My husband and I had agreed that the age difference of our children would be 2 years, to grow up together and have the job of taking care of two little people at once. But nature didn’t help much, we had some fertility problems and it took me 3 years to get pregnant. In those 3 years there were countless negatives and, of course, a lot of frustration. After all, it was a dream of ours that we were not managing to realize.
Well, I went to the gynecologist and after some exams, follow-ups and a few months of failed attempts, the doctor thought I might not be ovulating. That was the conclusion of the hormonal exam and he prescribed the then unknown remedy for fertility, the inducer.
I received the following explanation of how it would work in my body: it is an ovulation inducer. So be aware that by taking it you can become pregnant with twins , as more than one egg can be stimulated. Clomiphene citrate is started on the 5th day of the cycle, that is, after menstruation comes, it is necessary to take 1 per day. Ovulation can happen until the 5th to the 15th day after the end of treatment with the medication.
An excellent tip for anyone on this inductor adventure is the ovulation test. Few women know that the use of clomiphene can be combined with ovulation tests, but it is possible! The ovulation test in these cases may not react in the same way as without the hormones present in the body. The test line may not be as dark as it might be, but it is already an indication that ovulation is about to happen. For those who intend to use the inductor, also use the ovulation tests, because, as the hormones are very invasive, it costs nothing to give a strength to get the positive for ovulation and optimize the use of the medication. It is recommended to start using the ovulation test 5 to 7 days after finishing the cycle with clomiphene. You can purchase your ovulation test here in our store.
Video – Experience with Clomid
Technical Explanation
“Clomiphene citrate is a non-steroidal agent, with estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties, which can induce ovulation in certain women who do not ovulate. It competes with endogenous estrogen in hypothalamic estrogenic receptors, producing increased GnRH secretion and LH and FSH levels, which results in ovarian stimulation, with consequent maturation of the ovarian follicle and development of the corpus luteum . ”
What the Medication Does to the Body
Translating, this medication encourages estrogen, LH and FSH which are egg maturation hormones, thus favoring ovulation. There are the “generics” of the drug, which are well used and have the same active ingredient . His only difference is that some doctors prefer other brands because they consider them stronger, but in the end it is the same thing.
Difficult? No, it is just a hormonal stimulator for the woman to ovulate. Knowing this, fear and doubt kind of took over me: take it or not take it?
I was in doubt, because the fear of having twins was great. Although it is a blessing, 2 small babies for me to take care of would be a bit much at that moment. Talking to a friend, she told me that God would not be as cold as the blanket I had, that I should try.
So I bought the medicine. With 3 days taking it I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen. I felt pain on both sides of the sides of my belly and was very sensitive, even to sit.
I went to the doctor’s office and he explained that the pain is normal, and that was a sign that the medication was working. I just couldn’t have any heavy bleeding . Of course I was happy and he instructed me to do my best in training (terrible part of the story, oh how boring!). At 29 days I had severe cramps and my period was normal. I repeated the treatment for another 2 months and had no results.
In all the months that I used the inductor he gave me this feeling of bloating. I stopped taking the medication and then my husband went to do some tests to see if the problem was with him. I had already taken an inducer and the effect was not as expected by the doctor, and we were a young couple. Several tests later found that my husband has varicocele and that pregnancy at that time was more difficult.
We were discouraged, because of varicocele and another problem he had at the time, since surgery would be necessary. So for professional reasons we decided to postpone it. Yes, I got pregnant 1 year and a half later naturally, even though he was not having an operation due to the problem.
I came to the conclusion that the inductor works and very well, just be followed by a doctor very closely, as it can cause hemorrhagic cysts in the ovary. Be aware and do not take medication without the guidance of a doctor.
See also: Natural Ovulation Inductor – Little Hand of Nature
Photo: jeancliclac, Space Sciences
Key Information Box:
- My husband and I had agreed that the age difference of our children would be 2 years , to grow up together and have the job of taking care of two little people at once.
- I went to the gynecologist and after some exams, follow-ups and a few months of failed attempts, the doctor thought I might not be ovulating .
- The drug encourages estrogen, LH and Fsh which are egg maturation hormones, thus making it fit for ovulation.
- I went to the doctor’s office and he explained to me that the pains are normal , I just couldn’t have any serious bleeding, but that was a sign that the medication was working.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.