Most mothers who dream of having twin children already imagine dressing the twins the same. But that was a rule for most families in the past and over the years it keeps getting more and more behind
Many couples with a focus on treating their twin children as unique individuals who are, prefer not to be adept at dressing their twins alike. They are treated like two different children, with different personalities and different tastes as well.
Obviously, besides the difficulties that you have to take care of babies and twin children. Like, for example, confusing which one has already changed the diaper or already eaten, when they are wearing identical clothes?
Different Accessories
A tip for parents who like the idea of seeing their twins wear the same outfit, is to differentiate with some accessories, such as the color of the shoe, or a different coat. This method can work well even during family outings, to be able to differentiate your children more easily among other children.
In fact, between twins it is quite common to be confused and cause good laughs, especially within the family itself. In other cases, on the other hand, it can become unpleasant even for them, who are embarrassed to never be recognized, even by people close to them.
Dressing the same twins is a very common practice when they are still babies or children up to an age group. With the growth it becomes more difficult, since they usually demonstrate their opinions and tastes when dressing from a stage, even choose what they want to use.
Until When To Wear Them Equal?
So if your dream is to dress your twins alike, enjoy it while still having control over them. Once they grow up, this custom can become almost impossible. The clothes end up saying a lot about the people and the personality of each one of them, so almost always the purchases will be very different.
It is in these details that we realize that however identical the twins may be, the way they speak, the voice and even the laugh. The way of treating people, the character and even the qualities are unique and differentiated which ends up becoming evident and easy to differentiate them when they are older.
The choice of whether to wear identical twins or not is very particular and will vary from family to family , as well as everything else related to raising a child. There is no right or wrong and parents should do what they think is right and good for their children.
Twins at School
When it comes to twins at school, some precautions are pointed out so that the children’s individuality is maintained. The ideal is that they study in different classes, since it is at school that the first bonds outside the family circle will be created, even in the importance of interaction with other people, this separation has value.
The presence of the twins in the same classroom, can cause isolation of the class and even make it difficult for them to get involved with other friends, always being the two in their particularity.
Of course, this is an indication with a pedagogical basis and that aims at the particularity of each student as a different person. But some parents believe that this will not affect their children’s school life if they study together in the same classroom.
Really children and twins in general can surprise anyone , and even if together they can have a great relationship with groups of friends or even be part of different groups. Therefore, each case is different and should be assessed separately with parents and teachers.
One of the difficulties of teachers with twins in the same classroom is to identify them, especially when they wear uniforms. But over time, the way of speaking and behaving in the classroom differentiates who is who.
In the case of babies in daycare centers , it is recommended that they be separated so that they are not confused when it comes to care. In addition, of course, the development factor, which when together can create a great dependence on the other, affecting them to develop in their particularity.
But it will all depend on the daycare center or the school chosen for your children. Everything should be discussed, clarified with the school management and even with the teachers if necessary.
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.