Everyone knows that for the baby to be born by normal birth, the woman needs to have space, enough expansion for the birth to happen. The dilation for normal childbirth happens in different ways for each woman, some have them accompanied by pain, other times without pain, but it is essential that she be present and total, that is, 10 fingers of dilation. But how does the dilation happen? Is it possible to dilate and not notice?
Colo Uterino
The cervix is the extension of the uterus and can measure from 20mm in the 20th week of pregnancy to 32.5mm in the 34th week. We can say that the closer the delivery is, the more the cervix becomes shallow. Let’s say that the weight of the uterus causes the cervix to be closer and closer to the vagina. It is also possible that the cervix already has a few centimeters of dilation by the 35th, 36th week, exactly because of the weight. In this case, the placenta, baby and amniotic fluid have a lot of influence, the woman can have about 1, 2 fingers calmly without risk of imminent delivery for a few weeks, sometimes until the end of the 41st week of gestation.
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Beginning of Dilation
The dilation really starts when some hormones say that the time of childbirth has arrived. Together with the spaced and not yet painful contractions , the cervix starts to become unlit (thinner) and the 4cm to 3.5 that exist in the distance until the exit of the vagina, starts to get smaller and smaller to facilitate the delivery. The dilation does not exactly need the neck to be completely erased, it can start to happen even before it is fully tuned.
The extension phase of the cervix can be quite intense and painful for some women, as some take much longer to dilate than others. The labor may extend up to 24, only 32 hours waiting for the full dilation is required. The evolution of the dilation can be very slow, about half a centimeter to every 2 to 3 hours .
The first 5 centimeters of dilation are usually the most time consuming, but this is not a general rule, just an observation made by some professionals who deal with labor on a daily basis. On the other hand, there are women who dilate very quickly, in about 2 to 4 hours of latent labor, they already have an almost complete dilation!
What differentiates these two types of dilation? The organism. Sometimes the fact that a woman already has more children will also help a lot for faster dilation. In this case, the dilation extends to less, about 12 hours.
Most of the times, doctors choose to let the dilation happen naturally, but if necessary, they can intervene with oxytocin-based drugs in vaginal eggs to accelerate the dilation of the cervix for delivery. In this case, the induction of labor is characterized .
Dilatation Pain
The “pain” of dilation is similar to pressure in the vagina. It is also possible to feel pain and discomfort in the back and stitches within the intimate region. It is very common to have reports of women who felt absolutely nothing, and who arrived at the maternity hospital and had a diagnosis of quite advanced dilation. Therefore, it is determined that the expansion phase is not the same for all organisms.
How to Help Dilate More Quickly?
In addition to medications such as oxytocin and other derivatives, women can collaborate to accelerate dilation. Proper birth ball exercises help a lot. In addition, walking, warm baths for a considerable period of 1 hour in a shower or bathtub, and even sexual intercourse, help a lot in the dilation of the cervix . “Poking” with the penis can help a lot in dilation.
So even if there are a few centimeters of dilation and a little pain, it is worth having a relationship. There are some other little secrets that will help with complete dilation for childbirth:
Empty your bladder constantly: holding the pee can hinder the evolution of labor .
Don’t lie down: Even if you are in pain, you need to move. Gravity and movements will help the dilation to happen.
If lying down, try to stand on your side: The left side is a great aid for dilation. It is not clear why, but it can work very well.
Rolling: moving the hips in circles facilitates the baby’s descent and consequently the dilation.
Broken bag
If the amniotic pouch is broken, the safe delivery period is 24 hours without intravenous infection medication. However, doctors do not usually let a lot of time pass by the risks that mother and baby take if the delivery does not happen within this period. If not broken, the doctor may break and accelerate the labor , consequently the dilation of the cervix for normal delivery. Do not forget that during this time, your baby will be monitored and there will be no greater risks for him. If any intervention is needed, doctors will take action.
See also: Signs of Childbirth Labor
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.