Breastfeeding can be a subject that generates countless doubts, especially in first-time mothers. However, when we talk about certain diseases that appear with breastfeeding , this issue seems to be even more confusing.
One of the clearest examples of this is when we talk about breast candidiasis , a type of disease that can appear in different ways in a woman, including because of breastfeeding, but that does not depend on factors such as the baby’s grip and health, for example. And because it is such a delicate and not so discussed topic, it is necessary to better understand what this disease is, why it arises and what it has to do with breastfeeding.
What is Breast Candidiasis?
Breast candidiasis is characterized by an infection in the breasts that can reach only the nipple, the nipple and the areola or even the lactiferous ducts. The infection is usually caused by fungi and can cause wounds that are difficult to heal. The fungus that causes the disease is called Candida albicans.
The disease usually occurs when the woman’s immune system is very low, that is, it can be an autoimmune disease, but it can also be passed from the baby to the mother during breastfeeding , which is quite common.
In this case, the baby may have what is called oral candidiasis, a disease also known as thrush that causes white spots around the mouth and also internally, but the baby can pass the disease on to the mother without having any type of infection. .
Main Symptoms of Breast Candidiasis
We can cite the main symptoms of breast candidiasis as:
- Severe pain in the nipple;
- Burning sensation inside the breasts;
- Itch;
- Redness;
- Wounds on the breasts that take time to heal;
- Fissures in the division of the nipple with the areola;
- Reddish skin on the sinuses
These symptoms can appear together or separately and not always all happen to all women who have the disease, it all depends on the woman’s immune system, the severity of the disease and even the way she is or is not being treated.
These factors also influence whether the healing process is faster or longer and which is the ideal treatment to be done.
Treatment of Breast Candidiasis
The treatment of the disease is usually based on antifungals, which are taken for about 3 weeks until the symptoms disappear completely. In addition, the use of ointments both to fight fungi and to help in the healing of wounds is also done in the fight against the disease.
Some attitudes must be adopted during treatment, the most important of which is to keep the breast area dry in the interval between the baby’s breastfeeding. This is because Candida albicans proliferates very well in humid environments, which can end up hampering the process of treating breast candidiasis.
If the baby has symptoms of oral candidiasis, treatment for both needs to be done at the same time to prevent a new infection and the disease from coming back.
How to Prevent Breast Candidiasis?
Although it is an undesirable disease and can develop easily, depending on the case, there are some attitudes that can help prevent breast candidiasis from appearing. They are:
- Do not breastfeed with artificial nipples, as they facilitate the proliferation of fungi.
- Keep breasts always dry
- Always wash your hands
- Keep breasts fresh
- Do not use products that make the breasts stuffy or moist
These small attitudes help in the prevention of mammary candidiasis and also in oral candidiasis in the baby, since when you have less contact with fungi, the baby will consequently also have it. It is worth remembering that these attitudes do not totally free you from the risk of developing breast candidiasis, since it is also an autoimmune disease.
Can the baby be affected?
You have already realized that the disease can be transmitted from the baby to the mother. But can it be affected in any other way? The answer is yes. Not as a disease, but unfortunately the time for breastfeeding will not be as pleasurable as long as the mother has breast candidiasis.
Breast pain, which are common symptoms of the disease, usually gets worse when breastfeeding, which ends up making it difficult and, indirectly, affecting the baby in some way. Still, this is nothing that will harm the baby’s food or nutrition, but remember to do the treatment strictly so that the healing process is done more quickly.
Diseases like breast candidiasis are more common than we think, but they are also diseases that can be treated and that do not pose such a big risk to your health. Despite this, a disease of this type is sure to cause some discomfort, in addition to making you have to worry more than the many that you already have with the baby.
That is why it is so important to receive support at these times and to be able to count on people who can help you. Surely in a short time you will be well again and able to resume your common routine as a mother and with the concerns that they all have.
See also: Cracked Nipple – What to do?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.