What to do before you start trying to get pregnant? The answer is simple: exams! Yes, before anything, the exams to get pregnant should be the focus of the COUPLE who wants a baby. I say couple, therefore, not all men know that they must check their fertility together with their partner. So which tests should doctors pass and that they don’t always do? What should you know at the time of the consultation so as not to waste time when they decide that the time for having a baby has arrived? To begin, doctors should check the couple’s hormones . Men and women should undergo hormonal tests. These tests for women may detect problems with the following hormones:
Progesterone: Progesterone dosing is essential to ensure that the woman will have no problems when she ovulates. Progesterone deficiency can cause problems with the endometrium being too thin for the baby’s fixation when fertilization occurs. It can also cause problems with the baby’s safety if implanted. Sometimes the low progesterone causes low endometrial resistance and then, the pregnancy does not resist and a miscarriage occurs. Therefore, knowing whether progesterone is at adequate levels after ovulation is essential. It is recommended that you measure this hormone on the 22nd day of the cycle.
Estrogen (estradiol): This is the hormone responsible for the proper development of the follicles. As important as progesterone, it is one of the main players in ovulation. Its low or high dosage can damage a woman’s fertility. Therefore, measuring the amount of this hormone throughout the cycle, can give an accurate diagnosis of any deficiency or problem with polycystic ovaries.
Prolactin: Prolactin is the hormone responsible for milk production in conjunction with oxytocin. It is always present in our organism, however, in a discreet way. When an elevation of this hormone occurs, the brain understands that this woman is breastfeeding and does not collaborate with the stimulation of the follicles so that the woman ovulates and can finally get pregnant. So monitoring the amount of prolactin in the body is one of the most important tests for getting pregnant.
FSH: The FSH exam has two functions. Know if the initial stimulation of the hormones of the fertile period are correct, and also check the quantity of eggs in the ovarian reserve . Despite being a hormone frequently requested by doctors, the function of checking the reserve of eggs is little requested. This would also be one of the essential pregnancy tests.
LH: This hormone starts the body releasing the egg from the follicle. Therefore, it must be at acceptable levels as well as the others. If too low, it can cause anovulation, even if the woman has follicles of the ideal size. This phenomenon occurs in some women as an LUF (non-ruptured follicle syndrome) .
Testosterone: Although it is a male hormone, we have a smaller amount than men but we still have it. Therefore, knowing if testosterone is in an ok index, helps a lot in fertility as well as in libido, since it has the function of arousing sexual desire in men and women. There may be an indication of an increase in testosterone with the increase and thickening of body hair.
For the woman, ultrasound exams of the reproductive system must be done to evaluate the uterine cavity and also the ovarian condition. Checking if the woman has any type of problem with ovarian micro cysts and also endometriosis is important. In addition to this initial examination, the doctor may choose to indicate hysterosalpingography. This exam will check the condition of the tubes. Whether permeable, impermeable, obstructed, adherent or any other type of deformity of this organ, so essential for female fertility. As the egg is fertilized in the tube, everything must be in order. If there is a problem such as obstruction, for example, the doctor will recommend unobstructed laparoscopy.
Exams to Get Pregnant: The Man
For the man everything seems to be easier, but hormonal exams is also a great idea. In addition to the test for progesterone, estrogens and testosterone. It is still recommended that the man measure his blood glucose. This when elevated, can reduce the amount of sperm manufactured in the testicles. In this regard, the excessive increase in body fat also contributes to male infertility.
Another test to get pregnant that is part of any routine investigation or not, is the sperm test. When done, it will check the motility, quantity, performance and especially the quality of the sperm. The most suitable spermogram is the one that uses Kuguer’s methodology. It is the most accurate to detect malformations of male gametes. If there is a problem with quality or motility, the urologist will recommend an appropriate treatment for the case of this candidate for daddy, which most often is based on vitamins for fertility. In addition, a clinical examination to check for varicocele is important.
If the infertility continues for more than 12 months, other tests to get pregnant should be done. Among them are diagnoses for problems like rheumatism, Lupus and others. For both men and women, examining thyroid hormones such as T3, T4 and the like are important. Current studies show that problems with the thyroid gland can interfere with the fertility of men and women. It is essential to remember the test that will prove some type of infection in the body, so as soon as you decide to become pregnant, in addition to the tests already mentioned, a blood count can make early diagnoses of some type of problem that is preventing the pregnancy from happening.
Talk to your doctor, he can guide you very well about the exams to get pregnant and, if you do not find the monitoring satisfactory, look for a new professional to help. Remember: there is no need to miss 12 cycles or 1 year of trying to take the exams. It is best that you do this before starting the attempts and that way you will avoid hassles.
See also: Trying to get pregnant? Things Every Temptant Should Know
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.