How to Choose the Obstetrician

For those who think that getting pregnant is just generating and waiting for the right time to be born, this is absolutely wrong! The obstetrician is one of the fundamental pieces for everything to be right , including managing to have a pregnancy in peace. It is through it that your main doubts will be resolved, such as the symptoms, what should and what should not be done in this period, besides being clear to follow the step by step of the development of your pregnancy.

It is through the experience of the obstetrician that possible problems are detected before they even occur. With the help of complementary exams, he is able to assess the whole situation that involves the pregnancy, as well as every detail of his health and the baby.

So it should be a professional of his extreme confidence and does not serve only to record basic information on their pregnancy card, it should take you commitment monitor with utmost care to delivery and pay attention to every detail throughout the prenatal care .

Choice Methods

For this, the best way to choose the obstetrician to monitor your pregnancy is through recommendations from friends, family and acquaintances . Of course, not always what is a dream for your neighbor will be excellent for you. Doctors, especially obstetricians, have to have an affinity, give us security and each person in his particularity demands something different.

As some women prefer to spend time with male obstetricians, pointing out that they are calmer, calmer and more careful in their care. Others prefer women, because they understand perfectly what they feel, in addition to being less embarrassed during consultations.


Seeking reference even through the internet is a way to collect information and possible complaints. It is possible to check the qualifications and specializations of the doctor as well as his link with hospitals and universities. If he is associated with the Brazilian Federation of Associations of Gynecology and Obstetrics even better.

It is also worth noting that the gynecologist you trust is not always an obstetrician, some do not specialize in the area, so they end up recommending it to others. And finally, go through a consultation to draw your own conclusions. Ask questions, take all your doubts including in relation to his service and his availability of service 24 hours.

Make sure he gives all your contacts so he can get in touch if necessary, after all pregnancy is a box of surprises and we never know the date and time we will need help. This availability of some doctors makes all the difference for pregnant women and their families! If you don’t feel confident and welcome, look for another obstetrician without thinking twice.

Particular Delivery X Delivery SUS

A subject that brings great concern to pregnant women is in relation to childbirth , especially for those who do not have a health plan. The fear of not receiving adequate and quality care in the most precious and important moment of your life is inevitable since it is so common to hear so many cases of medical errors and neglect in relation to pregnant women.

If you choose to give birth by SUS, it is good to know which hospital you will have, as well as all the necessary information for hospitalization and companions. Through SUS, the main focus is that all women give birth through normal birth and go for a cesarean section in case of real need, so be aware of these conditions.

Particular delivery

Many are the women who, even having health insurance, end up fleeing the cesarean section doctors in order to have their dream of a normal birth through SUS. If your desire is a private birth, look for references with friends who have had their babies recently. If you are going to pay for the delivery, take your doubts about the care and availability of the private obstetrician, as well as if there is a substitute in your absence to attend you.

Check the maternity wards he attends and which is insured so that you can visit and visit before the day of delivery. The research of costs is also welcome, since we know that some charge abusive values ​​and escape the reality of the majority.

The birth of your baby, whether it is a private delivery or delivery by SUS, should be a unique and special moment for you and your family . See the pros and cons and always do the best for you, respecting your wishes, your rights as a pregnant woman and above all preserving your health and that of your baby.

Every pregnant woman deserves respect, care and care whenever necessary as well as free prenatal care at all health centers in Brazil. There are those who love childbirth by SUS, they have to flee desperately and there are those who have no option and need to face and demand their rights and respect above all!

Women’s Rights in Childbirth – Obstetric Violence

Today I am very pleased to receive Daiana Barasa, she came to talk more and clarify what obstacles can be configured, a subject that is still little talked about between mothers and future mothers. It is important for everyone to know that unfortunately this type of practice still exists today and with increasing strength. Welcome Daiana, especially with such an important subject!

“Being a mother is really a gift worthy of reverence, exaltation, homage… but what we have on our planet is a reality camouflaged with hypocrisies. I recently saw an advertising campaign carried out in Uruguay that denounced the abuses that women suffered when giving birth, the video went viral, even won a prize in Cannes, but history is repeated in different parts of the world.

In the context of the Uruguayan campaign, the message of denunciation was: if the woman “spread her legs” to make a child she needs to be “brave” to be attended to faster, she needs to be brave to be disrespected. Unfortunate!

This commonly practiced and camouflaged violence is known as obstetric violence, data obtained in March of this year by the Active Maternity Group (GAMA) showed that between 80% and 90% of Brazilian women are cut during the normal delivery procedure, without need and without woman’s consent. 

According to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, the denunciations only characterize an explicit situation of violence against women and, according to the agency, health entities that disrespect women when giving birth as well as the right to have contact and breastfeed the child soon after birth, must be denounced so that they can suffer due punishment.

But what punishment has the power to return to the woman the respect that should be hers in that “only” moment? Before honoring and praising the woman who generates life, it is important to think about what happens in our country and in different places in the world.

Uruguayan Amnesty International Campaign:

Are the complaints known to the MPF sufficient for effective actions? Or is it that women should be aware of complaints other than their own in order not to allow these acts of disrespect to be imputed to them as an “obligation”?

Yes, because if you “spread your legs” you need to endure all kinds of humiliation from health professionals who should show a minimum of respect to women. And how long will women also be passive and will they not care to know and delve into the existing laws that support them? How long will they not be concerned with laws that have not yet been enacted to meet them?

The obstetric violence is practiced in various public hospitals in Brazil and the world, and we do not think that does not occur in private hospitals, because the simple silence and dry and succinct responses from health professionals is nonetheless a veiled way of violence , which could be explicit if the most refined physical conditions of the place did not exist.

And again citing the award-winning advertising campaign carried out for Amnesty International of Uruguay, awarded in Cannes, which had millions of views and applause, I raise the following question: What is the prize that women who have suffered or will suffer obstetric violence have or will have?

What is the praise for motherhood as being a mother is literally “suffering” in what should be paradise? What is the most prominent violence? The violence suffered by women in different parts of the world at the time of having a child? Or “self-violence” when there is no knowledge or when you are not fighting for your own rights?

Having “spread your legs” is only cause for humiliation at the time of delivery in different parts of the world, because before the arms were crossed and the eyes closed. Being a mother is a gift, but a woman must recognize the right to be a woman and not be silent.
And had as research source the websites of the Public Defender of the State of São Paulo:

The importance of the complaint in cases of obstetric violence: cases-says-medical.html

Report of Obstetric Violence – Daniela

Following is the report by reader Daniela about the obstetric violence that she experienced when she needed to do a curettage. But after all, what is obstetric violence? Against the backdrop of humanized childbirth that prioritizes the well-being of mom and baby, obstetric violence is not just about physical aggression.

As a moment as beautiful as childbirth can become traumatizing due to a humiliating and disrespectful and rude treatment by the professionals who care for the parturient. Verbal offenses can often hurt much more than a slap in them.

Any treatment not consistent with the situation, can be classified as obstetric violence. For example, a parturient with difficulty pushing the child at the time of delivery. It should not be tied up or prevented from screaming, with offensive words like “stay still and push that child ” or any procedure should be done without prior authorization or at least explain why.

Finally, cases of obstetric violence have been increasingly reported because, fortunately, the awareness of people with their rights has become clearer every day and especially for pregnant women.

“ My case of obstetric violence did not reach the delivery room , in fact it passed a long way from it… After just 2 months of trying to get pregnant, I received my positive and my husband and I were euphoric, we told the family and started celebrating until , in the 7th week, in a consultation at the PS due to a slight bleeding, we were surprised by the news of the death of the embryo.

I had already heard his little heart beat on an ultrasound done in the 5th week, so it was very shocking to see him inactive and see the sadness on my husband’s face, who was accompanying me to see and hear our baby’s little heart for the first time …

I was referred to the ER doctor on duty and she explained to me that I had a missed abortion case and that I should take a medication for the next 7 days to complete the expulsion of the embryo, and then come back to check if the abortion had been completed and whether there would be a need for curettage.

He was professional without much involvement, gave me a 7-day certificate, gave me the instructions clearly and then I went home to face that pain and that emptiness of losing my baby. It was very painful and my husband and I were heartbroken, but life should go on.

After 2 days of taking the medication, I started to feel strong contractions and after the bleeding started, I finally expelled the embryo, a moment of great pain, mainly because of what it represented: I knew that my baby was dead, that I would have to be expelled, but see it coming out of me and falling into the toilet was quite painful . Anyway, I bleed profusely for the next few days and then, at the end of the week, I returned to the ER, where I first had an ultrasound and then I was referred to the GO on duty.

In the gynecology waiting room there were several happy pregnancies stroking their bellies and one suffered in the middle of labor while I held my ultrasound where it stated whether my uterus was totally empty or still had baby remains that I had to expel.

I held back the crying and hoped that, at least, I wouldn’t have to do the curettage, because I knew that after that I would have to wait at least 6 months for new attempts to get pregnant, and of course, my anxiety would drive me crazy in those 6 months…

When it was time for me to be attended, I noticed that there were several interns and / or residents in the room and a dr. older who seemed to be in charge. I was confused by so many people, and one of the professionals present asked me what my case was, while everyone looked at me.

I replied, intimidated, that I had been diagnosed with a missed abortion , that I had had to take medicine to expel the embryo and that I was now there to see if the expulsion was complete. I don’t know if at that moment something I said was not clear or was poorly explained. The older doctor took my ultrasound, told the others what steps to take and left the room.

Then, the attending professional explained to me that there were still remnants of the abortion inside my uterus and that they would prescribe me another week taking the medication to try to expel those remains completely.

I asked if they would give me another week off from work, as the medication caused colic. Then the professional looked at me with a very bad will and said: “I’ll just give you today, I can’t give you more than that” , to which I despaired because I didn’t have the physical conditions much less psychological to return to teaching : the blood loss had left me weak and the memory of the abortion made me cry every hour.

I started to cry and said: “I am not able to go back to teaching, I teach on foot, until 10 pm, I won’t be able to…”. The doctor was very uncomfortable with my reaction and replied, pointing to the colleague next to me, who was doing the certificate: “She will see what she can do for you” while writing the recipe. Then he handed me the recipe and a certificate, saying: “We are going to give you 2 days, more than that does not.”

I thanked him deeply, wiping my tears and left the room confused, not understanding why I had been treated with such contempt and contempt. I was a victim, I was losing my baby, I went to the ER expecting comprehensive, humane care, sensitive to my pain and, on the contrary, I was surprised by people who made it clear that I was taking advantage of an abortion to not work.

I was left with many doubts, I tried to recall what I had said to find some dubious meaning, some misunderstanding in my words that justified the doctor’s harshness …

But I couldn’t understand. Upon arriving home and reporting what happened to some people, I was warned that many doctors always treat cases of abortion as if they were provoked and are aggressive and unpleasant with the patients.

At that moment I realized that it was exactly what had happened to me, that doctor thought that I had caused the death of my baby and that was why she was so dry and harsh with me.

I cried a lot when I understood this, I was very offended and hurt, I regretted not having been prepared for a reaction to the height at the time of the service, for not having given an answer, for not demanding my rights, for having humbled myself begging for more a day off, for having been misinterpreted and judged so inhumanly at such a delicate and painful time in my life.

The biggest trauma of my abortion was not the loss itself, but the way I was treated in the gynecology room, in front of a large number of professionals so insensitive and inhuman . To think that residents are already graduating with this type of criteria is revolting. I think that a doctor should treat all patients professionally and impartially, regardless of their own and intimate judgments.

I believe that even women who cause abortion have a history of pain and suffering, and that no woman should be judged by appearances at a time like this, but medicated and properly guided. Doctors are doctors, judges are judges.

I was in attendance with the same professional during the second pregnancy, she was friendly and professional, but I cannot control my reactions of trembling and nervousness when I see that it is her. She always assures me: “It’s okay with your baby, don’t be nervous” and I was never able to clarify that what makes me nervous is the simple sight of his face and the memory of his neglect.

A few months later, a friend had a similar experience in another PS, with another doctor, but I had warned her and she answered: “Listen, you don’t know me, you don’t know my story, you don’t have the right to me. to judge! I am having an abortion of a baby that I deeply desired , and not that I killed, it is not up to you to judge by appearances, you are a doctor here, just medicate ”and so on.

I felt my dignity a little restored by my friend’s reaction, but I will always carry the frustration of not having reacted to the moment when I was cornered and intimidated by those who should offer me support and protection.

Do you know of any cases of obstetric violence? So get in touch with me so we can complement this very important subject that must be addressed and clarified for its importance. Share, comment and spread this story!

A Mother’s Letter to Her Obstetrician Gynecologist

Doctor, When I realized I was expecting a baby, I felt that life was springing up in the most blessed way possible in my life. So that this moment can happen with tranquility, we always look for some angels, an obstetrician gynecologist that God placed on earth for this purpose, to help a new life come to the world in health and that everything goes well with mom and baby.

But Doctor, lately there are so many professionals who spoil this beautiful moment … In addition to bad professionals who aim much more at the money they will receive for the procedure, than the health of their patient. There is an abyss of compatibility and respect for ideas about how the birth will happen, that trust is being shaken with each passing day.

There are so many misunderstandings between mom and doctor, no matter how confident the professional is. I am realizing that there is always a mismatch of ideas and this can end up shaking the patient – gynecologist obstetrician trust relationship . Why must it be this way? For me, the ideal is to make your gynecologist the best friend that a woman can have, especially in the final stretch of pregnancy, which is when we are most vulnerable and most fragile!

Whenever we need help and comfort, we look to the doctors who accompany us for a doctor, that safe haven where we want to rest and deliver what we have most precious. Birth is a unique event and we want to be surrounded by love and understanding and not just surrounded by a cold and professional environment, cold and totally absent of human warmth. Affection at this moment is a necessary asset, it comforts, cuddles and still gives magic to the moment.

Humanity has been forgotten, especially in public hospitals that, even in natural vaginal births, insist on tying the parturient woman and also cutting the perineum without the consent of those who are giving birth!

Humanity is lacking in many cases, but mainly, there is a lack of affection for the profession that many (not all, but most of the doctors today) choose for the financial return they have. The famous “caesarians” who forgive me, but inducing a woman to an unnecessary caesarean section is yes for me, a test of mercenarism.

You know, Doctor, I think that’s why this wave of home births has grown and the banner of humanization has been raised so strongly and welcomed by so many women.

This is proof of the lack that the pregnant woman feels to feel protected and respected by the professional she chose for this beautiful moment. Without due respect for the choice of the way of birth that your child will come into the world, without the power of choice or active voice with any procedure that will happen in this birth.

In the end Doctor, what we really want is to have a successful delivery, with an unforgettable and healthier birth possible! You can pick up the baby as soon as it is born , see, feel and love it as soon as it comes out of the belly. To be able to offer the breast to him as soon as he comes into my arms …

Humanity is lacking at the time of delivery and unfortunately this journey seems far from reaching its end. It depends on whom, of what for that respect and affection to return to exist in relation to the parturient’s choices? Is it fair to push a gill surgery under a woman who is in perfect health to have a natural birth as she always dreamed without even trying?

I agree that a successful delivery is one with a healthy and happy mother and baby, but there is a lack of compassion and a lot of professional self-centeredness when it comes to buying time. What is best for mom and baby should be done 100% of the time, but that doesn’t mean that it always has to be forced elective cesarean section, or even a normal abusive delivery, where the mother is tied up during all the work delivery.

It is enough that they can think a little, put themselves in the shoes of the husband or even in the shoes of this woman who waited for 9 months for that moment. What does she want? This question is enough to make childbirth the most humane moment possible, respecting the wishes and limitations imposed by the woman’s health condition or in perfectly healthy conditions.

It remains for women to choose the ideal doctor and impose on those who do not respect that moment to change their opinion and start taking into account the desire of each woman. Cheers to the good professionals! To the bad professionals, my feelings …

If you do not love the profession of obstetrician gynecologist and are in it only for comfort and money and not for love, I respectfully recommend that you look for another specialization. Every form of childbirth and birth is valid, the important thing is the respect with which it is performed, to humanize childbirth, we must humanize professionals first of all.

Thank you for everything Doctor, I hope that the next delivery is as human as possible.

Patricia Amorim, mom of 3 and 2 cesarean sections needed another unnecessary but due to medical imposition and still grateful to find in her third delivery, an excellent professional who helped everything to work despite pre eclampsia.

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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