I have always heard that the sixth female sense is very strong. Mainly for things in the body and also in these cases of pregnancy. Sometimes I found myself thinking, “I think I’m pregnant” and every time that feeling was stronger and it was inexplicable , I was really pregnant.
The feminine view of motherhood can be an efficient way to feel that the dreamed baby (or not) is on the way. Knowing your body can help a lot. As my mother says, a woman feels when she is pregnant , it is impressive. Simply thinking that you are pregnant is not a diagnosis.
Is Sixth Sense Reliable?
So, there are ways and means of knowing if you are really pregnant and the thought I think I am pregnant can turn into a beautiful and resounding “I am pregnant” and shout the news to the 7 winds. Get verified with pharmacy tests or even a beta HCG.
However, not all women are able to have this perception at first , because anxiety can get in the way and a lot when diagnosing. This difficulty happens because feelings are involved or even physically so, staying calm can help a lot to unravel and discover the signals that the body sends that it is carrying something new, precious .
I Think I’m Pregnant How To Do It Now?
If your sixth sense says the time has come, then it is time to analyze your cycle . How many days does your cycle have? Normally, a woman’s cycle lasts from 21 to 37 days (one parameter). If you are regulated you should know how many days it is, and if it is not regulated, just make an average .
After knowing the days of your cycle, just calculate if you are already behind schedule or not. Some women can tell if they are pregnant in the first few weeks. Three or four weeks of pregnancy is considered little time to know if you are in fact pregnant. However, some are lucky and already manage to catch HCG well before they imagined.
When Does HCG Appear In The Body?
Normally HCG only appears in the body after nesting, so it can happen after the symptoms, the premonition, the feeling that that cycle worked. It happened to me, I felt that the cycle had worked out, I felt that I was really expecting a baby. I thought, “I think I’m pregnant” and with that I took the test very early , around the possible 9th dpo (day after ovulation).
However, of course it was a huge negative! A bucket of cold water but the feeling that I was pregnant was very strong and 5 days late , I finally did a pregnancy test that confirmed my suspicion. My feeling of a mother who had spoken louder. In the second pregnancy it was the same thing, I caught myself thinking that I was pregnant, but despite having done some tests and all negative, that feeling does not come out of me . I lay on my stomach and felt a “little ball” in my belly.
I knew it wasn’t normal, but I found myself thinking it wasn’t much, because all the tests were negative. It was then with a month of menstrual delay that I had the surprise of the pregnancy. Already at 8 weeks of gestation. I even commented with my mother, I think I’m pregnant but I don’t feel anything!
Should I Follow the Sixth Sense or Not?
So my advice is: wait for the delay, no matter how much anxiety you have surrounding the situation. If you feel that you are pregnant, it is best to allow time for the hormone to rise and a false negative does not happen. Confusing the symptoms is normal, progesterone after ovulation can give you the feeling that they are pregnancy symptoms, but as explained in this post, the symptoms can be post ovulation and this should interfere with perception.
Do not forget, in order to verify the pregnancy, the menstrual delay is necessary. If you are still not satisfied, wait a week and repeat the exam. The same feeling occurs in pregnant women, getting the nest ready and doing a nice cleaning before the baby is born is part of the sixth maternal sense . The reader Graziela recently discovered that she is expecting a baby and told how it was the intuition that she would have good news …
“ I always asked God for signs of the things that could happen in my life, and this time even though I didn’t imagine it, he made me feel that there was already another beating heart in me. It was a Thursday I bought a test because something inside me said I had to do it, I wasn’t trying to get pregnant but every month my period was 1 or two months late and it was normal. That day I was only 3 days late, but I bought it and did it, it seemed like a miracle to see two scratches, I couldn’t believe it! I did 3 more pharmacy tests and a Beta to be able to believe it. Sixth sense of mother is born with the baby. “
“It even seems that women have been gifted with the gift of feeling a new life within themselves, even before they are sure… Don’t worry, you will know when the time comes.”
If you are trying to get pregnant and want to do a more detailed monitoring of your cycle and your ovulation, a great way to give a little extra strength is to use a cell cycle monitoring APP like the APP Paula and use ovulation tests that will indicate if ovulation is approaching, if it is happening or has already ended, indicating when is the right time to date and get your positive faster. You can buy your FamiGel ovulation test .
See also: The Most Beautiful Dream I’ve Ever Had…
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.