Who has never heard of a mother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother, sister or aunt who catches the wife or even the couple so they can have children? The truth is that when we are single they charge us for a boyfriend, when we have the charge it is for the wedding, when we get married for the children… It is true that even friends start to put pressure on the arrival of the children at a certain point in the championship, even more if most of these friends already have children or the whole family has less you and your husband, isn’t it true? But to what extent is this healthy or does it harm the psychological of the woman or couple?
For most of those who suffer from this type of collection, they know well what it is to have no control over an aspect that can be so natural for some couples. In some cases pregnancy is not so easy, not as we thought it would be! Simply stop the prevention and let it happen for the pregnancy to come. It is not always the way we dream and it costs a lot even for women who are crazy to be grandparents, understand this little detail, it does not always depend on our will! When there are no children in the family I think the responsibility for that couple that has been together for some timeis even more emphasized. They are the ones most responsible for giving the first grandchild, nephew, godson… and then, there the collection comes from all sides! Incredible as it may seem, we can start from those we don’t imagine, our own mother!
Private or Public Life?
But I think everything can get worse if attempts to get pregnant are public. Public? Yes, you know that federal crap about talking to some gossiping cousin, sister-in-law and even your tongue-in-cheek aunt about intentions of having a baby? These are the first to spread the good news to the four corners of the family. Then the collection and the looks become explicit, collection without any shame, in front of the whole family at the end of the year meetings or in any other celebration that may come together! Little jokes about how your husband doesn’t hit you, how slow you are… it has the worst possible effect on the psychological, you know?
Anxiety! This is the result of so many charges for a pregnancy that it never seems to arrive. And in the meantime, the boring farist cousins get pregnant the friends who had a lightning romance, get pregnant. Your neighbor without responsibility, who loves ballads and with several children, becomes pregnant with the 9th baby and you have been there for one, two, three years. Entering and leaving medical offices and laboratories without success for years on end. When we want to boast a big belly, life around us seems to get pregnant and we don’t! Unfair life? Sometimes, yes … But did you know that we are more unfair than this life?
We ourselves are so cruel to ourselves … I really think that a BASTA for everyone who charges the couple’s children should be given to help with the psychological. Make it clear to everyone that everything has its time and that at exactly the right time things will happen, pregnancy will come, it is essential. We have an obligation to maintain our mental health and make these family and friends’ nitpicks out of the pack since we suffer so much from our own demands. Dear friend, do not allow more problems to invade your tempting life. Maintaining an isolated life is not the solution, but keeping pregnancy attempts private , just for the couple is a great idea. There may even be a charge, but as my mother says, they only do what we allow.
Everything in its time, everything has a limit and making these limits very clear to friends and family has a benefit without size. Fresh cuca is a holy remedy for many things including fertility . I am in favor of turning on the “F” key and sending everyone who charges for this pregnancy to take care of their own lives, is that enough? If not, say it in all letters
“God does not delay, he takes care and knows the right time for things to happen. Strength in the wig and a lot of courage to face the tempting life. ”
See more: Confession of the Tentant’s Life – The Pain of Waiting
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.