Motherhood has been postponed more and more among couples, due to the busy daily life and full of commitments of modern life. But when the decision is made to raise the family, the anxiety that everything will happen in an agile way is inevitable. Normally women prevent an unwanted pregnancy with the use of oral and injectable contraceptives , the IUD or even other hormonal contraceptive methods and when the use is suspended it may take a certain period for them to leave the body completely and the ovulatory cycle to happen again naturally, making it impossible for them to happen. get pregnant fast.
Unfortunately it is not possible to predict the time that this wait will occur, it may happen in the next cycle or it may take months or even years. Therefore, the couple must be prepared to face a long journey if necessary, to fulfill their dream of motherhood. The best way is to take care of your health, look for an obstetrician gynecologist and perform evaluative exams to see if everything is okay so that conception occurs naturally. If any complications are found, such as hormonal lack of control, or even polycystic ovaries , with the due treatment, the positive can arrive and the couple get pregnant quickly.
How to Prepare to Get Pregnant
Exams ok, without any impediment? It’s time to focus on health, strengthen the eggs, sperm and also the body to be able to generate a healthy baby. Gynecologists recommend the use of folic acid as soon as it is decided that you want to get pregnant, but together with this important vitamin it is possible to give an extra boost to female fertility and strengthen the uterus and help ovulation to occur more strongly and in addition to producing healthy eggs. The use of female fertility vitamins such as FamiFerti is a great differential to get pregnant fast, with success guaranteed by several women.
Caring for men cannot be overlooked either, as it has an extremely important factor for pregnancy to occur. To help male fertility, it is also possible to take fertility-enhancing vitamins such as ViriFerti , which improve sperm conditions and mobility, making it easier for them to reach the egg more quickly
. Extra help to get pregnant fast and in a healthy way since it is through vitamins that fertility is strengthened, buy here in our virtual store.
Infallible Tips To Get Pregnant Faster
In addition to the extra and healthy help such as the female and male fertility vitamins that we have already mentioned above, there are some methods considered infallible to get pregnant fast. Methods considered simple, but that make a total difference in the design. Let’s list a few:
Flirt in the Fertile Period
Many couples have doubts about the exact period to date and increase the chances of getting pregnant fast and even about the possibilities of getting pregnant at any time. But we need to alert them that it is in the fertile period that the chances of conception are increased , since it is at this stage that ovulation takes place and the eggs are ready to be fertilized.
The fertile period occurs exactly in the middle of the female cycle and has a durability of around 7 days, so training should be reinforced in this period. The ideal is to make the famous table or even use mobile applications that follow the cycle accurately and still alert that the fertile period is coming as the APP Paula , to facilitate the control of the period and know when the possibilities are greater to be able to get pregnant and make the most of dating.
Laying Down After Sex
This tip is yet another trick used by the tempting. Laying down after intercourse and even reinforcing it with a pillow under the butt to help the fish reach the egg is a tactic to increase the chances of getting pregnant fast. The recommended thing is after dating, already lie down immediately and stay in a position on your back and do not clean yourself, making the sperm stay longer, increasing the possibilities of conception. This is not a trick proven by medicine, but experts have seen positive results with the use of this tactic.
In using this tip, another indication is the use of fertility-friendly lubricating gel , which in addition to increasing pleasure, plays the role of fertile mucus, improving sperm conditions to survive longer and reach the egg more easily, as is the case with FamiGel . FamiGel is water-based and in addition to acting positively in helping fertility, it also helps to balance vaginal pH , preventing infections and bacteria. You can purchase it here in our online store.
Diet rich in vitamins and minerals
Maintaining and having a healthy body is essential to have a peaceful life and also for those who want to get pregnant fast. Therefore, care with food and the consumption of vitamins and minerals is essential for those who want to get pregnant fast. Having healthy habits and consuming foods rich in nutrients, strengthen the body and even improve the qualities of eggs and sperm in the case of men.
Swap fast foods, processed foods and fast foods for foods rich in vitamin E, zinc and all B complex, which act and strengthen hormone levels. We cannot forget the importance of folic acid , which is not only indicated at the beginning of pregnancy, but when the decision is made to have a baby, ensuring the strengthening of the reproductive system aiming at a pregnancy and the healthy development of the baby.
But we know that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet daily requires effort and work, which is not always possible due to the hustle and bustle of today. In this case, there is the option of vitamin supplements that act on fertility and supply these vitamin needs, which will give an extra force to get pregnant faster. In the case of women, there is the option of the FamiFerti vitamin , which contains these important vitamins for fertility and even in a practical way, through capsules that facilitate in the daily routine. You can purchase it here in our online store.
Do Physical Exercises
The practice of physical exercises is not only recommended to maintain a body with adequate weight or workout. Doing physical exercises improve the body and the healthy functioning of the body together and this also affects fertility. Practicing physical exercise improves blood circulation, reduces stress and controls anxiety attacks, in addition to improving the hormone levels that are essential to get pregnant fast.
All of these tips should be put into practice carried out in conjunction with medical monitoring and obviously carry out fertility assessments in the woman’s initial stage and if the specialist deems it necessary also for the man. If any impediment to a natural conception is ruled out, the above tips are sure to help you get pregnant fast and make your family’s dream come true. Remember, the tips are on how to help the positive arrive faster and not as a guarantee that the pregnancy will occur in the same cycle.
The dream of motherhood requires persistence, a lot of patience and above all love between the couple, since it can be a quick process or take a long time. But the focus should be solely on getting and celebrating when the positive arrives. THEunion and partnership of the couple at this moment makes all the difference , since it will always be for each other and they need total harmony in order to be able to date, right?
Body care and food, together with some appropriate “tools” to enhance fertility will have a faster positive result. You will find products that will help you at that moment and you also have the option of the tempting kit , which contains ovulation tests, pregnancy test, male and female fertility vitamin and also the fertility-friendly lubricating gel here in our virtual store.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.