Do you want to get pregnant? How do you plan a pregnancy in your life? Did you know that an expected pregnancy can be more peaceful? Yes, couples who plan pregnancy in various aspects have greater peace of mind when it finally happens. Nowadays, parents’ biggest difficulties are really with the financial part. A child is a blessing without a doubt, but it can get in the way of finances if the couple is not prepared to receive an expense of this size. Let’s tell the truth, son spends a lot! That is why it is important that you know how to plan a pregnancy, in order not to have any unforeseen circumstances and also to have problems in the future both with health and in your pocket.
Tip 1: Health
The tips on how to plan a pregnancy could only start with the most precious of all, health! Being in good health is fundamental to start this journey. That is why the couple must do all possible tests, such as blood, urine, ultrasound for women and maybe even a sperm test for men. Periodic exams include blood typing, immunity to diseases such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, HIV and syphilis. If there is a problem, the ideal is to treat it before starting attempts to conceive.
It is also recommended to give up addictions and medications that could possibly harm your pregnancy. Finding the ideal doctor also at this stage of preparation will be more reassuring when the pregnancy finally happens. Taking care of food is also part of planning a pregnancy! Eating healthy things helps the whole body, including gametes. So those who eat properly would not have serious problems with infertility .
Doing some physical activity, in addition to helping you lose weight, can contribute to increased blood circulation and improve the quality of sperm and vascularization of the uterus. Start at least 3 months before adequate folic acid intake. The contraceptive is indicated for at least 3 months before you actually start trying to get pregnant, because it will protect your eggs until the right time to have the baby.
Tip 2: Finance
Having a nest egg in today’s times is essential! Even more for couples looking to increase their family. Know that baby does give a big expense, if you are going to count all the layette and everything else that is necessary in pregnancy, we can count at least R $ 5,000 reais just to start. Wardrobe, clothes, bathtub and also diapers! If your plan is to have children 4 years from now then start saving now! The more you have the better, you will not regret having an amount of money saved when the right time for the baby comes, it will go to me. But don’t just think while he’s newborn. Savings are also recommended for school expenses, over time you can save to invest in your child’s future. Whether in private schools or maybe even a college. Saving a little per month won’t make much of a difference, just program yourself. It would only need R $ 50.00 per month for a fat savings when the time comes for school.
Tip 3: Space
In addition to all the love that takes over the house, a baby brings with him the need for a space for him. So if you have an extra room in the apartment or house to accommodate your child, it will certainly be much better. It seems that the smaller they are, the more things they need! A cot, a wardrobe, a dresser, and several other little things that he will get, such as diapers and toys, space for a child is essential, especially when you want to have more than one child. A good tip for those who want to have more children, is to buy neutral elements, at least the most expensive, the investment may become smaller in the future. Stroller, crib, baby comfort, dresser, closet and everything you can use for longer.
More Tips on Planning a Pregnancy
In addition to the three fundamental tips, there are also some things that we can put into practice, such as having a good health plan to accompany the pregnancy with quality prenatal care and also to have the baby in a good maternity. If it is out of budget and you want to have a dream delivery, saving a sum of money to pay for the delivery should also go into financial planning.
If it is the second or third child , having an idea of how the child will cope with the arrival of a sibling will help a lot. The couple must prepare themselves psychologically and show little by little that the idea of having a brother is cool. If there is jealousy or resistance this is normal! It is up to the parents to learn how to deal with this condition.
Working couples, should have a plan of who will be with the baby after the end of maternity leave. It is also advisable to have a plan B for any unforeseen events that may happen. Having a structure even before you get pregnant makes everything easier! So do everything you want before the baby arrives, enjoy the ballad, life together to fully enjoy the moment of motherhood!
See also: The Arrival of the Little Brother – Video My Experiences
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.