Then when we came across that ribbon for the first time, we asked ourselves, and now, how to do the pregnancy test? Ah, taking the pregnancy test is the easiest thing in the world, you can say, but it’s not a dear friend! Did you know that there is a little science to take the pharmacy pregnancy test ?
Yes, although they are very reliable and more and more , the pharmacy pregnancy test has the right way to do it and the right time for interpretation. How to take the pharmacy test also implies a reliable or doubtful result regardless of the brand being one of the best in the market.
There are brands and brands on the market , some better than others but in general they are of good quality. Only with a few exceptions that are unreliable brands although well known in the market that even if the woman knows how to do the pharmacy pregnancy test correctly, it can have false results or errors , whether false negative or false positive .
Is there a false positive?
False positive ? Yes, it exists, so it is better to read until the end to prevent and know how to take the pharmacy pregnancy test so that you don’t have a disappointment like that, which is certainly the worst for a tempting woman. Just like I had with my experience with the grav test! Let’s go on step by step then on how to do a pregnancy test either with pen or strips.
How to Take Pregnancy Test Strips or Pen
The first step in carrying out the pregnancy test is to collect the urine in a clean, dry plastic container . It can be a disposable cup of coffee or juice, but it can also be a collector of exams that are sold in pharmacies. Preferably use the first urine of the day, if you have a short period of menstrual delay.
Up to 15 days without menstruating, it is considered a minor delay. After that time, the pregnancy test can be done with any urine of the day as long as the woman does not drink anything for 2 to 3 hours to help the concentration of HCG in the pee.
The next step is to leave an adequate amount in the collector where the test will be immersed. Knowing how to do the pharmacy pregnancy test is to respect the limits described in the instructions for use. In the case of test strips, never exceed the maximum limit line that is clearly indicated on the strip. In cases of testing cases or pens, never pee directly on the toothpick as we see in movies. The ideal is to do the same way as the pregnancy test strip, soak for 15 seconds in the jar with the urine.
Pregnancy Test Result Reading Time
The reading time of the pregnancy test result can vary from brand to brand as well, but in general, five minutes of waiting for an accurate result is required. There are some marks that can make the second line clear when it is still wet and darken the test as soon as it dries, while other marks can make it very apparent while moist and after drying it becomes lighter.
The important thing is to know that after ten minutes of having done the pregnancy test, any change in the result must be taken as inconclusive, safe even only up to ten minutes ok? Blue dye pregnancy tests are more susceptible to evaporation lines, these lines that appear after time and make us go crazy, so the ten minute rule applies even more to these tests.
Knowing whether or not the pregnancy test may have the absorbent tip dipped during the test can be a complicated task, as some brands ask only a few seconds to capture the necessary amount of raw material, while others ask for the test to during the entire waiting time for the antibody on the strip to react.
How a Pregnancy Test Works
Urine has HCG which is a hormone produced only in pregnancy. The test accurately captures the presence of this hormone and depending on the amount, the result line may be darker or lighter. The result line is another frequent question in women who are still in doubt as to how to do the pharmacy pregnancy test correctly.
Theoretically if the pregnancy test gives two lines then the result is positive regardless of the color of the second line . But in some cases the line can be a catch, as it can indicate the poor quality of the test and give a false positive that will wipe out the woman by marking the line where the result should be even without HCG in the woman’s body.
One thing to make very clear to women who are entering the world of temptation now, is the time to take the pregnancy test. There are some lucky ones who get positive before the delay , but these are the exceptions and not the rules and we must remember that pregnancy only happens after the implantation of the fetus in the uterus and from then on HCG starts to be produced making the pregnancy apparent. Unless it is performed through a pregnancy test of superior sensitivity, such as the Famivita brand, which has 10 mUi of sensitivity, and can detect HCG levels even before menstrual delay. You can get it here in our online store.
Don’t get carried away by anxiety , avoid frustrations by taking the pregnancy test at the right time, at least five days late for regulated women and 20 days late for women with irregular cycles .
Good luck with your test and any questions that arise just leave in the comments!
See also: Pharmacy Pregnancy Test – Live Emotion!
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.