The doctor is the couple’s best friend who plans to have a baby.
This is for anyone planning a pregnancy! Do you know what to do to prepare for a pregnancy? For many women the news of pregnancy comes suddenly and there is no time to think about getting pregnant, but there are cases where women or a couple are planning to have a baby. Sometimes they don’t even know that some care would be needed that is necessary to have a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, planning a pregnancy can include several things, from exams to a psychological preparation of the couple, since as in some cases, pregnancy can take time to happen and even not happen in a natural way.
Where to start?
When the couple or the woman decides to get pregnant, they should start with a visit to the doctor, before even stopping pregnancy prevention. It is important to know if your health is up to date so that everything goes well during pregnancy. Hormonal tests like progesterone, estrogen, prolactin, Lh and thyroid, can let everything flow more easily, as these hormones may or may not facilitate pregnancy. For men, tests such as blood count, urine tests and others may be necessary as well. Sometimes planning a pregnancy, things can be simpler, but there are cases where even with all this preparation, things can drag on for months and in some cases even a few years. Usually doctors give a period of 1 year for a pregnancy of a “healthy” couple, but this period can scare or even put the couple in a state of attention.
One, two, three months have passed and nothing of the pregnancy happens … And then when a year has passed, despair can beat. Right away, the doctor should prescribe the folic acid, which greatly reduces the risk of malformation in the fetus, and if he has not prescribed it, you can take it on your own. That’s because folic acid is not a medicine but a vitamin, a food supplement. It is not a medicine or anything that is harmful, unless you are clearly allergic.
If the couple who are planning a pregnancy know that these tests have to be done, it can shorten that wait a lot. After a year if a spontaneous pregnancy has not occurred, the doctor starts a more in-depth investigation, always starting with the woman. But what the couple has to know, that if everything is fine with the woman is the husband’s or partner’s turn to perform tests. These tests can be ultrasound, spermogram in addition to the more conventional ones like blood tests etc. But a good doctor will order mutual exams from the couple, it will save a lot of time.
Preparing for a pregnancy also includes the psychological. Of course, many women (I include myself in this) are anxious and this anxiety can disrupt the body’s progress. They say that such anxiety can even cause the cycle to delay or go on. So friend, calm down, breathe! If you are feeling that anxiety about a pregnancy is getting out of your control, it’s time for the psychologist to come on the scene. This professional can help a lot, not with medication, but just the fact of listening to you and giving you advice helps a lot. Other precautions that the couple planning their pregnancy should take are:
- Avoid alcohol
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid using drugs and prescription drugs
- Maintain a healthier life
- Sleep at least 8 hours a night
- Do not wear tight underwear
- Drink plenty of fluids (not worth beer! Rs)
- And take care of the food
Be sure that it is worth taking so much care, generating a life is priceless! Even more when it is desired, planned and done with a lot of love! If you have had an unplanned pregnancy you should also be careful, as soon as you detect it you should go to the doctor for prenatal examinations. Know that the sooner you check your health and lead a peaceful pregnancy, the better! Medical monitoring is always essential!
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.