Pregnancy can be wonderful and also the subject of some fears and care. But these 9 months in which the whole life changes, is just the beginning of a new life: there is a lot to learn and surprise even after giving birth . To reduce anxiety and make postpartum a little less hazy, we can address the main doubts that arise on this subject.
How to Lose Postpartum Belly?
The breastfeeding , diet and hydration are essential to losing belly postpartum . It is normal for the elasticity and abdominal fat to be slightly different after pregnancy, but following a few steps, the belly can return to normal.
How to lose weight after childbirth
To lose weight postpartum you need to take care of your health with exercises, diet and activities that make mom spend more energy, breastfeeding a lot! Right after delivery, it is common for women to naturally lose about 6 kilos in relation to pregnancy and during breastfeeding, about 800g to 2 kg per month.
Postpartum Weight Loss Tips
Some tips for postpartum weight loss include:
- Do not skimp on breastfeeding, whenever the baby asks: because milk production consumes more energy, about 400 to 500 calories per day;
- Drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day, in order to guarantee good milk production;
- Eat steamed food;
- In some cases, use a modeling belt;
- Some teas are diuretics, such as green tea or fennel tea, and do not harm the baby;
- Walk the baby for at least 30 minutes a day, as this improves circulation and burns some calories;
- Doing exercises at home with the baby.
What to Eat on the Postpartum Diet
The postpartum diet can not be too restrictive and should be healthy because breastfeeding breast milk has to be rich in nutrients. Ideally, women should eat 5 to 6 light meals a day, drinking plenty of water in between to help digestion. Raw salads and high-fiber foods help the body eliminate localized fat. Avoid sweets, fried foods and sausages.
Sample Menu
An example of a menu for the postpartum diet is:
Breakfast | Whole grain bread with cereals, ham. Milk. Apple |
Lunch | Grilled chicken leg with rice. Lettuce, tomato and carrot salad. Dessert fruit: pear |
Snack | Yogurt with strawberry and granola |
Rim | Grilled salmon with broccoli and boiled potatoes, seasoned with olive oil. Dessert: watermelon. |
How to End Postpartum Belly Flaccidity
The flabby belly happens due to the accordion effect of the skin stretching and retracting quickly, especially after pregnancy, generating wrinkled skin scraps. To end it, it takes patience for the body to readjust and a healthy lifestyle, with abdominal exercises, which eliminate the swelling of hormones faster.
What You Can’t Do on the Postpartum Diet
It is not recommended to eat foods that are highly industrialized in the postpartum diet, and that can harm the baby, as everything you eat goes into breast milk. It is also not good to skip meals or reduce the amount in the diet, because to produce milk with good nutrients and to feed the baby you cannot leave him malnourished! Breastfeeding itself already plays the role of burning calories and losing weight, so just take care of your health in the postpartum diet.
How to Stretch Postpartum
To deflate postpartum, the best exercise indicated by experts is Pilates, which strengthens and stiffens the abdomen. In addition, breastfeeding itself, a smooth lymphatic drainage and some devices help to deflate postpartum.
Postpartum Cesarean Brace When to Use
The use of the postpartum shaping belt must be decided in conjunction with the doctor, as there is a risk of seroma formation (fluid accumulation) at the site of the cesarean section. When recommended, the woman can use it right after cesarean section or 1 month after normal delivery , in order to reorganize the abdominal organs, reduce swelling and flaccidity.
How to Use Postpartum Girdle
There are several different models for those who want to use postpartum braces: those that go up to the legs or not, those that have a higher or lower waist. One caution is that it can only be used for 5 to 6 hours a day , so as not to hurt. Usually the straps have an opening or velcro so you don’t have to take the strap off every time you go to the bathroom.
Where to Buy Postpartum Girdle
The postpartum brace can be found in some lingerie stores or in articles and clothing aimed at pregnancy and maternity.
How to Put on Postpartum Girdle
The strap must be the correct size for the woman’s body and be placed without being too tight, so never choose with a lower number. It should cover the scar of the cesarean section , because if it is below the scar, swelling may occur and be more disturbing than helping.
What Is Postpartum Eclampsia
Postpartum eclampsia is the evolution of the pre-eclampsia disease that can arise in late pregnancy. It is characterized by seizures, and the patient begins with symptoms of hypertension and proteinuria, then persistent headaches, edema, fatigue, dizziness, albuminuria * and oliguria *.
Risk Factors of Preeclampsia
Risk factors for preeclampsia are:
- First pregnancy
- Pregnancy before 18 or after 35
- Family history of hypertension, diabetes or pre-eclampsia
Eclampsia Treatment
The treatment of eclampsia consists of rest and a low salt diet , and in the case of eclampsia, which is more severe, pressure and anticonvulsant medications may be prescribed. Usually, after delivery and the removal of the placenta, the disease begins to regress.
What Is Postpartum Relapse
Postpartum relapse is a popular term that can represent various situations of negative mental states after pregnancy, which may or may not be assessed by doctors as Postpartum depression .
What is Postpartum Care
Postpartum protection is a period also called “Quarantine”, in which the woman must take some specific care. This period lasts until the sixth or eighth week postpartum. Care for recovery is mainly with rest, not carrying weight and sexual abstinence.
What Is Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a permanent state of sadness and irritability after pregnancy that goes beyond the physiological causes of pregnancy and childbirth. If the depressed mood and anxiety last for more than 15 days after the baby is born, the possibility of postpartum depression may be considered.
How to Avoid Postpartum Depression
Since postpartum depression never has a single reason and depends a lot on the context, the environment in which the woman lives and psychological background, there is no magic formula to avoid .
As with depression in general and other mental conditions, favorable family, economic, relationship and health conditions and a welcoming environment help to prevent the development of Postpartum Depression.
How to Treat Postpartum Depression
Most women who suffer from postpartum depression do not receive adequate treatment and are not diagnosed. But this situation is relevant and needs therapy, as it is a disease and part of mental health. The professionals to provide this service are psychologists and psychiatrists.
The woman in this state not only has difficulties with maternity tasks, but loses the desire to do things that she previously liked, even hobbies and leisure. It is necessary to evaluate the set of symptoms in order to arrive at the diagnosis and to treat adequately with psychotropics and psychological assistance .
Postpartum sadness What to do
To some extent, it is normal to experience postpartum sadness. According to Dr. Dráuzio Varella’s website , it is estimated that between 50% to 80% of women experience postpartum sadness or irritability, which regresses spontaneously . This usually appears from the third day and disappears within 15 days. If it lasts longer and is more intense, seek psychological care, as it can develop into postpartum depression
Postpartum Hair Loss What To Do
It is normal to have a postpartum hair loss , which can last for 3 months and fall up to 500 hairs per day. What you can do in this situation is to take some vitamin supplements, such as folic acid, iron and vitamin A , but from the point of view of health it is not so necessary. Because this situation occurs because of hormones and is transient.
Photo: PublicDomainPictures
See Also: 7 Common Pain and Discomfort Situations in Postpartum
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.