation the Gynecologist told me that it could not be normal, because I have condyloma in my lap and that would make delivery difficult and could transmit it to the baby, but I already knew, I spent the pregnancy undergoing treatment , which I will continue).
jaiden 5min after birth
Returning to the delivery rs, in my bills I was 37s and 1d already feeling pain (training contractions) I went to the hospital nearby getting there the doctor said he was 40s and had a touch exam and there was no dilation, so he did cardio I touch where there were contractions and the baby’s heart was racing. So he asked to rest and redo, he no longer had contractions and the baby was
great, thank god. He told me to come home and anything came back, but I didn’t feel tired anymore. I called in my health insurance I made an appointment I explained to my gynecologist my case and she took a touch exam she said it was 1cm dilated, but she was 34s I was scared she said to come back with 1s after I got back there she told me she could only make my appointment cesarean for 08/18 because the date for my delivery due to her bills would be 08/22 and said he was 1.5 dilated and that he could come at any time because the plug had already come out .
She told me to take complete rest, this on a Thursday and asked to come back on Monday, so I went back. I went with another doctor, she didn’t examine me, she didn’t ask me anything and she already scheduled the cesarean for 08/08 at 8:00 am, being mine buffer had already come out and I was losing more liquid without contraction. So I decided to come back on Thursday, arriving at her office, I explained everything and she took the touch exam, said she was 2 cm and called the doctor, he asked to be admitted, that was 10:00 in the morning, I had no reaction, the nurse came pick me up and took me to the pre-delivery room, I didn’t know what to think, I wanted my husband to watch the delivery, and she said she couldn’t and if he attended she would charge a fee, then another nurse came to use the bathroom and putting on the appropriate clothes for the delivery, I said “I want my husband to watch it”,
Where they applied the rack to me I thought I wouldn’t be able to let them apply I cried because every time I cried and jumped and couldn’t, right? Rs More on the 3rd attempt I managed to, whew, they asked me to lie down and then lift my leg but I could only lie down and in a matter of seconds I didn’t feel anything, they measured my pressure and started the delivery, my husband came in and I was very excited wanting to talk more he wouldn’t let me, when i managed to speak the nurse came with my baby, the unforgettable moment, i disbelieved that it was my son, he was born white and hairy, contrary to what he imagined, she cleaned it and handed it to my husband he put it close to me i kissed him .
But my record had not yet fallen, suddenly it felt like my head and my heart was going to explode, so my husband had to leave the room, and I stayed there, lying down counting the hours to take him in my arms, my little Bryan was born on 31 / 07/2014 at 12:02 with 3,220kg and 48cm. My name is Wanderleia and this is the story of my birth. At the masterclin hospital made by Dr. Edson.
See also: Childbirth Report Without interventions – Luciana Paulino
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.