And what woman who has been trying for years to get pregnant and who has never asked that question? How do I know if I can get pregnant? It is a rather complicated question to answer since it would only have the effective and definitive answer when the pregnancy actually happened. However, there are factors that can give evidence as to whether or not a woman can become pregnant. Just follow a few steps that we will see below.
First of all, the woman should go to the doctor and ask: How do I know if I can get pregnant? Then the doctor will initiate a superficial or thorough investigation in some cases. It is normal for doctors to consider a minimum period of one year for the couple to get pregnant naturally, however, the anxiety can arrive long before this period.
So to relieve tension, the couple should have tests to see if they can get pregnant. These tests are investigative, with them it would give a partial conclusion as to whether or not the couple can get pregnant. Tip: For couples who suffer from lack of vaginal moisture or lack of mucus, FamiGel serves as a great ally, as it improves vaginal lubrication and also plays the role of fertile mucus, facilitating the arrival of sperm to the egg. You can purchase it here in our online store.
The fertile couple would not present any problem, but those who would have a relative difficulty could already give an indication of the reason for the difficulty. Before a year of trying, the doctor will ask the woman who is looking for answers, simple tests such as:
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Hormonal blood tests (progesterone, estrogen, FSH, LH and prolactin)
After a year of trial, or 12 cycles, the doctor will investigate the couple further. For the woman will ask for more complex exams such as:
Hysterosalpingography : Checks the permeability and anatomy of the tubes, if there are adhesions, masses or obstructing collections.
Hysterosonography: Examination that involves a dilating substance in the cervix for insertion of a thin hose which has a micro camera that would be able to verify the existence of uterine malformation.
Doppler ultrasound examination: Checks the anatomy and irrigation of the ovaries
Serial ultrasound : Used (at different stages of the cycle) to know if the woman is ovulating, if she has normal ovarian activity.
More hormonal tests: To detect if there were any hormonal changes during the trial period.
Other even more complex tests may be part of the investigation to see if the couple can become pregnant. Some of them are expensive but can be done by the public health system . This is the case of research for incompatibility of gametes or rejection of the woman’s body to the male gamete.
For this there are exams such as post-coitus exam and also cross match. In some specific cases of suspected endometriosis, the doctor will order an exam called CA 125, this will find out whether or not there are clotting problems and if confirmed, an ultrasound and even a laparoscopy can be requested by the gynecologist who is trying to help the woman who seeks answers to find out if she can get pregnant.
How do I know if I can get pregnant? Exams for Man!
When we talk about fertility, we must always remember that the COUPLE can present some problem or the man, or the woman and sometimes both. That is why it is advisable that the husband also undergo examinations after the period necessary to start the investigation. Generally, this investigation of the male part starts with the spermogram, goes through the PSA and also hormonal exams. The doctor will certainly order tests for testosterone, estrogen , progesterone and others .
These tests will indicate if the sperm is healthy, if the quantity is normal and if the quality is satisfactory. The spermogram is performed and repeated if any problems are detected. It is also possible to make the spermogram through the public health network, in places specialized in fertility.
A precious tip for men is the use of male fertility vitamins, such as ViriFerti . In addition to supplying the body’s vitamin needs, it also enhances seminal production, strengthening sperm and improving DNA, increasing the chances of conception. You can purchase it here in our online store.
The gamete combination factor must also be taken into account for the man, if there is a compatibility problem, the woman will receive vaccinations from her husband. A small amount of the husband’s blood is injected several times into the woman’s body in order to eliminate the body’s hostility to the husband’s sperm. For the man or woman, specific blood tests to detect any sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and syphilis should also be done, because these diseases can prevent pregnancy from happening. With all these tests, the couple increases their chances of getting pregnant by 20%, because if there is a problem, it will certainly be detected.
There is also the non-apparent infertility factor. If there are more than a year of attempts and all tests are normal, it is up to the doctor together with the couple to choose the best course of action. They can be done from programmed intercourse to in vitro fertilization.
The best thing is to look for a specialist and do all the exams possible! Turning inside out can give the closest answer, whether you can get pregnant naturally or have to take some more complex action.
Good luck!
See also: Tips for Getting Pregnant- Positions and Tricks for Temptants
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.