All About Female Lubrication

Female lubrication is very important in several aspects of a woman’s life. Both for the day to day, feel comfortable, and especially for sexual intercourse. However, when the lack of female lubrication happens, it is quite a problem in the intimate lives of so many women.

Let’s see how and why this lack of lubrication happens and how to solve this problem that bothers the couple’s sexual life.

The woman’s organism is quite complex, the pituitary gland, the size of a peanut, which is located in the center of the brain, starts many hormones in the body and stimulates other glands to produce hormones and body secretions.

However, it is in the reproductive region , more precisely in the ovaries, that hormonal stimulation responsible for female lubrication takes place. The production of estrogen happens during the entire cycle, more in some moments, less in others, but it is always working to produce hormones and keep the intimate region lubricated and even more for sexual intercourse and the female fertile period .

What is Female Lubrication?

Female lubrication is a watery or slightly thick secretion produced by glands that are in the cervix and the vaginal canal. The bartholin glands and the skene, which are stimulated by the estrogen produced by the ovaries, are responsible for the production of vaginal secretion and also for the transparent, sticky liquid that effectively prepares the vagina for sexual intercourse.

In addition, it also helps with vaginal swelling to receive penetration in the act of sexual intercourse . Another hormone that helps in intimate lubrication is testosterone, responsible for the woman’s sexual desire, without it, the relationship will not be so pleasurable.

The female lubrication mucus is basically composed of body water, but it also contains cells that can alter the pH of the vagina (which should normally be between 3.8 to 4.2, which helps to prevent problems such as infections and the penetration of external bacteria) and make it difficult for women who wish to become pregnant to quickly obtain a positive result, by altering the environment favorable to sperm.

Lack of Female Lubrication and Its Causes

When there is a significant hormonal drop in the woman’s body, there is a decrease or even lack of female lubrication that will cause many discomforts. An episode that can cause this low lubrication is the presence of the climacteric , a time when the ovaries start to fail, drastically reduce the production of hormones and precedes the beginning of menopause.

In fact, during menopause, hormones are totally low, and the lack of female lubrication is quite a problem for everyday life, but especially for sexual intercourse. The vagina becomes totally dry and there are other problems such as sudden hot flushes and sudden changes
in mood. The problem is when the climacteric happens very early, bringing women to an early menopause .

However, women of reproductive age may also experience low female lubrication. Problems such as anovulatory cycles , low ovarian stimulation due to problems such as polycystic ovaries and also stress itself, can trigger female lubrication problems.

These episodes are important and should be treated seriously by a professional who will initiate an investigation into what is causing the low production of vaginal lubrication, and if it is necessary to prescribe an appropriate treatment for the problem.

Normally, remedies for female lubrication are extremely simple and easy to use, the vast majority are through estrogen-based hormone replacement .

Medicines like antiallergic, antidepressants, diseases like lupus , Sjögren’s syndrome and even traumatic sexual experiences bring problems for female lubrication.

How to Increase Female Lubrication?

Increasing female lubrication depends on a few aspects:

  • Low lubrication is caused by a physiological problem
  • Does the woman have any external problems that interfere with the production of mucus

So, how to increase female lubrication without causing major problems? Both physiological and hormonal problems are treated with medication as a continuous hormone replacement in cases of climacteric and menopause.

The remedies for female lubrication are always based on hormones, mostly estrogens, but there are also some combinations between progesterone, estrogen, lovorgestrel and other synthetics.

As for women with any problems such as low estrogen production due to problems such as hormonal fluctuation can make a treatment temporarily with drugs also the base hormone replacement and return the quality and quantity of lubrication.

A great indication of how to increase female lubrication without being invasively, are the gels suitable for maintaining sexual intercourse and also good lubrication throughout the day.

The most suitable are water-based, soft and very similar to the natural lubrication of the female body. However, there are other gels on the market that can help momentarily, but are not suitable, they have oil-based formulations that cause extreme irritations to the region and may even worsen the problem with intimate lubrication.

Vaseline and mineral oil may seem like good options, but they are also not indicated for causing irritation and allergies in some organisms.

These water-based gels are not considered remedies for female lubrication , on the contrary, they are a very efficient and natural help to maintain the woman’s quality of life, but they must be chosen by hand, especially by couples who want to get pregnant.

The vast majority of gels on the market are not suitable for conception. This, because it does not create a healthy environment for sperm, so the ideal is to choose a gel that does not harm sperm and facilitates their arrival in the tubes for fertilization.

Contrary to what many people think, the psychological part can actually hinder the production of lubricating mucus! Stress, everyday problems and sexual traumas such as harassment can cause low or no lubrication for intercourse. In these cases, the help of a sexologist and also a psychologist is very welcome!

Remedies for Female Lubrication

There are some remedies for female lubrication on the market. These should be used with a prescription as they are based on hormones. Creams for vaginal dryness are the most common prescribed by doctors for menopausal women.

The effect of the creams can be maintained for 2 days, and must be used with the appropriate applicators . Other vaginal moisturizing creams contain a low dose of estrogens , so it becomes a restricted medication, not all women can use it. It is best to talk to your gynecologist to see if they are the best options for you.

Foods That Help Female Lubrication

Nature helps the female body a lot. There are foods that help with female lubrication, which improve the amount of mucus and also the quality. A good example of foods that help with female lubrication is yams.
Loaded with estrogen, it helps as many women with climacteric problems as couples who want to become pregnant. The mucus from yam stimulation is extremely natural. Other easy-to-find foods and teas also help a lot to increase female lubrication:

Banana : As it contains magnesium, the banana helps in dilating the vessels of the vagina, increases blood circulation, so it promotes greater sensitivity and with that, greater excitement for sex.

Ginseng : Ginseng tea is also a great option, it may even seem like a remedy for female lubrication, however, it is a tea from a root and therefore, natural. Rich in nitric oxide, it also helps in vasodilation of the vagina.

Peruvian Maca : Very well known for regulating the body’s hormones, Peruvian Maca can help a lot in lubrication if consumed properly. The ideal is 2 mg a day.
Foods with vitamin E and D are great for helping female lubrication. Vitamin D helps in vaginal PH which relieves the symptom of vaginal dryness. Vitamin E, on the other hand, increases the amount of blood in the labia majora, which promotes greater blood circulation and improves the feeling of dryness.

What to Avoid to Improve Female Lubrication

Some habits can be villains and allies to increase vaginal dryness. For example, the vaginal shower , it completely removes natural bacteria from the vagina that protect the external bacteria and also removes the natural lubrication of the region.

Use of panties made of synthetic fabrics is also not indicated. The dampness that this tissue causes, worsens the vaginal environment and can even cause diseases such as fungal proliferation. The ideal is to wear cotton lingerie because, with this fabric, the region can breathe.

The use of intimate wipes should be restricted, used only in emergency cases. It is recommended that this woman use glycerin-based soap or those appropriate for babies. Remembering that moderation and common sense is the basis of everything.

See also: Changes in the Vagina in the Fertile Period

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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