Inflamed Cesarean

Cesarean section, despite being a very common type of delivery in Brazil, is a major surgery, as it cuts 7 layers of skin and tissues of the uterus. Therefore, some problems in recovery can happen recurrently for some women, or even in isolated cases with more than one delivery of this type per person.

Everything does not always go perfectly, but it is possible to notice that something is wrong very quickly. Learn more about the problems that can happen in cesarean section, especially inflamed cesarean section.

How is Cesarean section done?

The cesarean delivery is made from the medical pelvic cutting line below the bikini line. From that first cut on the skin, 6 more layers of tissue, including the wall of the uterus, are cut to remove the baby.

Of course, before all this happens, anesthesia is applied, the most recurrent for this type of medical procedure is spinal , although epidural anesthesia can also be used. This is because these two types of anesthesia allow the woman to stay awake and lucid during childbirth , to meet her baby as soon as she is born.

Anesthesia and Court

Sometimes, when spinal or epidural anesthesia is not efficient, the doctor may resort to general anesthesia , but in very rare cases. As soon as the baby is removed, the placenta is also removed and the uterus is cleaned. The size of the cesarean section depends on the doctor and also on the woman’s body, there is no rule, but usually 3 to 4 fingers on average.

The Suture or Points of Cesarean Section

The suture of the opening of the cuts begins as soon as the uterus is cleaned by doctors, this procedure is the one that takes the longest to finish in childbirth, about 30 to 40 minutes to sew the cut . The stitches start with the uterine wall and are stitched layer by layer to the skin, in these cases the stitches are most often not fully exposed, obstetricians use a different technique to avoid very deep and evident scarring in the region.

Thinking about aesthetics, sometimes the upper layer of the skin does not get exposed or covered points like plastic surgery points , but rather receive a glue. This type of suture is called glued cesarean section. However, the inner walls are not glued, only the outer layer, like a plastic and the cut location is much more discreet.

Withdrawal of Points

The removal of the stitches is not a rule as before, especially after the bonded cesarean section, but doctors who still use the conventional suture, leave a stitch at each end of the cut and one in the middle, which when cut, just pull from the stitches. sides to completely remove the superficial suture.

The removal of the superficial suture will give a feeling of great relief to the parturient . The removal of the stitches can take 7 to 14 days, as well as the healing of the external cut and the complete internal healing can take up to 18 months!

Symptoms of Inflamed Cesarean Spots

Not infrequently, one point or another of the cesarean section can become inflamed. The main aspects of the inflammation of the stitches is a redness in the spot and burning. It all starts with discomfort in the place, and until it gets to the point of becoming unbearable, it can only take a few hours. Symptoms of inflammation and even infection of cesarean section are:

  • Redness on the spot
  • Hot, hardened scar
  • Pain or burning in the area
  • Small watery or purulent discharge on one side of the points or both
  • High sensitivity when standing, moving or sitting

The healthy aspect of the cesarean scar is to have the place dry, without redness and without itching. The lack of sensitivity in the area is common, do not be alarmed, after all, the nerves were cut close to the skin.

Causes of Inflammation of Cesarean Spots

This happens for a few isolated reasons and can vary greatly from case to case, but the most common are:

Proliferation of bacteria in the area: Usually one or the other point can become inflamed because they are not being well cared for, they are damp. As a result, the inflammation appears in isolation or even in every section of the surgery. The ideal is to wash the area with mild soap and water and dry very well. Only this will prevent bacterial growth in the area, but it is recommended to follow the instructions of the doctor or nurse at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital.

Lack of rest for the parturient woman : Sometimes the woman feels so good that she begins to make an effort. Going up and down stairs, picking up weight, lowering, cooking, ironing … The effort will cause the stitches to tug and can cause inflammation. So it is recommended that the woman keep as much rest as she can for a good healing of the stitches.

Thread allergy : There is also a possibility of stitches igniting due to thread allergy used to sew internally. In such cases, there is a need for medical intervention to check what needs to be done. Often, the use of oral medications or infiltrations is enough to remedy the problem without having to open the cut again.

Use of tight clothing : Friction of inappropriate clothing in the region can also cause minor inflammation. Like the effort, the clothes can cause jerks in the region.

How to Cure Caesarean Inflammation and Care to Avoid

Usually when the mother is discharged from the hospital, the doctor obstetrician prescribes medications to avoid problems. In addition to having already received specific medications after delivery, care must continue at home. Wash the scar with mild soap and water and avoid using any type of ointment during the healing period. For inflamed cesarean scars, the following are usually prescribed:

Anti-inflammatories : ketoprofen, nimesulide or diclofenac.
Pain remedies : paracetamol, dipyrone or lyser.
Antibiotic : cephalexin (suitable for breastfeeding ).

The antibiotic will help to dry the stitches and make the body more prepared for good healing, so mom should take the medication religiously as directed by a doctor.

The pain medicine is also very important, it will prevent you from feeling the discomfort in the inflamed spots. As the medication goes on, the discomfort will improve and dry out the inflammation secretion naturally, but still, the woman must do the proposed treatment until the end.

However, it is necessary that the mother takes some care when the discharge happens. Do not try hard, be very careful with stairs, avoid certain types of food such as pork, sausage, sausage, ham and all sausages. Pepper, extremely spicy foods, seafood etc. Find out how to properly care for the cesarean scar in this post.

Taking the opportunity, to tell a novelty to our readers who have just become mothers, but are already thinking about having another baby in the future or even in the friends who are trying to get pregnant. In partnership with Famivita, we have developed a line of specialized products for health and fertility. Among them are FamiFerti fertility vitamins, ViriFerti fertility vitamins, ovulation tests and the FamiGel fertility-friendly lubricating gel, which plays the role of mucus, increasing sperm mobility as well as increasing pleasure. You can find each of these products, as well as the tempting kit here in our online store .

See also: Episiotomy – How to Take Care of Stitches?

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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