Many women today postpone their personal lives for several reasons. One of them and the most recurrent is because of professional life, or even because he found great love after 35 years. The fact is that pregnancy after 40 has happened very often and in particular the first pregnancy .
Difficulties in pregnancy after 40 start with attempts to conceive. If the woman has not yet become pregnant, she may be at greater risk of infertility, especially if she is a couple over 40 years old. The period of one year established by doctors for a naturally conceived pregnancy is one year, however, they do not apply to women already in their 40s. At this age the chance of a natural pregnancy is less than at 30 or 20 and is literally a race against time . The chances of a woman becoming pregnant without any help from medicine after 40 years of age is 12%, therefore, several professionals indicate that this couple does some type of treatment such as IVF or artificial insemination in order to get pregnant.
The greatest concern of doctors regarding pregnancy after the age of 40 is the quality of the female gametes, the eggs. As they are formed even when a fetus is in your mother’s belly, the chronological age is the same as that of the woman, that is, they are 40-year-old eggs as well. These eggs can carry a greater chance of incidence of chromosomal diseases such as down syndrome for example. The incidence of abortion is also a problem for women over 40. The rate of occurrence of losing pregnancy is 25% higher than women aged 35 years.
After achieving pregnancy, care should be doubled in prenatal care. Even though medicine is going hand in hand with advancement, pregnancy after 40 years of age, women have a higher incidence of problems such as hypertension and diabetes in pregnancy. Not that everyone has problems, but pregnancy this time will be considered risky. To avoid sudden problems, the woman should have a battery of tests that includes cardiac and blood glucose analysis as well.
Adopting a healthy routine even before you get pregnant, collaborates a lot to avoid problems. Abandoning addictions such as cigarettes and beverages will favor both becoming pregnant naturally and a healthy pregnancy. Leaving addictions especially means for pregnancy after 40 a much better health for mom and baby. The use of folic acid is very important at any stage that a woman tries to conceive, but in women over 35 years old even more. Use should start three months before attempts begin. The aging of the body is a consequence of the woman’s habits, so staying healthy is very important!
Pregnancy After 40 does not only bring problems!
The mature woman becomes a much more patient mother! Maturity brings an unparalleled dedication to this new phase of life because, with all the rest established, the woman has more time to dedicate herself to her baby. The mature woman raises her pregnancy to a different level than motherhood at age 20, where the rush for everything to happen is much greater. The rush of 20-something would not let the woman extract everything she should from this unique experience of the couple’s life, being stabilized in life brings this benefit, taking advantage of every second and not losing anything!
Pregnancy after 40 is enjoyed until the last moment and much more aware that haste is not a good counselor. Childbirth tends to be smoother and so is the baby’s first days. The risk of postpartum depression is much lower in women over 35 years of age. Dealing with changes in the body is also best at this stage. Pregnancy brings with it changes that the woman has never suffered before and these can be better accepted after this period of 35, 40 years. Mature women can be much more present mothers! Enjoy your moment and enjoy every second!
See also: Pregnancy At 40 – Pregnant Celebrities After 40 Years
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.