Today I receive the dear Juliana Palma mommy from Arthur and Matheus. She was a young mother and unexpectedly saw her life change completely. She also talks a little about her home birth. Get to know a little more about this young mom who has a lot to teach in her videos! Welcome Juliana!
Changing Diapers: Tell us a little about yourself and the children .
Juliana: I am 28 years old, I am a pedagogue and teacher of early childhood education. I got pregnant at 23 and became a mother at 24, then at 26. Arthur is a very playful boy and companion. Genious as the mother and systematic as the father. Matheus is still showing us what his personality will be like, but I already know it will be very strong. He is decisive in what he wants, is nervous when he is not attended to and likes to do everything his brother does!
Changing Diapers : How did motherhood come into your life? Have you always wanted to be a mother or was it something that happened?
Juliana: Motherhood did not knock on my door, she arrived like a meteor in my life !!! Despite loving children, I didn’t see a mother anytime soon. I was dating and we were planning the engagement when I discovered the pregnancy. It was a tremendous scare, as we had to learn in months what we plan to learn in years! But God has always blessed us and enabled us to face all challenges.
Changing Diapers: How did you meet your husband?
Juliana: We met at school at the age of 15. We started dating at 16 and are still together today! A relationship that has gone through many moments, but that has grown stronger every day!
Changing Diapers: Did he always want to have children? How was his reaction to knowing he was going to be a dad?
Juliana: He always had the big daddy profile. We talked about children and I already knew that he would do well in this role (lol). When I told him that the test was positive, he doubted it, but when we did the blood test, it fell. But he stood his ground, gave me a lot of strength and always made it clear that we would be together.
Changing Diapers: How did you receive the news that it would be mommy?
Juliana: I was suspicious because my period was one week late. I bought the pharmacy test to clear up my doubts and on a Sunday night I saw those two stripes. I was at home, my parents already asleep and I in the bathroom, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. I called the boyfriend and told him, but he said to wait for the blood test, because it could be a false alarm. I knew it wasn’t and from that minute I felt my life change!
Changing Diapers: What is the most remarkable moment in the first pregnancy? Were you a nice pregnant woman or did you have many wishes?
Juliana: I think it was the first time that I felt Arthur move. Until then it was strange to say that I was pregnant. That belly that no one can tell if it’s a few extra pounds or a baby and I never felt it was so abstract to me … I only had one wish, mush! I don’t like it and I never liked it, but one day I felt like it and I made the whole family go after me! I ate three !!!
Changing Diapers: Do you have a funny story about changing diapers? How did the first pump change? Did you have any problem?
Juliana: My first exchange was for history! I remember the nurse explaining the whole process of changing and bathing and I felt super safe, practically a teacher too! As soon as we got home, I went to show my skills and Arthur made a huge pee that flew on his head, ear and hair! I was so nervous that I told her husband to fill the bathtub to bathe, but I ended up forgetting everything the nurse had taught me. I gave a terrible shower, Arthur cried so much, that famous cigar that we make with the baby went wrong and I got more and more nervous, when I see the husband all smiling taking picture and finding everything very funny. Today I look at the photos and they are really comical. My angry face, Arthur crying and the memory of that moment, my first diaper change was a disaster!
Changing Diapers: You had a home birth, what is the main difference between birth at home and traditional birth in the maternity ward.
Juliana: EVERYTHING! Everything is different! There are no pertinent comparisons at all times! But what stands out most is the intimacy of the moment. My first delivery was a medical event, surgery, something cold … That’s right, I think I found the right words. My home delivery was HOT! In all senses! Do you know when you are cold, come home and your whole family is on the couch, under the covers, watching your favorite movie and you are just missing? When you join them you feel that nice warmth that comes from both the blanket and the feeling of being with the one you love, you know? It’s that hot I mean! Family, intimacy, emotion, love… I philosophized too much ???
Changing Diapers: How does it feel to have a child in your home? Did you prepare for this or was it something that happened? Did you have family support for this choice?
Juliana: I have no words. It’s surreal! Home birth was a dream, but not a plan. I live a long way from any hospital, hiring a good team was expensive and I trusted my GO too much and he doesn’t deliver at home so I prepared myself for a natural hospital birth. So Matheus being born at home was a surprise and a gift from God! If I planned it wouldn’t be so perfect.
My husband even supported the idea of someone who knows how to think about home birth, but just as I had the convictions I said above, but I know that for him, everything that was as natural as possible was what he also wanted! On the day of my birth he was my stronghold, my source of security. The rest of the family (our parents) found us crazy and even irresponsible. But after the fright they gradually understood each part of the story and remembered how much giving birth is something natural and today the story is a source of pride for them!
Changing Diapers: What has the first child changed in your life? What has the second changed?
Juliana: Arthur changed me whole. She taught me to be a mother in a very short time. It made me see life differently, strengthened my faith and brought me the incredible mission of motherhood. Arthur is a great companion that God has given me!
Matheus made me be reborn. In addition to providing me with an unforgettable birth, the creation of a unique bond brought me the understanding that giving birth is something extremely natural and that I am stronger than I ever thought I was. Matheus taught me to be very patient. He was born of almost 42 weeks and as a second child, he makes his mother freak out every now and then, so be patient !!!
Changing Diapers: What did motherhood teach you that would pass to girls who are not yet mothers?
Juliana: Life goes by very fast. Sometimes we plan, or want to plan every detail of our lives, but God has something different for us. Life is one, so live! Motherhood arrives and you will transform. I literally learned what “I can’t go back” and “I never want to go back”, that moment when you think about everything you could do if you weren’t a mother, but immediately find yourself talking that I wouldn’t go back for anything !!! Motherhood is not easy, but it is extremely rewarding, wonderful!
Changing Diapers: Advice for first-time moms or young moms.
Juliana: Everything passes! Enjoy every second of “will I be able to handle this phase?”, Because you will even miss it!
Check out the YouTube channel and also the blog De Menina a Mãe.
See also: A New Look at Life – Andreza Goulart
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.