Fever is the main symptom or reaction of the body when something is wrong in the body. This is because the human body is totally controlled by a kind of “thermometer” called the hypothalamus that controls the temperature of the body keeping the internal organs at around 37 degrees. When an agent invades the organism or a disease attacks, the hypothalamus automatically raises body temperature, indicating that it is not within normal limits. When this temperature rises too much, febrile seizures may occur, especially in children between 6 months and 5 years of age.
The temperature considered normal of the body varies between 36 and 36.7 C and tends to be lower in the morning and the afternoon rising rapidly at night. Considering it to be a feverish or feverish state when the temperature reaches 37.3 to 37.8 C. Above 37.8 C it is already considered fever, and the only way to confirm the temperature is through a thermometer preferably digital which are more accurate. The most appropriate way to check the temperature is through the folds of the armpit and it should remain until indicating the full 5 minutes.
When this central body temperature function fails to control the appropriate temperature and it rises rapidly, it occurs in febrile seizures in children. Even being informed by pediatricians that it is something benign, it is a frightening scene for any mother, since during the moment of the seizure the child has intense muscular stiffness, loss of consciousness, eyes that turn and some may have lips and tips purple fingers. A crisis lasts an average of seconds up to 5 minutes and after the seizure the child usually becomes more dejected, sleepy and with heavy breathing. Unfortunately it is not possible to predict when febrile seizures in children will occur, but by controlling body temperature it is possible to decrease the chances of what happened.
What to do during and after the febrile seizure?
When finding fever in children, the use of antipyretics to control the temperature is indicated . However, in some cases even the drug is not able to reduce the rapid onset of fever, which may require other methods to help reduce the temperature more quickly, such as warm baths or compresses on the forehead and trunks with warm to cold water. . If, even with all the measures taken, the fever does not go down, it is recommended that an immediate care is sought.
It is in these extreme cases that febrile seizures in children occur and in desperation to see their child squirm, parents do not know what to do. The first step is to try to calm down, the crisis will only last a few minutes and you should hold your child up so that he doesn’t get hurt during the seizure. Take your child’s clothes off completely and rest his head on a comfortable pillow and turn him on his side so that any secretion or saliva that comes out of his mouth doesn’t hinder breathing. Keep objects and furniture away from the child that may injure during the crisis and keep the place well ventilated.
It is not necessary to hold the child’s tongue as the ancients said, just make sure that the child will not get hurt around you while you are struggling. Only after the crisis and the child has come to himself, it is indicated that the antipyretic is given. During the crisis, do not offer medications, as they can be aspirated through the lungs, aggravating the case. If possible, mark the duration of the febrile seizure together with the temperature the body has reached , as it will be valuable information for the pediatrician to analyze the condition and severity.
After passing the febrile seizure, it is normal for the child to be visibly dejected and very sleepy. Call your pediatrician immediately or seek emergency care for more detailed medical examinations that will find the reason for the high fever and consequently the seizure. Treating the cause is the best way to combat and prevent the occurrence of a recurrence. Usually the tests requested for verification are blood, urine or CSF tests to rule out meningitis. If the doctor sees a need. But be aware that the child’s chance of developing brain damage or developmental disabilities due to a febrile seizure is practically minimal. Another big myth is that children who have seizures become epileptic, this is a minimal chance of almost 1%.
See also: Why Fever Occurs in Children?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.