You know that advertisement for washing powder, where you say that getting dirty is good? Exactly, it is the purest truth! Know that such dirt vitamin S could only have one effect: make your clothes dirtier than they already would be, but they would not cause any harm to your child. Ew! Dirty son, with a hand full of mud or sand and putting it in his mouth? Madam, know that this is the best vaccine! The body gets immunity with these episodes of play immersed in mud, sand, ground and always surrounded by a lot of joy and happiness.
Children are born without immunity. When we are newborns, we have to make sure that they are not exposed to diseases, microorganisms and bacteria that they did not have contact with in the womb. But over time, they start to receive vaccines against more serious diseases and also the antibodies that the mother produced throughout her life during breastfeeding. We can say that immunity is built up throughout life and especially in early childhood. Letting the child play with what contains vitamin S, is to collaborate so that his body is healthier. As soon as the child is born, even more by normal means, she receives from her mother’s vaginal flora, microorganisms that will be part of your life from now on. This flora is totally beneficial and will certainly help the organism to mature for non-sterile life outside the womb.
From the 3rd month of life onwards, those so important cares with the baby’s belongings, can start to be left aside. Sterilize the nozzles (if used), teethers and clothes. At this age the child will be able to withstand the elements of the environment that surrounds him without major problems. Did the pacifier fall to the floor? You won’t need to sterilize. Just wash. All excessive care is harmful, including cleaning. We must be aware that vitamin S, the dirt we have daily, will increasingly help to strengthen the body of our little explorers.
How does vitamin S work? The microorganisms that live around us penetrate the skin or mouth and fall into the lymph vessels to the lymph nodes. These in turn, do the job of recognizing foreign bodies and forming the body’s defense, antibodies. These will act quickly the next time you come into contact with that microorganism again and will defend your organism more efficiently. So, we can say that vitamin S helps immunity a lot.
How Vitamin S Changed Our Lives
<a href = “” Vitamin S is everywhere, just let the child have contact.
A brief testimony of my life without vitamin S: the madness I had for cleaning up with Joana’s things was absurd. One thing consoles me, I know I am not and I was not the only one. I was obsessed with keeping her things extremely clean and disinfected. Do you know that kind of mother who drinks alcohol three hundred thousand times every day? Not to mention that he didn’t let her stay on the floor at all. Barefoot with bare feet on the floor? You’re welcome! My daughter was too delicate to have contact with a “dirty” floor. Even though I cleaned it 2 or 3 times with alcohol and some disinfectants, it was not clean enough.
Then you can think: but it was not an exaggeration on your part either? Yea! It was exactly an exaggeration and in the end, Joana was more sick than good. The sessions of antibiotics , fever, sneezing and coughing were endless . We lived more in the emergency room than elsewhere. We came to attend the emergency twice a week because of the diseases that affected the poor child who lived in a care bubble.
It was until one day when crying, I told my mother about the suffering of seeing my daughter so sick. Did she have a serious problem that doctors couldn’t find out? Then she said to me: Daughter let this child be a child. She has to go through normal games to be healthier. It was on this day that vitamin S entered my life and Joana’s. I started to do everything that before, it seemed too disgusting. He played with the dogs, rolled on the floor, picked plants to play with food. It was then that this girl miraculously changed!
Health came naturally as the games she worked on to have fun with her cluttered dirt from the backyard. She became a strong and healthier girl. Is it just a coincidence? Dudu was born in this environment of “getting dirty is good” and little was sick. He was very dirty and not even the flu had. Asthma problems came, but these were inevitable as they are hereditary diseases. Melissa? A girl who lies down and rolls with her inseparable 4-legged friend and yes, she is super healthy.
See also: Child Vaccination – Lifetime Protection
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.