If you are looking for more natural options, teas can be an option! They can play an important role in the life of the woman who seeks in nature an effective treatment in favor of fertility. Teas can be taken either by women who want motherhood immediately or for treatment for a future pregnancy. So we can say that, yes, there are teas that help you get pregnant!
Teas and Their Benefits
Tea is a great option for women who want to get pregnant. There are several options in nature, with the most popular teas: yam tea, cat’s claw, yellow uxi, ginseng and nettle. The secret is knowing how to use the right tea to achieve the desired effect. Women who have hormonal problems can resort to differentiated teas, compared to couples in which both have fertility problems. The teas that help you get pregnant are:
The yam acts not only on the body of women who want to become pregnant , but also on those who have entered the climacteric. Yam tea helps to get pregnant due to having a large amount of estrogen-rich flavonoids. This estrogen supplements the deficient hormonal amount in the body in the proliferative phase for ovulation. Yam, if taken close to the fertile period , helps to further stimulate the ovaries.
Yam tea works by increasing the size and quantity of follicles for more efficient ovulation. For those looking for a tea to get pregnant with twins, this is ideal. In addition to all the benefits, it is considered an aphrodisiac tea, as yam also helps to increase libido. If you have difficulties in taking yam tea or even inserting it in the daily menu, there is the option of yam capsules tested and approved by many women and at affordable prices. You can find them here in our store .
Dandelion tea for fertility acts on the woman’s body by increasing blood circulation. Thus, the lower abdomen receives a greater amount of blood, favoring ovular proliferation and also contributes to the thickening of the endometrium.
The plant yields an efficient tea to get pregnant because it has an effective anti-inflammatory property in the reproductive system. If there is any inflammation that is preventing the embryo from settling in the uterus, this plant will help to resolve the problem quickly.
Sarsaparilla is an appropriate tea for those seeking hormonal control. Women with unregulated menstrual cycles begin to have a greater routine with the balance provided by this tea. In addition, tea helps to get pregnant and also helps to eliminate any urinary or uterine infections that are present in the body. Sarsaparilla is also one of the teas that have aphrodisiac properties. This tea, unlike the yam tea that should be consumed only by women, can also be consumed by men. Tea for men helps to increase the amount of sperm made by the gonads.
Wild pepper or vitex:
The flowers and dry leaves of vitex make an excellent tea for those who want to get pregnant fast . Pepper shaker tea helps with the uncomfortable symptoms caused by hormones such as abdominal and sinus pain. The plant also helps in the post ovulatory phase, as it gives strength to the organism in the luteal phase. The corpus luteum works in the post-ovulation phase and manufactures progesterone for efficient support to the endometrium.
Pregnancy will happen more easily with a thick, fluffy endometrium provided by the hormones supplied by the corpus luteum . In addition, vitex helps to solve problems related to polycystic ovaries . Women with this problem can use tea to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment of the disease in the ovaries. All of these benefits are thanks to the isovitexin in the plant.
Green tea:
Green tea is effective for women who do not become pregnant due to excessive weight. In addition to making the body lighter, green tea acts as an excellent ingredient to clean the uterus . It is advisable to use green tea close to the menstrual period to help in the process of detaching the endometrium and detoxifying the uterus from dirt.
Cat’s Nail:
Cat’s claw favors the body’s detoxification , but it also fights infections caused by bacteria in the gynecological region. It acts as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.
Yellow Uxi:
Effective against female problems, including polycystic ovaries, the yellow uxi also fights intra-mural fibroids and secretions caused by dsts, such as chlamydia, HPV and syphilis. This variety of plant is easily found in Brazil and is ready for consumption.
How to take
The dandelion must be consumed continuously, as well as the nettle tea. Some teas that help you get pregnant should be taken at strategic times to promote fertility. An example of this is the yam tea, which should be taken as soon as the woman stops bleeding in the menstrual period. You should take 500ml a day for a week . If the cycle is long, it is advisable to complete 10 days of treatment with the yam.
Sarsaparilla tea should be consumed for 10 days and before the ovulation period. You should consume two to three cups of tea daily. Vitex should be consumed after ovulation in order to increase the circulation of hormones in the luteal phase, and it is advisable to drink three cups of tea for a week.
Green tea should be used continuously as long as the woman does not become pregnant. It is recommended to use 3 cups daily. Cat’s claw, as well as yellow uxi, should be consumed before the fertile period, from the first day of the menstrual cycle in women who are trying to conceive, but it can also be used in cycles where there is hormonal treatment based on contraceptives . In this case, the woman can make continuous use of the tea to help get pregnant while leaving the contraceptive.
How to make
Most teas for pregnancy, such as dandelion and nettle, should be made with small amounts for one liter of filtered and boiled water. It is advisable to make the infusion with fire off to prevent the medicinal properties of the leaves or elements from being lost. For all teas, the leaves must be thoroughly sanitized before preparation. For other teas, you can use:
Yam tea: for each liter of water, five yam peels (simmer for 5 minutes).
Cat’s claw and yellow uxi: add a teaspoon of dried leaves or ground powder (add in a liter of filtered water and boiled with the fire turned off, wait 10 minutes with the stuffy mixture and then strain to consume). It is advisable to sweeten it with brown sugar or honey.
Green tea: add two teaspoons in one liter of filtered and boiled water. It is advisable to let the tea cook for an average of two minutes to remove the medicinal properties of the leaves. Strain for ingestion and sweeten to taste to help the strong flavor that the tea has.
Pepper or vitex: for each liter of water, add three tablespoons full of the dried or fresh plant. It is not advisable to let this plant boil, but keep it on low heat for at least 60 seconds after the water boils.
Sarsaparilla: in a liter of boiling water, add three tablespoons of the herb and cook for two to three minutes. Leave covered for 10 minutes to rest and consume sweetened with honey. Apple and cinnamon can be added to the mix for flavor.
Care Not Use
Women undergoing drug treatment should seek guidance from their gynecologist, as some teas, although not medications, can cause drug interactions. The effects of tea to get pregnant can range from an accumulation of anti-inflammatory substances in the body to a hormonal excess caused by the use of plants that contain a large amount of hormonal. It is recommended to make tea each time you consume it; thus, all necessary properties will be maintained.
If teas are not an option for you because of the difficulty in consuming them, there is the option of vitamins appropriate for fertility, as is the case with FamiFerti , which in addition to meeting the vitamin needs of the female body, stimulates and strengthens the uterus and eggs, improving the chances of getting pregnant more quickly. You can learn more about FamiFerti here at this link .
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.