The morning after pill, a necessary evil or a helping hand when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancies? The problem is not the morning after pill, but how it is used, if the use is indiscriminate and on recurring occasions it is very likely that you have some type of hormonal problem regarding this use, do you know why?
Why Use Only in Emergency Cases
The morning after pill usually has a hormonal dose in the amount equivalent to 1 full pack of contraceptives ! Yes friend, all of that! I often say that it is a real hormonal pump. However, it was developed to bring benefits and not harm, could become pregnant in some situation such as not using a condom , or if it pops.
But the morning-after pill is a form of prevention at the time of squeezing and no, I repeat, it is not to have constant use, for that there are traditional contraceptives that are much more effective and even the use of condoms (correct use of course ).
With several contraceptive options on the market, it is worth choosing the one that best fits the profile, this is your decision together with the gynecologist. But I forgot the condom at the time H or I don’t take anything and we have sex without a condom, can’t I take the morning-after pill? He can! However, the recommendations of several doctors, if not all, is not to use it regularly and as a form of contraception, if you have an active sex life, you should even use another type of method.
See what Dr says next in the Video
How Much Does the Next Day Pill Cost and Which Brands
Guys, the pill for the next day costs around R $ 3.00 to R $ 72.00 , single doses or doses for two days are sold. The brands I know are D-Day, Postinor, Pozato, Pilem and Poslove.
How to take the morning after pill
Take up to 48 hours of sexual intercourse, and if you are taking a double dose with 2 tablets you must take one after unprotected intercourse and another 12 hours later. But remember, you should take it as soon as possible because over time it becomes less efficient, the maximum time is 72 hours .
Like any method it is not 100% guaranteed, but the pregnancy rate with this pill is relatively high compared to traditional methods, it is 15% pregnancy rate against 0.1% of the other methods, contraceptives, condoms, IUD and others .
Excessive use
Excessive use of the morning after pill can cause hormonal uncontrolling and even cause more difficult problems to be solved, such as amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) for a long time, very dark menstruation , vomiting, in short, all symptoms of excess progesterone. Speaking of which, the morning after pill is basically made from progesterone, which is the raw material of all contraceptive pills. She does not allow the egg to be fertilized, or even prevents the woman from ovulating .
Finally friend, if you do not want to get pregnant for whatever reason, it is best to use some other method so that you do not have problems resulting from this pill that is only for an eventual help. Remembering that this text is just an alert and if it is the case that you need to take guidance, remember that the most effective is to prevent pregnancy with contraceptives and the use of condoms to prevent diseases.
Questions from Readers:
Is it possible to get pregnant by taking the Next Day pill?
Yes, like any method it is not 100% reliable. The pill can have an efficiency of up to 80% taken within the indicated period, this is one of the reasons that should be taken only in case of urgency, in addition to the fact that it is a “hormonal pump”.
How do I know if the Next Day pill worked?
It is only possible to know if the morning-after pill worked after noticing a menstrual delay of more than 15 days and taking a pregnancy test for confirmation. Bearing in mind that the use of the morning-after pill can completely change the menstrual cycle, so it is very common to experience delays.
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See also: Continuous Contraceptives and Their Benefits
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.