Beautician – What You Do and How Much You Earn

The beautician is a professional whose main objective is to treat people’s bodies, faces and health. The profession can be learned in both technical and higher education courses, each with its own particularities. The main working methods of a beautician are massage, skin cleaning, application of makeup, as well as alternative therapies aimed at the well-being of clients.

Great Search for Beauticians

More and more people seek the services of a beautician in search of the results that this type of professional can provide, both for beauty and for the well-being of people. It is no wonder that Brazil is the third largest consumer of cosmetic products , second only to the United States and China. The search for the results of a beautician’s work is done by both men and women and has been growing even in times of crisis.

Women in the Aesthetics Market

The profession of beautician is, in general, considered a female profession . And it is not for nothing that this thought perpetuates the collective unconscious, since the presence of men in aesthetic courses does not reach 10%, despite having increased significantly in recent years, also due to the growth of the sector in general.

So it is easy to imagine that the aesthetic market is very receptive for women , both because they are the majority in the segment, and because of the growth of the aesthetic market in Brazil. This means that pursuing a career in the field can be a good opportunity for women in the country.

What is the Profile of a Beautician?

First, a beautician must have a good interpersonal relationship . This is because most of the functions that a professional in the field can follow deal with customers on a daily basis. Another important point and almost never mentioned, is that the student of courses in aesthetics, should be interested in areas such as chemistry and biology, as she will deal directly with products that generate different reactions on people’s skin and body. The organization is another common characteristic of professionals in the field of aesthetics, in addition to being attentive to technological innovations that arise within the area.

Interest in Health

Although the focus of the aesthetic courses is focused on the beauty and well-being of people, an esthetician cannot ignore the health factor, which is very important for professionals in the field. Health is directly linked to the work carried out by an esthetician and, for this reason, those who wish to work in the area must also be interested in issues related to health.

What Does a Beautician Do?

The aesthetic professional deals with all issues related to people’s physical and mental well-being . For this, the beautician has to be able to evaluate, select and indicate which treatment is correct for each client. This involves the various functions that can be followed within the different branches of the area. Some of the most expressive are:

  • Podiatry
  • Hair Cosmetics Development
  • Aesthetic Treatment of Stretch Marks
  • Aromatherapy


The podiatry professional is responsible for studying and treating the feet , carrying out examinations, proposing and accompanying treatments for their clients. A professional with expertise in aesthetic foot health can deal with audiences of any age, performing different functions such as:

  • Diagnosing foot diseases
  • Sanitize broken or ingrown nails
  • Remove calluses
  • Treating sole problems
  • Analyze the patient’s footwear, checking for wear in any region.

Podiatry is one of the areas of aesthetics that most relates to the health of patients and deals directly with doctors, whether referring patients for surgery or more intensive treatments, or receiving patients referred by doctors.

It is common for people to confuse the work of podiatrists with that of pedicures, but these two professions have a fundamental difference . While the podiatrist seeks to identify and treat diseases and problems, thus providing better foot health, the manicure is only concerned with beautifying clients’ feet.

There are technical courses and even undergraduate courses in podiatry. Each professional chooses what they want to do according to their goals within the area.

Hair Cosmetics Development

It is an area little explored by industry professionals, but it has been growing a lot in Brazil as well. The beautician who works in the development of hair cosmetics is concerned with carrying out tests with new products and evaluating their results, both in the aesthetic and health spheres.

Cosmetics such as hair dyes, straighteners, tip repairers, shampoos , conditioners and styling creams are objects of the work of a beautician who works in this area.

Particularly here, it is important that the professional has a good affinity with chemistry and biology , as she will deal all the time with products that generate reactions in people’s bodies, skin and hair.

Aesthetic Treatment of Stretch Marks

An aesthetic professional who deals especially with, finds a market full of people to serve . Stretch marks are a concern for many women and men as well and are often the reason for someone to visit an aesthetic clinic.

Stretch marks are scars in the form of lines that form on the skin, they appear when there is damage to elastic fibers, caused by the stretching of the skin. Some of the main aesthetic treatments for stretch marks are:

  • Peeling
  • Subcisão
  • Dermoabrasion
  • Intradermotherapy

Some treatments, such as peeling, for example, involve the application of acids on the skin so that the stretch marks disappear or at least diminish. The subcision makes its treatment with needles and also serves to remove cellulite , as they promote a reorganization of the cells at the applied site.

Dermabrasion is a specific type of stretch mark sandpaper and intradermotherapy is performed with injections of substances that generate reactions in the body and is recommended only for the most severe cases .


Aromatherapy is a type of aesthetic treatment made from essential oils . Each oil is chosen according to the wishes and needs of the customers, after physical and psychological tests. Such oils can be applied through massages, baths and even inhalation. The professional who wants to work with aromatherapy can find employment in beauty clinics or clinics specialized in this type of treatment.

What training is needed to be a beautician?

There are several ways to become a beautician. Technical courses, for example, train professionals capable of working in different branches of aesthetics, evaluating and treating clients. The technical course in aesthetics lasts an average of 2 years and can be found in several institutions throughout Brazil.

Disciplines Learned No Course

Some of the main disciplines that are learned in the course are hygiene, makeup techniques, hand and foot treatment , among others. The technical course in aesthetics is indicated for those who want to continue in the practical area and best known by the general public, serving customers, evaluating and carrying out the necessary treatments.

Another way to become a beautician is to graduate in aesthetics , which lasts an average of 4 years and often serves as a complementary course for technicians, deepening disciplines already studied and addressing new subjects so that the professional has an even more vision broad range of work that can be done.

Main Aesthetics Faculties in Brazil

  • Anhembi Morumbi University – São Paulo (SP)
  • Oswaldo Cruz College – São Paulo (SP)
  • University Center Vila Velha – Vila Velha (ES)
  • University of Southern Santa Catarina – Tubarão (SC)
  • Paulista University – São Paulo (SP)
  • University of Vale do Itajaí – Itajaí (SC)
  • Estácio de Sá University – Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
  • SENAC – São Paulo (SP)
  • Cruzeiro do Sul University – São Paulo (SP)
  • Faculty Center Mato-Grossense – Sorriso (MT)

Specializations in Aesthetics

A professional trained in higher education in aesthetics has the possibility to graduate and specialize in an area that interests you. A postgraduate beautician expands her possibilities of acting within the job market, in addition to competing for higher positions within institutions. Some of the postgraduate courses that can be taken by beauticians are:

  • Perfumery
  • Cosmetology
  • Facial and Body Aesthetics


The postgraduate course in perfumery is a course that aims to prepare professionals for different types of market. One of the possibilities is to enter the world of chemical companies that work with the production of perfumes that need beauticians to assist both in production and in quality.

Another very targeted possibility is the fashion market , since the culture of perfume is linked to the culture of fashion. Professional beauticians with postgraduate degrees in perfumery can enter the market where great brands work to establish themselves as great producers of perfume. The average duration of postgraduate studies in perfumery is 2 years.


The postgraduate course in cosmetology, different from that of perfumery, aims to prepare students to work in any type of company that produces cosmetics and not just in a specific area. The course emphasizes disciplines that address chemistry, theories ranging from the history of cosmetology to ethics at work, in addition to several practical disciplines on product production, such as lipsticks, aerosols, sunscreens, among others.

Professionals who graduate from this course generally work in the production, quality and registration of various types of products , being able to lead teams and coordinate projects. The postgraduate course in cosmetology lasts an average of 2 years.

Facial and Body Aesthetics

For those looking to specialize in a more practical area, the postgraduate course in facial and body aesthetics can be a good option. The course, which lasts an average of 2 years , aims to deepen the knowledge of professionals in health disciplines with a focus on aesthetics, enabling them to work in clinics specializing in certain facial and body treatments, so that they can serve clients and also coordinate other professionals. .

The postgraduate course in facial and body aesthetics addresses subjects such as laser therapy, electrotherapy, integrative therapies , a good theoretical basis with subjects that address biology and chemistry, as well as marketing classes, management and business strategies.

How Much Does a Beautician Earn?

There are differences between the salaries of professionals working in the field of aesthetics, either by the type of training or the niche they wished to pursue. Of course, the more specialized a beautician is, the more chances she has to stand out in the market and get better positions in clinics or companies. But there are also other individual factors that can make a difference in a beautician’s salary, such as practical knowledge and experience within the field.

We can see that salaries for beauty professionals tend to be higher in regions where the cost of living is higher and where the market is broader as well. States like São Paulo, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro, for example, have an average salary higher than the rest of the states in Brazil.

Average Salaries of Beauticians

The average wages, as the name implies, is only an average and can vary according to the institution or region. However, it is always good to know what you can expect from each position you hold.

List of average salaries:

  • Epilator: R $ 950,00
  • Aesthetic Technique: R $ 1045,00
  • Massage Therapist: R $ 950.00
  • Aesthetic Assistant: R $ 855.00
  • Bachelor of Aesthetics: R $ 2,500.00

Freelance Professionals

Some beauticians seek to work as freelancers , where earnings can vary widely, but a professional with a regular average can get to earn R $ 3,000.00, depending on how she performs her job and what roles she performs. It is good to remember that self-discipline and management skills are necessary skills for those who want to pursue a career as a freelance.

Being an aesthetic professional means knowing how to unite the areas of health and beauty so that your client or patient can feel better at the end of the treatment. It is an expanding area and, with Brazil among the largest aesthetic markets in the world, it is a good option for those who want to change areas or are looking for something to identify with.

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Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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