A baby shower is not just an ordinary party, it usually brings loved ones together to have fun and enjoy this very special moment with mom, dad, family and friends.
Baby Shower
In the past, baby shower games involved only mom and as a tradition only women participated . They had to discover gifts or were “punished” with face, body and other gifts. Nowadays the most fun games involve all the guests and generate a good laugh.
At this time of fellowship you can perform various activities to amuse the guests . Baby shower games can be worth points or worth gifts. It is important that this part of the baby shower does not happen too late at the party and that it is not too long, so as not to tire the guests, much less mom.
Play Prize
If you prefer to order the games for Baby Shower by points, the gift can be one and more neat . Make a table with the respective points that each game is worth and you will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Some may be worth more and others less.
In the end give a more neat gift to the one who scored more, after all she deserves recognition for being so participative in the game. You can also reward each winning guest. So the souvenirs can be simpler and more people will win.
The games do not spend much and can be performed by all the guests who want to participate, including men. So let’s put creativity to work!
5 Baby Shower Ideas
There are many ideas and suggestions to put into practice when playing baby shower games. Just see which your guests will enjoy the most and make the moment as pleasant as possible.
- Scrambled words
On a sheet of paper write several words related to motherhood with the letters out of order. Distribute it to the guests and whoever finishes the words, correctly, first, wins the game.
- Diaper changing
This is one of the cool baby shower games to insert daddy. In this competition, the guest who performs the quickest exchange wins. It is necessary to clean, apply ointment, put the diaper and the clothes to be more complete.
- Baby Bingo
Just like in the original bingo in this game you need a card, only in place of numbers are placed drawings or words referring to baby objects and objects. Mom draws a word and reads it aloud. Whoever completes the card first wins.
- Customizing the Body
It can be held in trio, double or individual, depending on the number of guests and the budget. Buy some white bodysuits, sequins, heat transfer adhesive, fabric paint and ribbons and distribute them to the guests. They are free to create the body design as they wish and the baby gets a personalized gift.
- Baby word search
One of the simple baby shower games that can be made at home. In word search you select a few words related to the baby and give the guests a minute or two to find it. Whoever finishes first or has found more words wins.
How to Make a Different Baby Shower
The best way to have a different party is to put your identity at the time of making the pranks for Baby Shower. If you like photographs, make a joke where the guest who takes the most creative or most beautiful photo with a baby gets points.
The baby chair game. Putting a car seat in the car can be quite complicated. Make this a joke among the guests, whoever can place the chair safely in less time wins the points.
During the party
A different idea when choosing baby shower games that can happen throughout the party is the following: buy small baby dolls and place them in ice cubes. Arrange in a basin and when all the guests are arrived, deliver one for each. The first one that the ice completely melts wins a prize or points.
“How much it costs” joke
The game “how much does it cost”? In this game you select certain important items for the baby, for example:
- Pacifier;
- Body;
- Diaper package;
- Shampoo;
- Overalls;
- Baby carriage;
- Baby food.
In this baby shower game, the guest should write down how much each item costs. Each value you set, or the guest who is closest, makes a point. In the end, whoever has the most points wins the game.
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Simple baby shower game ideas
There are some games for Baby Shower that are simple, but that can liven up the guests. These games are quick and can be worth points, instead of a gift for each one. For example:
How big is the belly?
In this game the guests need to guess the diameter of the mother’s belly just by looking and using a string.
Hot potato with dirty diapers
This kind of pranks for baby shower is very easy to do and requires little time. Soil a diaper (inside) with clay or chocolate and sing the song of the hot potato. Whoever gets last wins a freebie or the combined points.
Forbidden word
This joke lasts for the whole baby shower. Guests are instructed when they arrive at the party which word cannot be said, for example, baby, mom, diapers or dad. When the guest speaks the forbidden word, he gets a ribbon. At the end of the party, whoever has the least ribbon wins .
Looking for the pacifier
One of the easiest baby shower games to play. Someone hides one or more pacifiers around the party and the guests have to find it. Point counting can be done in groups or individually.
It is possible to adapt to let it roll during the party, for example, to put one on the chair, in the cabinets, attached to the wall and leave a message saying that he found the pacifier. As the guests find themselves they will earn points. In the end, whoever has the most pacifiers wins a special souvenir.
Guessing the baby food
It may be one of the most controversial baby shower games. As the game involves food, not everyone will be up for it. For fun it is better to be done only with mom and dad. The label of the baby food is removed and the eyes are blindfolded. Whoever guesses the most flavors of baby food wins.
Baby Girl Shower Ideas
If you are pregnant with a girl you can adapt all the games above. Some may be more specific, such as customizing clothes or using feminine props. Another very creative suggestion is the message box of the future.
This is one of the games for baby shower that does not need stitches or gifts. Hand the letterheads and pens to the guests and ask them to write a message for the baby and the parents that will only be read in the future. Put it in a box or folder and keep it safe. When the agreed date arrives, get everyone together or read just yours. It will certainly be exciting!
Customizing tiaras for baby girl. This game is like the custom body, but more specific. In this you can distribute flowers, pearls and the simple tiara so that the guests can customize one. In this case it is possible to distribute one to each one, leaving them free to create whatever they want.
Playing Baby Stop
Another option for baby shower games is the baby stop. Like the classic game, however it is only possible to use words related to motherhood and the girl. The categories can be:
- Female baby name;
- Every girl needs;
- Baby design / program;
- Song;
- The toy that every girl needs;
Set a minute on the timer and count the points. It is interesting to do between 5 to 10 rounds so as not to be tiring. The games for Baby Shower are numerous, it is possible to adapt any activity for a fun moment with loved ones. Enjoy this unique day and have fun!
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.