Positive Ovulation Test Before Menstruation

Many women do not know, but the ovulation test is likely to be positive before...

Mate Tea Properties

Mate tea is made from yerba mate, also known as congonha, which originates in the subtropical...

Black Tea Properties

Black tea is made from the plant species Camellia sinesis , the same used to originate green tea...

Brazil Nut and Its Benefits

Castanha do Pará is also known as Brazil nut, as it is characteristic of the northern region of...

Bitter Carqueja: Brazilian Medicinal Plant

The plant known as “bitter gorse” is a small shrub, scientific name Baccharis trimera , from...

Tips for Getting Pregnant – From Sympathy to Medicine

Since the time of our grandparents, we have heard of some tricks to make it easier for women to get...


Essential mineral for the correct development of the body of children and adolescents. Also...

Folliculinum CH6

Folliculinum CH6 is used especially by women who want to become pregnant. It helps in hormonal...

Jaborandi Tea

Jaborandi is well known for its vast medicinal properties in aesthetics, however the tea from this...

Bird Weed

Bird grass is a parasite in nature but contains several medicinal properties and important benefits...