Débora Nunes is the mother of two beautiful children, Clara and Caio. She reports her normal birth here after having a cesarean section. It proves more than concrete that it is possible to have a vaginal delivery after a surgical procedure such as cesarean section. Stay with the beautiful testimony of Débora!
Deborah and Caio
“Since long before I became pregnant with Caio, I already knew that my next child would be born from a normal birth. So when I discovered the pregnancy, my first question to the obstetrician was if it was possible to have a normal delivery after my cesarean section , he promptly asked the reasons for the cesarean section and informed me that yes, I could have a normal delivery. I left the office feeling very happy, and I soon told my husband, who thought I was a little crazy about wanting a NP since I had had such a peaceful delivery of my first daughter. But okay, he made it clear that this should be my choice and that he would support me whatever my decision was.
The day before the long awaited day, I felt absolutely nothing different, it was a new year, and I had exaggerated the celebrations by standing up and waking up late, I remember it was very hot, and my feet felt like two swollen balls . Day 01 we went to my mother-in-law’s house during the morning and had lunch there, when we returned we passed my cousin’s house. In addition to the enormous fatigue, and a slight stomach ache that affected me a few times during the day, I didn’t feel anything different, my belly wasn’t even lower.
And I didn’t expect Caio for those days, I was still 37 weeks old , so I was confident that the next week we would meet. At night we went out to buy a snack, when I was in the elevator, I looked at my belly in the mirror and I told my husband that she looked shorter, he looked and confirmed, but still didn’t feel anything different.
That night I decided to stay up a little later, because I wanted to do some things at A Mãe Coruja and chat with my “doula” Sibele (the doula is in quotes, because in reality this friend is not a doula, but for me it’s like it was, encouraged me, cleared doubts, looked for information for me and made me very calm about everything), we talked until one o’clock in the morning, I said goodbye and went to bed, but when I passed Caio’s room I saw the suitcase of his maternity that wasn’t over yet, so I took advantage and finished fixing it.
When I lay down I just felt very tired nothing more than that, the next day I jumped out of bed when I woke up thinking I was peeing on the bed, ran to the bathroom and didn’t get a drop of pee, so I thought: was it my purse? I went to the living room and commented to the husband that he thought my purse had broken, he with wide eyes asked: – And now? How do we know? I laughed saying that we would wait. I went to take a shower and while walking I felt the liquid running down my legs. When I cleaned myself with a piece of paper, I noticed the blood, so I confirmed that the tampon had come out. It was today that I would finally meet my little boy. A mixture of joy and fear came over me, but I remained steadfast without showing anything to my husband.
The bag broke at 9 am on a sunny and very hot Thursday, I went to the maternity ward at 2 pm, when I thought my contractions were already more rhythmic and strong. Upon arriving at the maternity hospital, the obstetrician who attended me made the touch and found that I only had 1 dilation finger, at this time I was very afraid that they would want to refer me to a cesarean. When the obstetrician who was on duty at the hospital was admitted, Dr. Eduardo asked me some questions and comforted me by saying that everything was heading towards a normal delivery. He said he would put me in the serum, because the dilation was very slow. At that moment, I knew it wasn’t necessary, but I didn’t question it.
The hours went by and the contractions were stronger and more painful, when I looked at the clock I realized that now they came every 2 minutes . The urge to push came in a very intense and natural way, so I met my body’s only desire at that moment and pushed, I remember today, there were three contractions pushing, I couldn’t believe that Caio was not yet being born, so I put the mother between my legs, and at that moment I felt my boy crowning! And I was the first to touch him, as it should be… I called the nurse who confirmed me and took me to the delivery table, the obstetrician who delivered Caio’s delivery, Dr. Elaine, was very attentive, when I said I couldn’t stand doing more no strength, she told me convinced: – Of course you can, very little is left, hold it in the arms of the table and lean forward forcing him to be born!
Clara, Débora and Caio
And so it was, with just one more force Caio was born, at once, he was born and I felt him being born! Right after that, the nurse placed him beside me, so that I could see him and give him a smell, and it was at that moment that we both cried, me for the joy and emotion of having succeeded, of having given birth, of finally knowing my child, and him for being next to the one who carried him for nine months, who talked, sang, dreamed of him every night …
And in that moment we were born to each other, we had succeeded, he and I, in an intense, beautiful and very courageous way, we were born. I had become a mother again and he was my son! At that time, on January 2, 2014, at exactly 8:20 pm on a hot Thursday, the world just revolved around us and the universe had conspired in our favor! We had finally met and were completely in love with each other!
When asked about my deliveries, and which one I prefer, I reply without hesitation that normal birth is the best option. Yes, I suffered a lot, I felt so much pain that at times I thought I would not succeed. But then, ahhhhh later, you cry with joy, you want to sing and dance around and you can’t stop smiling for even a minute. You feel grateful to God, to the universe, to everyone who helped you. She feels like the most powerful woman in the world for giving birth! It is without a doubt a unique moment.I still believe that the body belongs to the woman, and that she can and should choose what she thinks is best for herself and her child, of course, as long as she is aware of everything that involves her choices. I dream of the day when we will all have won our body and our own decisions. No pointed fingers, no judgments and no labels. ”
Kisses Débora Nunes – Site to Mother Owl
See also: God Sent You – Edna and Emerson Novidade A2
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.