This is a desire that comes from the depths of a woman’s soul. The dream of being a mother comes from the heart, from the soul! But when does that dream not come true the way we expected? When motherhood is inside the heart , but it doesn’t happen so that we can give all the love we have inside the chest to a child?
What tentative has never caught herself looking fondly at a baby clothes or admiring her friends’ newly arrived children? The desire and dream of being a mother can come from one moment to the next . Being awakened without even the woman realizing it! For example, I always had an immense desire for motherhood, I had the dream of being a very clear mother in life. I knew I would be a mother, but I didn’t know how or when. When we are young we can idealize the situation and it is not always the way we would like it to be.
A woman who wants to be a mother does not dream of motherhood conquered with great difficulty. She dreams of a simple motherhood, one achieved after marriage to the man of her dreams and through the softness of an act of love. The problem is when this dream of becoming a mother is interrupted by the harsh reality of unsuccessful attempts to conceive. For some women it is enough to pass beside the husband’s underwear to get pregnant, for others it takes years and years. Exams plus exams to detect what may be wrong with fertility. If the problem is yours it is much simpler, but what about when it is with your partner? How to make him understand this need for treatment and that we need him to be treated so that the sleep of being a mother is realized?
Not all men understand this desire and sometimes it takes years to convince them to treat. Time is cruel to women, little does he know that the years do not forgive! The older a woman is, the more complicated her fertility becomes. Despite the advancement of medicine, the dream of becoming a mother can become a long wait for those who wish to produce a baby from their own womb. Many women end up postponing this stage of life, seeking financial stability or even belatedly finding their great love. Therefore, being surrounded by care to make the dream of becoming a mother more peaceful is fundamental.
I want to be a mother, will I make it?
This always goes through the mind of a woman who has tried for some time without success. But the important thing is that this woman who wants motherhood so much, know that in addition to waiting for the blessing, she must keep her physical exams in order. Couples who have tried for more than a year without success, must keep their exams and especially that of their partner up to date! In addition, the psychological factor must be taken into account. Who says anxiety doesn’t get in the way? A good head can help a lot when making the dream of motherhood come true. Being a mother is first of all preparing yourself psychologically for everything that may happen. Even before you are pregnant, remember that a cool head, free from negative thoughts and fears can help a lot for the miracle of life to happen. Anxiety ,depression, frustration and bitterness can try to enter your life, but don’t allow it! Make guts
The dream of being a mother is something that comes from the soul, from the heart …
heart to keep a cool head so that the desire to be a mother is realized as quickly as possible and in a natural way. Just dating to get pregnant right? Wrong! Your body asks for a transformation, so let go of all your addictions that may harm you and prepare yourself better with food and exercise.
But what if I can’t get pregnant? What’s the use of preparing so much if I can’t generate? The world was not made from just one person. It is important to remember that there are several children in the world in search of those who give them that love kept in their chest. The mother’s affection is unconditional and regardless of whether the same blood or not, it will be the same. Open your horizons! See the world around you and maybe you will find the love you so wanted to feel in another person as loved and loved as if he had left your own body?
Being a mother is a state of mind, dream of being a mother is almost unanimous, but we can make a difference. Do not let the evils of that dream consume you little by little and destroy the most beautiful dream that a woman, a couple can have in life! Be calm and enjoy this dream until it comes true…
See also: I want to get pregnant at the speed of light!
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.