Biologist – What do you do and how much do you earn?

The biologist is a professional graduated in undergraduate course with an average duration of 4 years. Her career can extend to different branches of her area, where she will work with different types of audiences and different work environments.

Biologists are usually nature lovers and are interested in working in places where these elements are inserted, however, many can also work helping health professionals and also within companies, providing different types of services.

The Labor Market for Women in Biology

Currently, women represent 72% of the total number of biology professionals working in Brazil, which means that the market for women is open and receptive. It is not known exactly why the number of women is so much higher than that of men in this area, but it is speculated that it has to do with the greater interest of women in general in nature and animals.

What really matters is to know that, the woman who thinks about pursuing a career in biology, will find a solid market and without any barriers to compete for a place, be it in a school, in a laboratory, in a zoo or in a zoo. company.

What is the Profile of a Biologist?

The biology professional, as already mentioned, is a nature lover and is interested in questions about environmental preservation, wildlife, plant reproduction, among other subjects. In addition, interest in chemistry also helps professionals in several aspects both in academic and professional life, where different jobs require knowledge of this discipline.

What Does a Biologist Do?

There are several functions that a biologist can perform within the labor market. Starting in the academic world , where the professional can teach students from elementary school II to universities, going through direct activities with animals such as work in veterinary clinics, zoos, research institutes and also in various types of companies . Some of the main functions of biologists are:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Zoology
  • Biotechnology
  • Microbiology

Each of these functions plays an important role within the field of biology, but they are different from each other, requiring different skills and knowledge from each professional.


The professional who specializes in bioinformatics, needs to have aptitude for the area of ​​information technology and be attentive to everything that involves technology within the world of biology. Virtually everything that is known today about the study of genes comes from bioinformatics and the advancement of their research.

This means that the type of professional who works in this area, is responsible for carrying out research and experiments that can help in curing diseases and problems with human beings. But there is also work on the artificial development of plants and animals . It is a type of work essential for the area of ​​agriculture and livestock, which has been advancing a lot in its technologies thanks to bioinformatics.


Certainly one of the most loved functions by biologists and most famous of this type of professional. The biologist specializing in zoology can perform several functions within her career. One is to research and evaluate the behavior and life of a given animal species, both to develop studies on the evolution and importance of that species within the ecosystem and for medicinal purposes, observing how they heal from diseases or what benefits they can cure. bring to humans.

A professional specializing in zoology can work in zoos or in research institutes, but can also provide services for companies such as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals, for example.


The biologist specialized in biotechnology works together with professionals from the pharmaceutical industry , helping to develop medicines. Although this is one of the main functions of this type of professional, she can also work in the agricultural industry and in food science , working alongside biologists specialized in bioinformatics.

The development of antibiotics and genetically modified foods such as fruits and grains capable of supplying certain needs of our body, are often the result of a job well done among professionals from different areas, among them, is the biologist specialized in biotechnology.


Microbiology is the specialty dedicated to studying microorganisms . It is directly related to other areas, such as biochemistry and genetics. The work of a microbiologist can involve several functions such as understanding what is the relationship between certain types of microorganisms and humans or other animals;

Develop methods to combat this type of organism in the waters used by us and also in our food; in addition to also counting on researches that help the pharmaceutical industry, agriculture and livestock, the food industry, among others.

Graduation in Biology

There are two ways to graduate in biology , either through a bachelor’s degree in biology or a degree in biology. The main difference between these two types of training is the form of performance that the professional will have after graduation.

Within the degree course, a greater focus on the pedagogical question is given, therefore, many of those who graduate in this type of graduation have greater capacity to be teachers. In the baccalaureate course, there is no focus and the subjects are taught in a way that the professional can choose and specialize.

However, this does not mean that a biologist who has a degree cannot work in laboratories or environments where professionals trained in the bachelor’s degree work, only that this is more unusual to happen and there may be a little more difficulty in changing areas.

Monthly Fees

Several public and private universities offer a biology course in all regions of Brazil. The cost of tuition for a college of biology can vary widely depending on the institution chosen and the region where you intend to study. The variation is between R $ 500.00 and R $ 2,000.00 , with an overall average of R $ 900.00 .

List of the Main Biology Universities in Brazil

  • University of Brasília – Brasília (DF)
  • Federal University of Goiás – Goiânia (GO)
  • Federal University of Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte (MG)
  • State University of Campinas – Campinas (SP)
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – Porto Alegre (RS)
  • Amparense University Center – Amparo (SP)
  • Adventist University Center of São Paulo – São Paulo (SP)
  • University of the Sacred Heart – Bauru (SP)
  • São Judas Tadeu University – São Paulo (SP)
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

Biology Specializations

After completing her undergraduate degree, a biology professional can follow different directions in her career. For that, there are usually postgraduate courses that offer different types of specializations to prepare professionals to be researchers or to deepen their knowledge in disciplines in which they already have some taste.

Some of the main specializations in biology are:

  • Pharmacology
  • Animal Biology
  • Neuroscientist


A pharmacologist is the biologist responsible for studying the effects of chemicals on humans. For this reason, the vast majority of professionals with this specialty work in the area of ​​drug development, analysis and testing.

The curricular matrix of the graduate course in pharmacology involves several disciplines that address chemistry and deepens the knowledge of human biology of its students. The course lasts an average of 2 years and tuition can vary from R $ 200.00 to R $ 1500.00.

Animal Biology

The professional specialized in animal biology, has in living beings the main focus of her work. An animal biologist can act in the preservation of species, research on the evolution of certain animals, in addition to being able to work alongside veterinarians in zoos, for example.

This type of specialization in biology focuses on biodiversity and the relationship between human beings and other natural beings. Its average duration is 2 years and the monthly fees can vary from R $ 500.00 up to 2,000.00, depending on the institution and the region of Brazil.


The professional who chooses to specialize in neuroscience has human beings as her main object of study. Human behavior through different areas of the brain is studied in this specialization course, which is considered a branch of biology, but which can include professionals from other areas such as medicine and psychology.

The activities of neurons and the connections that our brains make are just some of the elements that make biologists interested in graduate school in neuroscience. Courses are offered by several public and private universities and tuition can vary from R $ 350.00 to 930.00.

How Much Does a Biologist Earn?

As biology is a wide area and with several possibilities , salaries can vary a lot according to the specialty, the level of knowledge of the professional and her position within the company. Despite this, it is possible to make a general average of each type of biologist to have an idea of ​​the salaries offered to that type of professional today.

How Much Does a Basic Biology Education Teacher Earn?

Lowest salary: R $ 1,700.00

Average salary: R $ 3,000.00

Highest salary: R $ 6,000.00

How Much Does a Neuroscientist Earn?

Lowest salary: R $ 2,000.00

Average salary: R $ 5,000.00

Highest salary: R $ 30,000.00

How Much Does a Pharmacologist Earn?

Lowest salary: R $ 2,700.00

Average salary: R $ 5,000.00

Highest salary: R $ 25,000.00

How Much Does a Microbiologist Earn?

Lowest salary: R $ 1,700.00

Average salary: R $ 5,000.00

Highest salary: R $ 20,000.00

Choosing to go to college in biology can be a challenge, because the choice of what you really want to do will not be made right away, since there are so many different possibilities and options within the job market and also in the academic world, through research and practical work aimed at advancing several areas of biology.

Dealing with living beings is never an easy job, but it is possible to see that it is a job that generates a lot of pleasure and happiness , since more and more people choose to study biology, either in undergraduate or bachelor’s degrees.

The biologist’s career, like any other, has its ups and downs , but a properly prepared professional can deal with any problems and maintain a professional stability that many other professions do not offer.

See also: Social Worker – What You Do and How Much You Earn

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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