Interview with Gisele Dal Pai


“Hello People!” is what we hear when we access Gisele’s videos! Born in Curitiba, she lives in England with her family, Paulo Dal Pai, her husband, William and now her cute boy who is on his way to Thomas. Photographer by profession, now she dedicates her time to her children and tells a little more of her story here at Changing Diapers, have fun with this cute one! Thanks Gisele!




Changing Diapers: How long have you been together, and how did you live in England?

Gisele: We met in 1994 because we were studying at the same school in Curitiba and we were always very “friends”, you know … lol But we started dating officially in 1999 and we got married in 2006.

In 2001 we went to live 1 year in Australia (we were still boyfriends). For me it was a simply WONDERFUL experience to live in a first world country and to be able to enjoy a real quality of life in such banal things, like walking on the street late at night without fear of being mugged. I found that this is priceless. So we went back to Brazil and since then I have suffered A LOT with the “Return Syndrome”, a kind of deep sadness for not fitting in the Brazilian reality anymore. In February 2010, then, I decided it was time to leave and Paulo accompanied me in this decision that would be one of the most important for our new stage of life: children.

Our main idea was to go to Canada, due to the country’s immigration policy. But the process proved to be extremely time-consuming for the hurry we had to start a new phase of life. Even without the Canadian visa, we were selling everything we had in Brazil and there came a time when we had nothing else to do in the country. In order not to do nothing, we decided to come to London to wait for the process to unfold, to learn more English and to work too, since Paulo has Italian citizenship. Our intention was NEVER to come here to live, as it was the time of a great financial crisis. Our intention was just to wait for the Canada process. But after 2 months living in England, we fell in love with this country and decided to give up the Canadian process.

Changing Diapers: How was the decision to have a baby?

Gisele: We had the desire to start a family since 2006 but the beginning of a couple’s life is always very tumultuous and not always with favorable financial conditions. The idea of ​​leaving Brazil, at the end of the day, was the possibility of looking for conditions so that our dreams could come true. As soon as we made it possible in England to find the right place to live and Paulo got a job in his professional area, it was the moment we waited to “order” our first baby.

Changing Diapers: Did you have any problems getting pregnant for the first time?

Gisele: We had no problem getting pregnant. We were very surprised and happy with the speed.
Knowing that you are pregnant is an incredible moment, but how would you describe that emotion both times?
The day I discovered my first pregnancy, without a doubt, was the HAPPiest day of my life. I tell this in the form of a video on my YOUTUBE Channel for those interested in watching this eh the video link:

I tell in the video that the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time it was more than happiness! I shiver just thinking about the day! Discovering my first pregnancy, it was more than discovering my pregnancy, it was the joy that didn’t fit inside of me to know that AT LAST we would start our so dreamed family! And then Thomas came next. Discovering Thomas’s pregnancy was an even bigger surprise / happiness. Sometimes I am even afraid to think that I am dreaming, because three years ago we were just Paulo and me and now we are the “Fantastic Quartet”! LOL

Changing Diapers: When William discovered Thomas’s pregnancy, he was still very small, how was that experience and how did they receive the news?

Gisele: Thomas’ pregnancy was discovered exactly on the day William turned 6 months old. We knew it could happen but deep down I didn’t believe I was pregnant. Paulo was sure. So much so that he bought the pregnancy test. He came home from work all happy saying: “So, are we going to give William a 6-month BIG BROTHER promotion?”. It was really a surprise, a wonderful surprise, because contrary to what many think, it was REAL our idea of ​​getting pregnant very soon, the joy was only advanced in a few months.

Changing Diapers: What are the wishes of the pregnancy, anything absurd or unusual?

Gisele: I was a good pregnancy. We are from Curitiba and I could ask Paulo for pine nuts, have you thought ?! Don’t even think about finding it here in England !!! kkkkkk But I had SO MUCH urge to eat fruit and I was never much to eat fruit.

Changing Diapers: How does the baby’s first kick feel and for Paulo how was it?

Gisele: We joke that the boys are true English Lords because they are not kickers. The movements they make are more of a kind of stretch for those beeeem tasty. Paulo always had the habit of waking up in the morning before me and putting his hand on my belly to be able to feel the movements that are so smooth that they don’t even wake me up. That was how he first felt the babies, always in the morning while I slept. The boys moved to him always while I slept. So it was a magical moment for both father and son!

Changing Diapers: How was changing diapers for the first time?

Gisele: I did very well in William’s first diaper change, even though I was totally lay at the time. When I change Thomas’ first diaper, I can already consider myself an expert on the subject! lol

Changing Diapers: Childbirth abroad is different from births in Brazil, how is this difference culturally speaking?

Gisele: Here in England it is normal to have a normal birth. C-sections only in extreme cases and risks of death for the mother or baby. Watching baby birth programs (very common here on English TV) it is common to realize that the woman who does not go through the normal birth process will be disappointed in herself and enter into a kind of paranoia of being a failure as a woman / mother! They really suffer and panic if they end up in an operating theater. Normal delivery here is so accepted among women that giving birth at home is a common practice.

Changing Diapers: How was postpartum? Did someone help you, or was it just the dads with the new routine?

Gisele: Postpartum was full of surprises but the recovery was wonderful, I believe for the reason it was a normal birth. My mother came from Brazil to help us for a month.

Changing Diapers: Speaking of routine, did you adapt quickly or did you have a problem?

Gisele: We managed to maintain a routine until the second month of my second pregnancy, but after that everything turned upside down because my schedules have changed. I couldn’t wake up anytime soon and it gets in the way of my day. In addition to not being able to do everything I wanted to do due to back pain, severe nausea and chronic tendonitis that I had in my wrists. But I hope that after Thomas is born I will be able to have a routine again, because it is VERY important.

Changing Diapers: Paulo as a dad, how is it?

Gisele: He’s just wonderful, loving, helps me with everything (including dirty diapers, bathing and feeding). He’s already chatting loudly with Thomas and William and he’s crazy about him. When he comes home tired from work, he is received by William with a delicious laugh of “Daddy is here, yaaaaa!” and goes staggering to meet his father. At this moment, Paulo’s energy loads are renewed and it is the happiest moment of the day for both of them. Anyway, Paulo honors the gift of being a father and these boys are VERY lucky for their father.

Changing Diapers: What would you recommend for a first-time couple who just received the news of the pregnancy?

Gisele: Enjoy every moment to the fullest, because today you discovered that you are pregnant, tomorrow the little baby will already be on your lap and the cliché “they grow so fast” is REAL. So, enjoy each stage as intensely as possible.

Changing Diapers: Finally, do you have plans to return to Brazil?

Gisele: We leave the future in God’s hands, but He knows how much we like it here and that it is here that we want to raise the boys. Brazil only for holidays. =)

Thank you, Gisele, Paulo, William and Thomas, I wish you all the happiness and health in the world! Bjus!

Want to see an interview with someone you admire here at Changing Diapers? so leave your suggestion here in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

See also:  Interview of the Week: Fabiana Futema of the Maternal Blog of Folha de SP

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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